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NOVEMBER 7-9, 2008 

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Wood & Wood Enterprises and would like to acknowledge 
and thank all the speakers at the conference: Stephen Bassett, Richard M. Dolan, Dr. Kevin 
Randle, Don Schmitt, Jim Marrs, , Linda Moulton Howe, , Nick Redfern, , , Dr. Robert Wood, 
and Ryan S. Wood. 

Sincere appreciation goes to the organizing committee of Dr. Robert Wood, Michelle Buysse 
and Ryan S. Wood. Their steadfast dedication to the mission of exposing the extraterrestrial truth 
to a wider audience has not faltered. 

The information contained in these papers is the copyrighted material of the author. 

For further information about next year’s conference or questions contact: 

Wood & Wood Enterprises 

14004 Quail Ridge Drive, Broomfield, CO 80020 

Phone: 720-887-8171 

Fax: 720-887-8239 


April 18, 1962: The Las Vegas UFO Crash 

DFE REVIN: RONG: sasccccscscsccccssssccoconsotaneecesscsossnenesensnnsedancetence reece nanete TCT ET RTT Ee 

Why UFOs Are A National Security Threat 

NICK ROCHON: cvcéssscannsviacssensseesscussceecctevsansccoelecausecaeousi suaeecasieernee Tee oRee ee eee RUT ne 

The Westport UFO Crash Retrieval Event 

JOMMES ' CIGKKSON : crszsgesssvceesswesccigasuivwaueeeesesedas saveehchaBaces aces fe reece ee 

Ministry of Defense X-Files 

NICK! RODE, sccvesssecsnnecdcnvacenesscenenssedserssvensevwsleuesiusbousuxuenystternesesetreece rt ene eeee ee 

Bentwaters 1980: Telpathic lights? 

LINAS MOUIFOM HOW Ci icscessscens evs cseesas ocessveebadsdaudeescoosSecosue uae ce Paseo sees ee eee 

Tunguska: 100 Years Later 

NICK: REGION ie sciscpseveessnasevereovednsawaapsanacctcot Uuntcevenctousslacddaetuceeteemte ses ameeen cre nae nunc ee ny 

Forensic Linquistics and the Majestic Documents 

Br /(ROBEIT Ms WOO G esuiessccnanstuusesavasypecniac esau bases se chcedecsesheuseeebb eee cobe meres 

Nazification of America 

JIVUINAGUTS \cnansticnensesesesdetessetceswonesas se vlsosnasaneuvevaiucavccscnuerecereucceese ceeeeeesT at eee ee Te TORU CEE TTT eae 

May 28, 1974: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, New Mexico 

Dr. JOHN. B: AIGXONGOSR visscswsssesccssscceeccensvcscaees pueccduaconsauececeos cous TCs eee ee en 

UFOs and the National Security State Volume Il —1973-1991 

RISO DOIGM ......ccccceccsecscncasesnescosesecenenusscesnneseccans ces ceon nee e ret T ee TET TEE ns 

1974 Coyame, Mexico UFO Crash, New Revelations 

Ruben Uriarte & NOC TOmes:s.ccccscevtevecasecessvoccoussucaccersesccseelacapecntec perce eee een nt re 

A Survey of Retrieved Physical Evidence from South American UFO Cases 

J. ANTONIO HUMEGOUS 5. c.cccesccescescnnccccseanaredevevecseceesoucdetecdseaescekesetee seater sooo ee 

te eeeenee 

April 18, 1962: The Las Vegas UFO Crash 

By Kevin D. Randle, Ph.D. 
Copyright 2008 Kevin D. Randle, Ph.D ( 


Just after 8:00 P.M. on the evening of April 18, 1962, something bright flashed over part 
of the United States lighting up the ground from Kansas to Nevada. There were reports 
that it landed near the small town of Eureka, Utah and reports of radar confirmation from 
Nellis Air Force Base outside of Las Vegas. Newspapers the next day reported on the 
flight or on an explosion seen on the eastern border of Nevada near Mesquite. Search and 
rescue operations were begun but ended when no one reported the lost of an aircraft. 
Investigation by the Air Force suggested there were two separate events on two separate 
days, that there had been no attempts of an intercept by Air Force fighters, and that a 
solution for the sightings had been found. None of that was true. Investigation by civilian 
researchers found dozens of witnesses, evidence of a radar sighting, proof of intercept 
attempts, and confusion about the dates created by the Air Force. If what was learned is 
true, then it is quite possible a craft from another world fell on part of the extensive 
gunnery ranges controlled by the Air Force. 


In the Project Blue Book files, the official investigation of UFOs by the U.S. Air 
Force, there are few cases that offer multiple chains of evidence. That is, few cases offer 
multiple eyewitness testimony over a large region, radar confirmation of the object’s 
passing, interaction with the environment, and even the possibility of physical evidence. 
Such a complex case, if properly researched and analyzed, could go a long way in 
demonstrating the reality of alien spacecraft in our atmosphere. 

On April 18, 1962 there was a case that offered all these research elements. 
Unfortunately, at that time, the Air Force wasn’t all that interested in furthering belief in 
UFOs and the investigations conducted by the officers and NCOs left a great deal to be 
desired. Investigators were later sent to Utah twice where there was a possible landing 
and dozens of witnesses, spent “one full day” investigating. They failed to interview all 
but a few of the witnesses and they failed to find any trace of an extraterrestrial object, 
though they seemed to believe they were searching for a meteorite and not an alien 

The Air Force split the sightings into two separate cases, one on April 18 in and 
around Las Vegas and the other on April 19 in the Nephi-Eureka area of Utah. They 
investigated them as if they were two separate events. This made it more easy to explain 

the sightings because if the events were linked many of the possible mundane 
explanations were eliminated. 

According to Project Blue Book files, the April 18 case was a radar sighting from 
Nellis Air Force Base just outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. The project card gave this brief 
summary of the sighting, “Radar sighting. Blip. Speed of object varied. Initial 
observation at 060 [degrees] no elevation. Disappearance at 105 degrees az[imuth] 
10,000 feet altitude. Heading tentively (sic) NE, however disappeared instantly to S. 
Observed by search and height radars. No. Visual.” 

In the comments section of the project card, it said, “There is insufficient data in 
the report to form a valid conclusion. Speed, changes in course, and altitude not included. 
Appearance on both search and height finder confirms that some object was there. Track 
characteristics indicate possible balloon as the source.” It is not explained why the 
investigators, offered some intriguing information, didn’t attempt to answer the questions 
they posed. They just noted the information was not readily available and let it go at that. 

Let’s take a quick look at another aspect. The Air Force claimed that there were 
no visual sightings. The Las Vegas Sun, however, reported on April 19, the day after the 
radar sighting, in a banner headline, “Brilliant Red Explosion Flares in Las Vegas Sky.” 
That article suggested dozens of witnesses and even named some of them. In the lead 
paragraph, Jim Stalmaker, a reporter for the newspaper wrote that a “tremendous flaming 
sword flashed across the Las Vegas skies last night and heralded the start of a search for a 
weird unidentified flying object that apparently had America’s Air Force on alert.” 

Stalmaker reported that Frank Maggio, a staff photographer had seen the object. 
According to the newspaper, Maggio said that a series of bright explosions broke up its 
trail across the sky. 

I talked to Maggio a number of years ago as | was investigating this story. He 
couldn’t tell me anything more than what had been published in the newspaper. It had 
been a long time ago and the sighting, at least from his point of view, was of nothing 
truly extraordinary. It was just a visual sighting of a bright light that seemed to be related 
to the radar tracks recorded out at Nellis. 

That same article mentioned Sheriff's Deputy Walter Butt who was in charge of 
the department’s search and rescue team. The consensus seemed to be that the object was 
heading out toward the east and there had been a final explosion near Mesquite, Nevada 
on the Utah border. Butt took his team into an area between Spring Mountain and 
Mesquite, but nothing else had been reported to the newspaper. 

Butt told me, in a telephone interview, that they had searched the area in jeeps and 
when the sun came up, used airplanes. They didn’t find anything of importance, except 
some ashes that he thought were probably part of a campfire started some weeks earlier 
by a hunter. When no one reported any missing aircraft, and they had run up against the 
fences of part of a Nellis firing range, they called off the search. 

At the AEC’s Nevada Test Site was a man who also saw the object in the air. He 
said that it looked like a nuclear explosion but added quickly that it came from the wrong 
direction for that answer to work. 

In Colorado Springs where the North American Air Defense Command 
(NORAD) is located, the information officer, Lt. Col. Herbert Rolph said they had one 
report of a sighting as far away as New York. 

A NORAD astronomer said that the object could have been a “Lyrid meteor” 
which are often seen between April 19 and 22. But he had seen nothing himself, had 
heard none of the eyewitness reports, and was merely pointing to a possible solution. 

Interestingly, a Nellis Air Force Base spokesman, in contradiction to the 
astronomer, said, ““There’s only one thing wrong with that: a meteor cannot be tracked on 
radar. And this object was.” 

There is a hand written note in the Project Blue Book files impacting on all this. 
Lt. Col. H.C. Showers at the command post called “FTD [Foreign Technology Division] 
of the following event reported to the war room at the Pentagon.” 

Here’s where that gets interesting. The log entry said, “General [Laurence S.] 
Kuter (NORAD) took off and was climbing through 10,000 [feet] when he saw a 
‘meteor’ [quotes in original document] come out of orbit as 0319Z 19 April. He 
described the object as cherry red, clear green, with a long white and red tail. He 
estimated object near Colorado Springs and [the] AF Academy. USAF indicated reports 
coming in from Idaho, Utah, Arizona, ‘OCD’ 28" and 29" (2?) Regions, Navy Aircraft, 
B-52 crew and DC-8 pilots. All reported alike in shape, color, and general direction of 
travel... south to north. An ‘Air Force Colonel’ [quotes in original] reported that object 
[over] the western range - but there was no noise. Denver center [FAA flight center] 
reported at 0332Z that after 10 - 15 minutes after the first reports the trail could still be 
seen. No radar pick up reported as yet. Visual sightings only.” 

About fifty minutes later, just after midnight the command post got another 
report, this time from Lt. Col. James Howell who wanted to report “numerous reports to 
the FAA and AFLC [command post] on the above sighting. It was observed in Los 
Angeles, Col. [Colorado], Montana; Kansas; Utah. A Captain Shields [more on him later] 
of the 733 Troop Carrier Squadron, Ogden, Utah, reported to AFLC that the object 
appeared around 0300Z and was extremely bright - like burning magnesium. He happed 
to be in a procedure turn and thus estimated the life to be 10 seconds. He further stated it 
was traveling from the southwest to the northeast.” 

The notes were signed by Howell A.Dennis, an Air Force captain. 
During the Air Force investigation, Captain Shields was identified as Captain 

Herman Gordon Shields, an Air Force pilot. In a report created by Douglas M. Crouch, 
the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Sections, Shields said, “I was flying a C-119 

aircraft from the left seat (captain’s seat). We were approximately two miles west of La 
Van, Utah flying at 8500 feet MSL... We were making a right turn... We were 
approximately 25 degrees of bank... when it began to get very bright in the cockpit. The 
illumination was from above. It built up slowly. My first impression while the intensity 
was low was that it was the landing lights of another aircraft. Of course when the 
intensity increased this was ruled out automatically. The cockpit was illuminated from 
above... The light source was coming from this area that was blanked out, in other words, 
straight behind this instrument panel because neither Lieutenant Larson, who was in the 
right seat, nor I, saw the source of the illumination... The light intensity increased until 
we could see objects (on the ground) as bright as day for a radius of five to ten miles 
from the aircraft... The intensity of the light diminished faster than it had increased. After 
the light had decreased in intensity we were still looking for the light source, and | 
noticed an object to my left between the wing and the lower part of the fuselage of the 
aircraft against the hills. By this time the light had decreased so that the hills were dark. It 
was night again. And this object which I saw was illuminated. It had a long slender 
appearance comparable to a cigarette in size, that is, the diameter with respect to the 
length of the object. The fore part, or the lower part of the object, was very bright, intense 
white such as a magnesium fire. The second half, the aft section, was a clearly 
distinguishable yellowish color. | would say the object was just about divided in half, the 
forepart being intensely white, the aft section having a more yellow color to it.” 

Later in that same report, Shields said, “I saw only a slender object. I don’t know 
what shape it was. It was only slender object... There was no exhaust, no trail following 
after it. It was clearly defined. | saw it for a period of maybe one or two seconds.” 

What all this has done is connect these sightings in Las Vegas and in Colorado 
with those over the rest of the United States. The best of them came from Utah where 
there were dozens of witnesses, talk of the craft interacting with the environment, and the 
possibility of a landing near the small town of Eureka. 

The Blue Book project card for the Eureka sighting originally gave the date as 19 
April but that was using Greenwich Mean Time. When corrected to local time the 
sightings were made within fifteen minutes of those in Las Vegas and were therefore on 
the same day. 

The project card noted, “Obj[ect] came in over Cuba & apparently landed in 
rough terrain West of Eureka Utah. Bright enough to trip photo electric cell which 
controlled city street lights. Multiple rpts. Attempted recovery by Col Friend & Dr. 
Hynek. See case file.” 

The investigation conducted by Hynek and Friend lasted less than forty-eight 
hours and consisted of interviews with local residents and an aborted attempt to find the 
object that everyone was sure had fallen not far from Eureka. Or maybe “landed” would 
be a better word for it. 

On May 8, 1962, Hynek and Friend, accompanied by Douglas Crouch, who had 
interviewed Shields, and who had interviewed other Utah residents, arrived in Utah. 
Friend, writing to “Hq USAF, SAFOI-3b (Major Hart),” reported, “The number of 
reports generated by the 18 April 1962 sighting, and the fact that the Air Force 
investigation came to a negative conclusion regarding the UFO, they indicated it couldn’t 
have been a meteor (Attachment #1), prompted further investigation by FTD [Foreign 
Technology Division at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base]....This investigation was 
completed in one full day and it was concluded that the object was a bolide. An attempt 
was made to locate the object but this effort failed due to the general nature of the data. 
Further study of this sighting indicates that the meteor probably struck in the area of the 
Wasatch National Forest; however, the Air Force has made no effort to recover it.” 

That statement, written by Friend, that Hynek and Friend actually went into the 
area to conduct the investigation, and that they found no conflicting data suggests that 
Friend might be right. In fact, Dr. Robert Kadesch, who was an associate professor of 
physics at the University of Utah confirmed this in that interview I conducted. Kadesch 
said, simply, “[It]... probably was a bolide.” 

There is, however, more to this case. I visited the area in 1991 and interviewed a 
number of the witnesses. Among the first to sight the object was Sheriff Raymond 
Jackson of Nephi, Utah. According to newspapers, the photoelectric cells on the 
streetlights were tripped by the bright object. Jackson told me that he had “heard a kind 
of a roar.” He glanced up and saw a yellow-white flame going west, heard a series of 
loud booms, and that the lights went out. All consistent with a bolide that tripped the 
photoelectric cells on the streetlights. 

But Jackson also told me that he noticed, specifically, that the lights in a doctor’s 
office had gone out. He said, “All the lights went out temporarily.” He meant that not 
only had the streetlights gone out, but other lights in the town that weren’t controlled by 
photoelectric cells. 

The local newspaper, the Nephi Times-News reported that Maurice Memmott and 
Dan Johnson were south of town, working their farms when the object flashed overhead. 
Memmott told me that he remembers very little about the incident. It was just a bright 
light in the sky that lit the ground like the noon time sun. He said that he believes it was a 

Johnson told me that he remembered the event quite well. He said, “The two of us 
were out in the fields... there were no lights so we were in total darkness.” According to 
him, it came over the southeastern horizon and passed directly over them. “It was a very 
bright light.” 

Unlike many of the others, Johnson remembered no sound associated with the 
object. He did believe that it had landed somewhere to the northwest. He didn’t think it 
was more than five or six miles away. Distances and sizes of objects in the sky are hard 
to judge, and Johnson’s estimate of the landing was probably wrong. 

What is interesting is that Johnson told me that several men had come out to talk 
to him about the sighting. This wasn’t Hynek and Friend but apparently soldiers from the 
Army’s Dugway Proving grounds not all that far from the area. 

Tracking the times and dates as they appeared in the newspaper, Johnson’s 
conclusion seems to be correct. There were two separate teams of investigators and there 
is no indication that any of the information gathered by the soldiers from Dugway ever 
found its way into the Air Force files. If Hynek and Friend ever learned of the 
investigation, they mentioned nothing about it and didn’t record the information for 
inclusion in the file. 

I also interviewed Sergeant E.C. Sherwood of the Utah Highway Patrol. He said 
that he looked up in time to see a ball of fire and thought that it was something from the 
White Sands Missile Range in southern New Mexico. He said that it was mostly a blue 
light that seemed to explode right over him, throwing off a cloud of white sparks. 

Sherwood’s wife heard the explosion and ran outside to see what had happened. 
She told me that most of the neighbors were outside too. All were looking up into the 

I talked to others in the area who told me that there was a series of explosions, 
twenty to thirty of them strung together. Their descriptions ran from a rocket’s engine to 
an artillery shell flying over. There was nothing in these descriptions to rule out a bolide. 
They are often associated with a roaring sound or a series of detonations. 

As the object traveled from Nephi toward Eureka, it flew over Bob Robinson and 
Floyd Evans. According to what Robinson told me, he was traveling south of Eureka 
when they stopped for a moment and both men got out of the truck. Robinson saw the 
light in the southeast and pointed it out. Evans thought it was some kind of a jet aircraft. 
This is a description that had been made in other, similar sightings over the years. 

The object approached them rapidly and then passed directly overhead. Robinson 
told me he thought it was no more than five hundred feet above them. He said it was a 
flaming object and he thought he could see a series of square windows on the craft almost 
hidden in the glow. 

Robinson told me that both he and Evans were frightened by the experience. As 
they had dived under the truck for protection, the engine began to sputter and run roughly 
and the headlights dimmed, but the engine didn’t stall and the lights didn’t go out 

Robinson thought as the object reached them it slowed, as if taking a look at 
them. Robinson thought the object, or at least the light from it was visible for about two 
minutes. As it disappeared in the west, the engine of his truck smoothed out and the 

headlights brightened. 

His wife, Betty told me that when he returned home he looked as if he had seen a 
ghost. His face was white and he was so excited that it was hard for him to speak. 

While she had been sitting in the house, she had heard the roar of the object as it 
flew over. The interior of the house lit up with a strobbing effect. 

Joseph Bernini, the police chief told me he was a city council meeting when they 
all heard the roar. Bernini said that it sounded like an artillery shell flying over. He said 
that he only saw a bright light but he didn’t see any object. 

Bernini also told me that as the object flew over, the lights outside went out but 
these streetlights were on photoelectric cells and no one else reported any other power 
failures in the town. 

Both Bernini’s wife and his son saw the light and his son said that he also saw an 
object. He said that it was moving from the southeast to the northwest. 

Kadesh, when I asked, said that he believed the object to be a bolide that exploded 
sixty to seventy miles high. The flash was so bright that people in Kansas saw it. There 
were those in Reno, Nevada who also said they saw the flash. 

Kadesh thought that people on the ground, looking up, into the night sky with no 
real points of reference, would be unable to accuracy judge distances and speeds. There 
have been a number of UFO reports in which this problem has been demonstrated time 
and again. Add the complication of the unidentified nature of the object and most people 
would inaccurately describe size, speed and altitude. 

But, naturally, they would be able to judge direction. In Utah it was heading to the 
northwest. In Reno, Dan Dyer and the controllers in the local FAA control tower, saw the 
flash and told reporters that it was a brilliant white with a long tail, changing to green, 
orange and red. 

According to officers at Stead Air Force Base, a Bonanza Air Lines pilot said that 
the light passed beneath his aircraft which was flying at 11,000 feet. That made two 
different flight crews, Shields in Utah, and the Bonanza crew in Nevada who reported the 
object below their aircraft. That alone should have ruled out the bolide theory. 

I also checked the local Nevada newspapers. The newspapers create a problem 
because, according to the Reno newspaper the path of the object, as it passed overhead, 
was traveling from the north to the south, and then suggested that it had crashed 
somewhere in Utah. The Los Angeles Times reported that the object seen over Reno was 
traveling to the east. Had the object been a fireball as Dr. Hynek and Lt. Col. Friend 
suggested, there wouldn’t have been such a substantial change in direction. Or, there is a 
discrepancy in the reported direction. 

The real question here is if we have a single sighting or if we have two. Project 
Blue Book created two separate files and suggested that one had taken place on April 18 
and the second on April 19. If it this case was of two sightings, then natural phenomenon, 
including bolides make sense. True, it would be unusual to have two bolides on two 
separate nights but it wouldn’t be impossible, especially given the time of the year. It 
would mean that something had fallen near Eureka, Utah, and something different was 
tracked on radar near Las Vegas. 

| have talked to a man who wishes to remain anonymous, who told me on audio 
tape, that he had been traveling through Utah on the night the object flashed over. He said 
it was a glowing, orange ball that approached the ground and knocked out all the lights in 
Eureka, not just the photoelectric cell streetlights. 

When he got close enough, he saw that it had an oval shape and as it took off, 
heard a quiet whirring noise. He said that it headed to the west, toward Nevada. He 
watched it until it faded from sight. 

At one time, I would have given great weight to an eyewitness sighting, even if 
the witness didn’t want his name associated with UFOs. I could understand that, given 
public reaction and perception. In fact, not all that long ago I heard a cable network news 
anchor say that she thought there was something to stories of flying saucers and she said 
that she wasn’t even a little crazy. And days later a candidate running for president was 
tarred with the brush that he was crazy when he acknowledged a UFO sighting. That 
reinforces, in today’s world, that those who see UFOs are a little unhinged. 

But, the man’s tale is shaky because he won’t allow his name to be used. If he is 
telling the truth, and this would be an important truth, then he should let me report who 
he is. Since he won’t, there is no way for others to evaluate his stability, education, 
qualifications, or truthfulness. His is just another report that fits into the stream near 
Eureka, but which the skeptics can claim is irrelevant because they don’t know who it 
was. And | have to agree with them. 

This fits into another piece of the puzzle which, in the past, I would have given 
great weight to. Not so much today. I received a letter, the writer of which claimed that 
he had been a young lieutenant at Nellis AFB on the night the object was seen there. He 
didn’t identify himself but did provide a picture of a piece of debris. 

This man claimed that he had been awakened in the night and taken out into the 
desert where he and about thirty others were put to work picking up debris. When the sun 
came up they were all loaded onto a bus that had the windows blacked out with large 
pieces of paper. Through a hole, or a place where the paper didn’t fully cover the 
window, he could see out. According to his letter, he saw a disk-shaped craft that had 
been smashed. 

At Nellis, they were all debriefed, told that this was a classified event and not to 
talk to anyone about it. They were told only that they had helped recover debris from an 

experimental aircraft that had crashed and anything that leaked about the event could help 
the Soviets. 

I have never heard from this man again and he didn’t sign the letter. It is an 
anonymous tale with a hint of physical evidence in the form of the picture. But then, in 
today’s world, without a name so that we can verify his claim to having been an Air 
Force officer and stationed at Nellis at the right time, there is no reason to accept this 
story as authentic. | mention it here only because someone else might have heard the 
story or someone else who was there is willing to talk about it now. Without additional 
corroboration, this is little more than rumor. 

When we look at all these sightings, it begins to look as if a single object was 
responsible for al] the reports. It may have landed in Utah, but we also have witnesses to 
it taking off again, heading to the west. Then over Nevada, we have additional reports of 
the object moving to the southeast, apparently making the turn over Reno, flying near Las 
Vegas, and disappearing in a blinding flash east of Las Vegas over Mesquite, near the 
Utah border. All this suggests a single object was responsible for the sightings. 

The Air Force, which had received most of the sighting reports, initially thought 
the same thing. One object was responsible for everything. Officers at Stead Air Force 
Base, Nellis Air Force Base, and at NORAD, all drew the same conclusion. The reports 
from Utah and Reno show the sightings were made within fifteen minutes of each other 
when corrected for the time zones and the fact that some of the sighting reports were filed 
using Greenwich Mean Time. 

The Air Force file for the Nellis Radar sighting puts the incidence some sixteen 
minutes after the sightings in Utah, but the official spokesman at Nellis said the Air 
Defense Command was alerted by the fire trail seen at approximately 7:20 p.m. or within 
a few minutes of the Utah sightings. 

In these files, which | believe were never meant to be seen by anyone other than 
project officers and those making UFO policy, we see that a spokesman for the 28" Air 
Division at Stead Air Force Base admitted the power in Eureka was knocked out and that 
fighters had been scrambled from Nellis as a result of the radar sightings there. 

But, on September 21, 1962, Major C.R. Hart of the Public Information Office, 
responding to a letter from a New York resident claimed that “The official records of the 
Air Force list the 18 April 1962 Nevada sighting to which you refer as ‘unidentified, 
insufficient data.” There is an additional note to the effect that ‘the reported track is 
characteristic of that registered by a U-2 or a high balloon but there is insufficient data 
reported to fully support such an evaluation.” The phenomena reported was not 
intercepted or fired upon.” 

Reports in the Project Blue Book files clearly show that fighters had been 
launched and intercepts had been attempted. I suppose it could be argued that Major Hart 
did not have access to these reports and he had written only what he had been told. 

His explanation also left something to be desired. He wrote that “track is 
characteristic of that registered by a U-2 or a high balloon...” Well, which was it? A 
balloon track would be made at the whim of the wind and a U-2 would have a track that 
showed intelligent control. Surely the radar operator would have been able to tell if he 
was tracking a balloon or a jet. 

Why didn’t they know this for certain? The answer is simple. They could find no 
record of a U-2 flight or balloon launch that would have put one or the other over Las 
Vegas at the proper time. So, it might have been a balloon. It could have been a high 
flying U-2 spy plane. But, in reality, it wasn’t either. 

If you study the Project Blue Book files, you’ll find nearly 4000 cases labeled as 
insufficient data for a scientific analysis. What they were doing was “explaining” the 
cases without having to explain them. The insufficient label kept the case out of the 
unidentified category. They didn’t actually have an explanation, yet they had explained it. 

So, in the end, what do we have here? 

We have an object seen by thousands. In Utah, it was near the ground and it 
interacted with the environment, stalling a car engine and dimming the lights, and putting 
out the lights in Eureka. It maneuvered while close to the ground so that dozens saw it 
and provided descriptions that do not match a bolide. One witness, who remains 
anonymous, claims the object landed and took off again. The object continued its 
journey, reaching Reno where it turned to the southeast, flew on toward Las Vegas where 
there were more witnesses and it was tracked on radar. Then east of Las Vegas, near the 
Utah border, it apparently blew up. 

There is a variety of documentation from the newspapers including the Las Vegas 
Sun, Los Angeles Times, Deseret News and Telegram, The Salt Lake Tribune, The Eureka 
Reporter and the Nephi News-Leader. Additional documentation, including the reports 
created at the time came from the Project Blue Book files. 

This case was connected in the Air Force files even though they created two 
separate files and treated it as two separate events. When put together, the bolide 
explanation fails, but separated they are spectacular events that can be explained in the 

On a page in the file that appears prior to the Intelligence Report prepared by 
Douglas Crouch, an unknown officer wrote, “On April 18, 1962, the Air Force Defense 
Command was puzzled by an aerial object that exploded and seemed to be a meteor, but 
had the unique distinction of being tracked by radar 70 miles northwest of Las Vegas, 
Nevada in a blinding flash. An Air Force Defense Command alert reported the object was 
tracked and traced over New York, Kansas, Utah, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, 
Wyoming, Arizona and California, so that its light covered almost as much area as that 
created by the big hydrogen space bomb test held later in the Pacific hundreds of miles 


The thing about this is that the note is not in the Las Vegas file but in the Utah 
file. And it suggests radar tracks in other parts of the country as well as that from Nellis. 
The flight time, according to the files was thirty-two minutes, much too long for a 

With the cases separated, the Air Force was able to deal with the cases 
piecemeal. The Utah case becomes a bolide and Robert Kadesch, a scientist not involved 
with the UFO project or the Foreign Technology Division, made a plausible expert. His 
statement, reported throughout the country sounded reasonable when the testimony of the 
witnesses is ignored. 

This reveals that the Air Force was not interested in investigation or solving 
riddles. They were interested in clearing cases, slapping a label on them and letting it go 
at that. We know it because they interviewed the Utah witnesses such as Bob Robinson 
and Floyd Evans. They interviewed a dozen witnesses, some of whom described the 
object and who said it was close to the ground. They knew the power had been knocked 
out in Nephi but reported only the light was so bright it affected the photoelectric cells in 
Eureka. They ignored the information that didn’t fit with the bolide theory. 

Something extraordinary happened on the night of April 18, 1962. The Air Force 
offered, as it so often did, a series of explanations and ignored those facts that didn’t fit. 
But the witnesses who were there know the truth. They saw something from outer space 
and it was not a meteor. It was a craft from another world. There is no doubt about it. 



Project Blue Book Files 
Nellis - 18 APR 62 
Time - 2035 L 
Eureka - 19 APR 62 

Time - 0319Z 

bot Os 


“UG = 3 APRIL 1962 fierce 

Fellie AFB, Devace 
rela, rah & focky Aree! 


STA» 39}-——89. 0a» GW 

Shy" 36,008 
15.053 12.u3 

pot 3aSay Lisroln Tare, piehign: 

Rrojéct Blu 

Rates Lave, Carats 
009 13. (Metts) 
Gasville, 1Uiaote 
62.089 11.10 (Ieetext) 


+ Tathatelphte, Ferseyivaaia n 
Cotcca, Fuckigns 

Zeapas: is 

, Terao 
Eéverts APL, Califorcis 
Isties forse Lars, Carate 

RPP 3)-009 277.00e (Ieritic) 

Ramat? & rw 

Las leg 

¢ Written by Stalnaker 
Eureka Landing 
Air Force Spokesman 
Frank Maggio 

Lt. Walter Butt 


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ME ea ie 

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Astec (1atrzca) 

Inputticiest Data 

Miva eels — 

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Anemia: tty 


as Sun 

» Jrepelf ins CS 
Aatro (ISU) 

ms qd} WEROS: a 

General Kuter 
* Took off at 0319 Z 
* Near Colorado Springs 

* Cherry Red, Clear 
Green Red and White 

in April Is2 


\  -Tktelarestigation ia accordeacy with AFA 2'«1 2 taped a: tae 
Secetity sed Law Eaforcesest Office, Mill 373, Vtam et 2329 mowrs 
2 19 Ap 1862 by Douglas 2. Crowts, Chief Criutnal levestigatios 
Section, Security sa¢ Law Enforewwrat Division. 
Captalas Shielét, for the purpose ef this rucorciaz, would jou 
give your saze, rask, serial evober and orgaatrstios. 
By atze is Bereje Gordop Srielés, AL J2I0S4t. 1 ae ¥ pliant 
Troog Carrier cquadroz, statioceS hes at UItl Fa. 
gard to this o8jort, ~oulu sow deectin t+ ep of 
thie obje-t. 

De you sess alter ow sas the light, the sbjre after 
the Ligni...7 Ee ah \ - 
Describe the imcigoat os far 23 the Itgnt ast the th» sbjvet. 

I was (lying a C-llv aircraft trom tae left svat, Fo sere 
appecxic=tely two alles west of La Yes, Gtahk {ljisc at 3599 feet 
KSL. Our treo air speet wae s Little less thin 179 testa, te 
wergmakisg a Fight tura from 4 bwadi ef about O64 Gecrest to 
16S degrees. “oe were spprexiarte) degrees af Past oo the sir- 
eraft a2: we Bad tursed for about Gecrevs to 4 Sradivz of abost 
O73 of 103 Cegrees, S0>+eSers ia there, when it been to cet very 

t* the cockpit. The {lleutaatios was froa aterc. [ft Sulit 
By first ta reesion while the intwaeity <0 Tew ay 
te it sae the lasdlas i:s4t* of amother aircraft, Of course, 
aor she iutesaity iscressod this was ruled out autousticaily. 
it wes illasin:ted [rom sb0re. Im t»e C-119 asreract 


Blue Book Report Card Blue Book Report Card 

Ov] cane tw over Casa & apparently labded Sultinic rpta,-sttyrptos O92 Come tm over Cuda & apparently Iabded “ultipie rte. Atcusprod 

ke rvacd> terrala Yeat of Kurcka Olah,| recovers by Cml Prion & Or Kyn= as ribet Werrals iran suats oheceren Socorees By Cah Friend & De Hype 
Brigrt qsowss to tr*p phate electric | Ser c=? Sile. cate hacker cpateatinn us © eean? fale, 

a3 whieh costrolisd city atrect = Soese tt ekty atewct 
Senta. iighia. 

Blue Book Report Card ’ Blue Book Report Card 

& lero 7 . tore 

Tureka, Cesh, Pack 
. HA © eiriee Poowss Mtiome 

Penny tan 

Kt Ament YOLCOr 

ed Meltinle rpta.-dttesprod tone 6 De 
recovery br Cal Friand & De fiz SERINE DOES 
Pp photo electric Ser canny file. 
WhIeR Coatrolict city slrect — 

“Official” Investigation 



Lasted 48 Hours 


Interviewed Locals 

Tried to Find Meteor 

Probably a Bolide 


a WU LORE NY reg sae, 

2 tS Valley Grpsge 5 
7 ignmek. 8 

wens? Orem®, Provo 

rT | A 



. : <>" =" Fey ne 

Scene tel wee 

Corte | 

ne ee 

heed Orem a *s : = OY Flash of Prk Lightning’ 
a - 
ame Meteor Startles Reno 


x? t 


ae ee et ee Me The el 



Las Vegas Debris 

* Lieutenant at 
TE aati | 

Pea war it = 2% 2] * Awakened in Night 

* Transported by 

Dear 27 aifiime 
‘She <frisial rweerds of tus Air Porce List tne 3 torn 
1962 Bewnte sishting to wtics you refer “mldenticies, 
iowatTisleet Gata.” There is an additions] note to the effect 
“at “the ewported track ts amarsetertetie of that rectatered 
bye U2 or a Bish Balloon but thete ts tual citent sata 
rroecced to Fully svopert such a9 evaiuation.~ Tre prencmens 
Prpetted wae net cacereepted or.fired use. 


Cc. 2. wart 

Fajor, Taay 

Poolia Dformetion Division 
Citiee of “"sreation 


Pye Lan Poqne; Malet spets"}9, vale 
veda ued carese Eevees ckios. Tho vege 

C_UTrtew ebjort, twerei ing om 5 

os Kerkier, jos Figuters 4) Beials air 
Pretit of the rater Adnings..~ 

Sertep AB. i80F the 4iz Force Defense Contac vas puctlod 
es Ooject tant exploded ris asened to ber, reteor, but 
aca tbe S¥i=sti0a of being trecked by rater 70 at 
nosthrest Les ‘Yoo, Devnda, as cell as chesec by jets 

28 expisiec is Verrtc in a 5 fleas. Aa air Sorce 

Consens alert reports: the objoot cos tractec ond traced over 
Ber Torr,Enrasa, Ste, Iéabo, Loatans, Dez Uerles, Jyouing, 
arisme t= Olir so thet it's light covered clooe: se cuch 

- Grom cs that erected by the Mig ererogen #pece boch test belé letc= 
Bilos hig, 


ia the Paeifio buntrecas of 

wows Pe catvnde bape em 

Las Vegas Debris 

* Disk-shaped Craft 
* Provided Picture 

* Anonymous Tip 

we wtect Him Les Tepes) ates swrtl"19, Lelie 
wie med soress Bervde okies. The vee 

cc CU erie eben, trevsitag am © bert orurte, wee alee cece is eerwril 

* Ame wevters wlstes, and Lt wae teary on en aooorting Vo « ET! reyert. 
tee Alp Perse qtated tit Ube object [dpeed qemur Persie, Tah. 2 epekeoaee fer! 
“em 22a Air livtotee as Steed Air Fords Tess 4 ~ ese aSettted "Net the sewen 
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by ez ase OOPeCe Tint erploded end esrcet to ber catror, tut 

Bea the imiqze dtevizstien of Deing trostod by rater 70 niles 
northvesst of Les Voous, Iev-ca, am cell os ches 

28 @xp.cced in Tevete in en bling: 

Oomer* nlezt resortes 

Reo Yor, Enrans, Uteh, 

Aritcce pnt Csliformis 

eran oa that created 

in the Peoitio mmer 

Why UFOs are a National Security Threat 

Nick Redfern 
Copyright © 2008 Nick Redfern 


When it comes to addressing the nature and possible intent of the UFO presence on 
Planet Earth, beyond any shadow of a doubt one of the most critically important and 
relevant questions that potentially has major implications for all of us, as a species, is 
surely: do UFOs represent a threat to our national security? 

The answer to that question is without doubt: “Yes.” 

Indeed, a thorough, in-depth study of official documentation declassified under 
the terms of the Freedom of Information Acts of both the United States of America and 
Great Britain, combined with notable testimony from military and government personnel, 
offers convincing evidence that contradicts the official position that UFOs are without 
significance, and demonstrates that the UFO issue has, for decades, had a major bearing 
upon national security. 

Paradoxically, and despite being fully aware of the illuminating contents of its 
very own files, i.e. memoranda and documentation, the official world stubbornly 
maintains that no UFO report received through official channels has ever had any sort of 
bearing upon national security—at all. 

For example, consider Project Blue Book: the U.S. Air Force’s now-defunct 
investigative study of the UFO phenomenon. Established in 1953, Project Blue Book was 
borne out of two previous U.S. Air Force investigative projects pertaining to UFOs: Sign 
and Grudge. Between 1948 (the year that saw the creation of Project Sign) and 1969 (the 
year in which Project Blue Book was officially terminated), 12,618 reported UFO 
sightings were investigated by military personnel assigned to the three, above-projects. 

The standard U.S. Air Force response to both public and media inquiries, is as 

Of these sightings, 11,917 were found to have been caused 
by material objects (such as balloons, satellites and 
aircraft), immaterial objects (such as lightning, reflections, 
and other natural phenomena), astronomical objects (such 
as stars, planets, the sun, and the moon), weather conditions 
and hoaxes. Only 701 reported sightings remained 
unexplained. ' 

Conceming the sightings which remained unidentified, the U.S. Air Force 
remains adamant that: 

Of the very few that remained unidentified, there was no 
indication of a technology beyond our own scientific 
knowledge, or that any sightings could be considered an 
extra-terrestrial vehicle. More importantly, throughout 
Project Blue Book, there was never [emphasis mine] a 
shred of evidence to indicate a threat to our national 
security. * 

The Bntish Ministry of Defense’s stance on the UFO issue is practically identical 
in nature: 

Our main concern is to determine whether or not UFOs 
present a threat to the security and defense of the United 
Kingdom. The Ministry of Defense has no evidence to 
indicate that any UFO report ever received by us has posed 
a threat to national security and to the defense of the United 
Kingdom. ° 

It gives me no pleasure whatsoever to advise you, the reader, that both of those 
statements are demonstrably, and outrageously, false and misleading—as you will soon 
learn, in graphic proportions. Before revealing the many and varied ways in which 
national security has been extensively compromised by UFOs, it is first necessary to 
understand the exact nature of the term, “national security,” itself. 

Defining National Security 

National security is described as “the entire scope of measures undertaken by the 
governments of nation-states in providing assurance of national sovereignty to the 
collective population of the state.” 

Those same measures may include the requirement to maintain and exercise the 
use of national political and economic power, the exercise of diplomacy, and military 
power projection. Similarly, the late political scientist, Hans Morgenthau, author of the 
book Politics Among Nations, described national security as “the integrity of the national 
territory and its institutions.” 

In essence, national security can be divided into two, key areas: (a) internal 
national security; and (b) external national security. 

Today, internal national security is focused upon ensuring the prevention of 
attacks on public infrastructures, their personnel, the populace and the territory in 
general, by implementing civil defense, military, intelligence, and emergency- 
preparedness measures against attack from hostile forces. 

This can also include utilizing counter-intelligence services to protect the nation 
from internal threats sponsored from the outside. The executive authority for internal 
national security is the expression of political power, preferably through the democratic 
process of selecting national leaders. 

As far as external national security is concerned, today it encompasses national 
border-security as a means of immigration control, national environment security where 
the environmental threat originates from sources external to national territory, territorial 
waters and airspace, assurance of international trade safety through the state borders, 
and—most paramount of all—protecting the populace from assault via potentially 
aggressive overseas nations and organizations. 

External national security generally requires using intelligence services to detect 
and defeat, or at the very least avoid, both threats and espionage, and to protect classified 
information from falling into the wrong hands. 

The modern concept of national security as it is known today was introduced in 
the United States shortly after the Second World War was brought to a close. It became 
an Official, guiding principle of foreign policy in the United States when the National 
Security Act of 1947 was signed on 26 July, 1947 by then-President Harry S. Truman. 

The majority of the provisions of this Act took effect on 18 September 1947—the 
day after the Senate confirmed James V. Forrestal as the first Secretary of Defense. This 
act created the National Military Establishment (NME) which became known as the 
Department of Defense when the act was amended in 1949. 

The result was the creation of a separate Department of the Air Force from the 
existing United States Army Air Forces, the subordination of the military branches to the 
new cabinet level position of the Secretary of Defense, and the establishment of the 
National Security Council (NSC)—a central place of coordination for national security 
policy in the Executive Branch—as well as the Central Intelligence Agency, the United 
States’ first peacetime intelligence agency. 

Since the breakup of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, and with the 
rise of terrorism, national security has had to shift its focus dramatically. Security Sector 
Reform (SSR) and Security Sector Management (SSM) are both needed in many nations 
and for a variety of reasons. Some are nations emerging from repressive regimes or 
recovering from civil wars. Others are developing nations with weak governments where 
national security sectors never existed or were never strong before. The United States saw 
its own security sector overhaul with the establishment of the Department of Homeland 
Security in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. 

Needless to say, the measures adopted to maintain national security in the face of 
threats to society, such as 9/11, have led to deep and ongoing discussions about the scale 


and role of authority in matters of civil- and human-rights; as well as the erosion of civil- 

For example, the highly controversial, and deeply flawed, Patriot Act has brought 
some of these issues to the forefront, raising two main questions: To what extent, for the 
sake of national security, should individual rights and freedoms be restricted? 

And: can the restriction of the public’s right to know, for the sake of national 
security, ever be fully justified? * 

As far as UFOs are concerned, it seems that with respect to this latter question, a 
decision to massively downplay both the phenomenon itself and its national security 
implications, was implemented decades ago—and it shows no signs of being changed or 
amended anytime soon. 

The Coming of the Fireballs 

In the latter part of the 1940s—and particularly so in 1948—a curious phenomenon was 
repeatedly seen in the skies over New Mexico: strange, glowing balls of green light that 
seemed to take an unhealthy amount of interest in the many defense, atomic, and military 
establishments that existed in the state at the time. 

As evidence of this, consider the following, written by Lt. Col. Doyle Rees of the 
Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) at Kirtland Air Force Base, New 
Mexico on 25 May 1950, and which was for the specific attention of Brigadier General 
Joseph F. Carroll, Director of Special Investigations, USAF: 

In a liaison meeting with other military and government 
intelligence and investigative agencies in December 1948, 
it was determined that the frequency of unexplained aerial 
phenomena in the New Mexico area was such that an 
organized plan of reporting these observations should be 

The organization and physical location of units of this 
District were most suitable for collecting these data, 
therefore, since December 1948, this District has assumed 
the responsibility for collecting and reporting basic 
information with respect to aerial phenomena occurring in 
this general area. ° 

And a large body of that so-called “basic information” was profound, to say the 

very least. A Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) memorandum dated 31 January 1949 
and titled Protection of Vital Installations, reveals the following: 


During the past two months various sightings of 
unexplained phenomena have been reported in the vicinity 
of the Atomic Energy Commission Installation at Los 
Alamos, New Mexico, where these phenomena now appear 
to be concentrated [emphasis mine]. During December 
1948 on the 5", 6, 7", 8", 11, 13, 14", 20", and 28" 
sightings of unexplained aerial phenomena were made near 
Los Alamos by Special Agents of the Office of Special 
Investigations; Airline Pilots; Military Pilots; Los Alamos 
Security Inspectors; and private citizens. On January 6, 
1949, another similar object was sighted in the same area. 

In view of the illuminating fact that Los Alamos was the birthplace of the atomic 
bomb, are we seriously expected to believe that repeated—and almost nightly— 
encounters with UFOs in its direct vicinity during December 1948 were dismissed as 
having no relevance to national security? Yes: evidently we are expected to swallow that 
absurd conclusion. 

Invasion at Oak Ridge 

Spread out along broad valleys cut by the Clinch River and framed by the foothills of the 
Appalachian Mountains, Oak Ridge seems an unlikely setting for events that changed the 
course of history. In early 1942, the Army Corps of Engineers designated a 59,000-acre 
swatch of land between Black Oak Ridge to the north and the Clinch River to the south as 
a federal reserve to serve as one of three sites nationwide for the development of the 
atomic bomb. 

No fewer than 3,000 residents received court orders to vacate—within a matter of 
weeks—the homes that their families had occupied for generations. Thousands of 
scientists, engineers, and workers swarmed into Oak Ridge to build and operate three 
huge facilities that would change the world and usher in the atomic age. 

Today, Oak Ridge has evolved from a “war emergency pilot plant,” which 
operated under an overwhelming cloak of secrecy, into one of the nation’s outstanding 
centers for energy, environmental, and basic scientific research and technology 
development. Its institutional roots, however, lie with the awesome power released by the 
splitting of the atom. 7 

And it is not without profound significance to note that when secret, atomic 
research at Oak Ridge was in full-swing, the installation became a veritable magnet for 
countless close encounters with UFOs. Consider, for example, the following official 
report generated on 2 March 1950 by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC): 


A. There is a radar station near Knoxville which has 
been in operation about 3 weeks. This radar station is being 
operated by station WROL of Knoxville. 

B. On | March at 2135 hours the station picked up an 
object 340 degrees and 18 miles from Knoxville, altitude 
40,000 feet. Direction and distance put the object directly 
over [emphasis mine] Oak Ridge. AEC Security Division 
Chief at Oak Ridge checked with Smyrna Air Base, 
Nashville which reported it had no flight plan for any plane 
in that vicinity and altitude. 

G: On 2 March at 1105 station picked up object at 335 
degrees and 18 miles from Knoxville, altitude 40,000 feet. 
AEC Security Division Chief checked with Smyrna Air 
Base with negative results. * 

On the following day, 3 March, 1950, a further report surfaced: 

At 2130 hours on 2" March, radar station picked up two 
objects 310 degrees, altitude 80,000 feet, approximately 18 
miles from Knoxville in general direction of Oak Ridge, 
moving in circular motion but in opposite directions. : 

And Oak Ridge continued to be a target for the mysterious intruders. An FBI 
teletype of 13 October 1950 refers to the detection of a veritable squadron of unknown 
objects tracked over the Oak Ridge installation at 11:25 p.m. on 12 October: 

USAF radar installation at Knoxville picked up indications 
of eleven objects and perhaps more traveling across 
controlled area [emphasis mine] of Atomic Energy 
installation at Oak Ridge...operators are experienced 
reliable personnel and radar set is in perfect operating 
condition. '° 

But perhaps most significant of all, is the following FBI document that offers the 
significant thoughts and conclusions of Oak Ridge personnel with respect to the UFO 

The opinions of the Security Division, AEC Oak Ridge; 
Security Branch, NEPA [Nuclear Energy for Propulsion of 
Aircraft project] Division, Oak Ridge; AEC Security 
Patrol, Oak Ridge; FBI Knoxville; Air Force Radar and 
Fighter Squadrons, Knoxville; and the OSI, Konxville, 
Tennessee, fail to evolve an adequate explanation for 


however, the possibilities of practical jokers, mass hysteria, 
balloons of any description, flights of birds, falling leaves, 
insect Swarms, peculiar weather conditions, reflections, 
flying kites, objects thrown from the ground, windblown 
objects, insanity, and many other natural happenings have 
been rejected because of the simultaneous witnessing of the 
objects with the reported radar sightings; because of the 
reliability of the witnesses; because of the detailed, similar 
description of the objects seen by different persons [...] '" 

As with the Green Fireball penetrations of sensitive installations such as Los 
Alamos, New Mexico, from 1948 onwards, the idea that countless unknown aerial 
objects invading the airspace of another atomic-energy installation—in this case, Oak 
Ridge—whose work was vital to the defense of the United States, would not be 
considered a matter of profound national security, whether directly or indirectly, is 
manifestly absurd in the absolute extreme. 

Cuba ‘67 

What was certainly one of the strangest episodes in the world of UFOs and national 
security surfaced in 1978, but had its origins in the airspace of Cuba more than a decade 
previously. According to a “security specialist” who was assigned to the 6947th Security 
Squadron at Homestead Air Force Base—a unit of the U.S. Air Force Security Service 
(AFSS)—in March, 1967, the Spanish-speaking intercept operators of Detachment A at 
Homestead heard Cuban air defense radar controllers report an unidentified “bogey” 
approaching Cuba from the northeast. 

The UFO apparently entered Cuban airspace at a height of about 10,000 meters 
and “sped off’ at nearly 660 mph. Two Russian-built MIG-21 jet fighters were 
scrambled, and were guided to within three miles of the UFO by Cuban ground-based 
radar personnel. The flight-leader then radioed that the object appeared to be a “bright 
metallic sphere with no visible markings or appendages.” 

When an attempt at radio contact failed, Cuban air defense headquarters ordered 
the flight leader to arm his weapons and destroy the object. The leader reported his radar 
was locked onto the “bogey” and his missiles were duly armed. Only moments later, 
however, the wingman “screamed” to the ground controller that his leader’s jet “had 
exploded.” The wingman added that there was no smoke or flame and that his leader’s 
MIG-21 had simply disintegrated. Cuban radar then reported that the UFO had quickly 
accelerated, had climbed above 30,000 meters, and was last tracked heading south- 
southeast towards South America. An Intelligence Spot Report was reportedly sent to the 
headquarters of the National Security Agency, since AFSS and its units were under NSA 
operational control. 


UFO researcher Robert Todd sent Freedom of Information Act requests 
concerning the Cuban incident to the Air Force, CIA, NSA, and the Navy between 
February and July of 1978, all without success. Interestingly, on 10 March 1978, the CIA 
suggested that Todd “check with the Cuban government for records on the incident.” 
Todd notified both the NSA and the Air Force, on 14 July, that because neither agency 
wished to cooperate, he would indeed contact the Cuban government, as per the 
suggestion of the CIA. Then there came a new, intriguing development. 

On 28 July 1978, between 5:30 and 6:00 P.M., Todd’s mother answered a knock 
at the door of their home. Two men, one older than the other, asked for Todd; when Todd 
came downstairs, both flashed identification cards that revealed them to be with the FBI. 
The FBI men read Todd his rights, who waived his right to silence because he felt that he 
did not have anything to hide. One of the men then began to read the espionage laws, 
being careful to add that those laws carried a penalty of life in prison or death. Both 
agents hinted at the possibility some indictments would be issued; although, ultimately, 
that did not happen. 

A discussion of the possibility that Todd’s phone was tapped arose, too. Indeed, at 
one point, Todd told the agents that based on the information they had given him, it 
seemed they had sufficient justification for a wiretap. Both men smiled and departed 
shortly thereafter. 

Todd soon filed a request with the Air Force to obtain copies of his FOIA case file 
on the matter. The Executive Officer of the Air Force’s Office of the Judge Advocate 
General, Colonel James Johnson, replied in a 14 September 1978 letter, stating: “You are 
advised that the Air Force can neither confirm nor deny the authenticity of this statement, 
nor the existence of any records concerning the incident described therein However, if 
authentic, | am advised the statement would be classified Secret in its entirety.” 

An unidentified flying object, a destroyed aircraft, a dead pilot, a somewhat 
ominous visit to the home of a UFO investigator by the FBI, and even indications of 
wiretaps: and absolutely none of these factors, singly or collectively, has a bearing upon 
national security? Once again, our intelligence is insulted to an incredible degree by those 
tasked with maintaining UFO secrecy. I 

Iran 1976: 

Without doubt one of the most profound of all UFO incidents occurred in Iranian airspace 
in 1976. A document titled Now You See It, Now You Don’t! written by Captain Henry S. 
Shields of the U.S. Air Force, details the whole, profound saga; the salient portions of 
which I have detailed below: 

Sometime in his career, each pilot can expect to encounter 
strange, unusual happenings which will never be 
adequately explained by logic or subsequent investigation 
[...] such an episode [was] reported by two F-4 Phantom 


crews of the Imperial Iranian Air Force during late 1976 


Until 0030 on a clear autumn morning, it had been 
an entirely routine night watch for the Imperial Iranian Air 
Force’s Command Post in the Tehran area. In quick 
succession, four calls arrived from one of the city’s suburbs 
reporting a series of strange airborne objects [...] 

Unable to convince the callers that they were only 
seeing stars, a senior officer went outside to see for himself. 
Observing an object to the north like a star, only larger and 
brighter, he immediately scrambled an IIAF F-4 to 
investigate [...] 

When approximately 25 NM _ [nautical miles] 
distant, the interceptor lost all instrumentation and 
UHF/Intercom communications. Upon breaking off the 
intercept and tuming towards his home base, all systems 
returned to normal, as if the strange object no longer 
regarded the aircraft as a threat [...]'° 

The Freedom of Information Act has firmly demonstrated that numerous agencies 
and departments within the U.S. military and the murky world of intelligence were 
informed of the details of this particularly startling affair. Yet, once again—and despite 
the fact that this particular UFO seemingly had the disturbing ability to disable the entire 
instrumentation of a military aircraft—the government is content, publicly at least, to 
continue to play it’s “no evidence of a threat” card. 

National Security in the Woods 

Late in December 1980, a series of almost science-fiction-like happenings took place in 
Rendlesham Forest, a densely treed area adjacent to the joint Royal Air Force/USAF 
military complex at Bentwaters-Woodbridge, Suffolk, England. Essentially, what 
occurred was nothing less than the landing of a vehicle, or device, of undetermined 
origins. It was seen by a variety of USAF personnel, was tracked on radar, left elevated 
radiation readings in the woods, carefully avoided capture, and created a controversy that 
continues to rage to this day. 

That something occurred, the British Ministry of Defense has never disputed. Yet, 
as I have been reminded on a number of occasions, it is the considered opinion of the 
MoD that the entire matter was one lacking in any defense significance. Available official 
documentation strongly suggests otherwise. 


A document prepared on 13 January 1981 by the Deputy Base Commander at 
RAF Woodbridge, Colonel Charles Halt, reveals some extraordinary details concerning 
the series of encounters: 

Early in the morning of 27 Dec 80 [...] two USAF security 
police patrolmen saw unusual lights outside the back gate 
at RAF Woodbridge. Thinking an aircraft might have 
crashed or been forced down, they called for permission to 
go outside the gate to investigate [...] 

The individuals reported seeing a strange glowing object in 
the forest. The object was described as being metallic in 
appearance and triangular in shape, approximately two or 
three meters high. It illuminated the entire forest with a 
white light. The object had a pulsating red light on top with 
a bank(s) of blue lights underneath. The object was 
hovering or on legs. As the patrolmen approach the object, 
it maneuvered through the trees and disappeared [...] 

The next day, three depressions 1'4” and 7” in diameter 
were found where the object had been sighted on the 
ground [...] Later in the night a red sun-like light was seen 
through the trees. It moved about and pulsed.[...] 
Immediately thereafter, three star-like objects were noticed 
in the sky, two objects to the north and one to the 
south...the object to the south was visible for two or three 
hours and beamed down a stream of light from time to 

Significantly, long after this document was written, it was revealed that the 
“stream of light” in question had been specifically directed at the base’s weapons-storage 
area—and amid controversial rumors and allegations that the weapons in question were 
nuclear in nature. This alone, of course, should be prime evidence of national security 
having been compromised on a truly massive scale. 

Nevertheless, the trend begun by the U.S. military in the late 1940s—namely, to 
forever deny to the public that the UFO issue is one that has significant relevance to 
national security—has been carefully and decisively continued by the British 
Government with respect the Rendlesham Forest affair ever since. Not everyone is in 
agreement, however. 

The late Lord Hill-Norton, former Chief of the Defense Staff, stated with a very 
high degree of justification that in relation to the incidents at Rendlesham either (A) an 
object of unknown origin and intent manifested in the woods on the nights in question; or 
(B) American military personnel assigned to one of the most strategically-important 
Royal Air Force bases in the British Isles hallucinated, collectively and on a large scale. 


To his dying day, Hill-Norton argued with a great deal of well-reasoned logic, either 
scenario simply had to have had a bearing on national security and the defense of the 
British Isles. '° 

The British Government continues to disagree—at least with those of us outside 
the corridors of power. 

The Shawbury Triangle 

In early 1993 a series of earth-shattering UFO encounters occurred in British airspace 
that went on to have a profound effect on sources within both the Royal Air Force and the 
Ministry of Defense—including Nick Pope, a major advocate of the idea that some UFOs 
are extra-terrestrial spacecraft, and who at the time of the 1993 encounter investigated 
UFOs for the MoD. 

Pope says: “I arrived at the office at about 8:30 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. on the moming 
of March 31, 1993, and my telephone was ringing. | picked it up and there was a police 
officer on the other end making a UFO report. He was based in Devon and told me an 
account of an incident that had taken place in the early hours of that particular day when 
he and a colleague who had been on night patrol saw a triangular-shaped UFO at fairly- 
high altitude. He said that the motion was fairly steady and that there were lights at the 
edges with a fainter light in the middle.” 

He continues: “Reports such as this came through thick and fast over the course of 
the next week or so; more and more reports came in from police stations, the public and 
local RAF stations. In fact, | would say that the total number of reports easily exceeded 
one hundred.” 

“The two most significant reports began at RAF Cosford in Shropshire,” Pope 
explains. “This was definitely the highlight and was one of the best sighting reports | 
received in my entire posting. The report itself came from a guard patrol at Cosford. They 
were on duty manning entrance points, checking the perimeter fence and such like. All 
the members of the patrol saw the UFO and, again, the description was pretty much the 
same as most of the others. In this case, though, the UFO was at medium-to-high 

He elaborates further: “They submitted a 2-3 page report which went up their 
chain of command and then the report was forwarded on to me. In that report, they stated 
that the UFO passed directly over the base and that this was of particular concern to 
them. They noticed that this F/ying Triangle was heading on a direct line for RAF 
Shawbury, which is some twelve-to-fifteen miles on. The main concern of the Cosford 
patrol was to alert Shawbury that the UFO was coming their way; but they also wanted 
confirmation that they weren’t having a mass hallucination.” 

“They took a decision to call Shawbury and this was answered by the 
Meteorological Officer. You have to realize that at that time there was literally just a 


skeleton staff operating; so he was, essentially, on his own. So, he took a decision to go 
outside, look in the direction of RAF Cosford and see what he could see.” 

“Sure enough, he could see this light coming towards him and it got closer and 
closer and lower and lower. Next thing, he was looking at this massive, triangular-shaped 
craft flying at what was a height of no more than two hundred feet, just to the side of the 
base and only about two hundred feet from the perimeter fence. His quote to me was that 
the UFO’s size was midway between that of a C-130 Hercules and a Boeing 747 Jumbo 

Moreover, Pope explains: “He said that the beam of light retracted into the craft, 
which then seemed to gain a little bit of height. But then, in an absolute instant, the UFO 
moved from a speed of about twenty or thirty miles per hour to a speed of several 
hundreds of miles per hour — if not thousands. It just suddenly moved off to the horizon 
and then out of sight in no more than a second or so — and there was no sonic boom. 
Well, of course, when | received this report and the one from Cosford, | launched as full 
an investigation as | possibly could.” 

“T thought that this needed to go up the chain of command. The main addressee 
was the Assistant Chief of the Air Staff; so what I did was to summarize the events on a 
couple of sides of paper and attach the original reports.” 

“He took a few days to have a look at all the paperwork and then passed it back 
down the chain of command with a message that said: ‘This is extremely interesting. It is 
a genuine mystery but clearly you’ve made all the checks that we could reasonably make 
and it’s difficult to see how we can take this any further.” And that was essentially where 
the matter rested.” 

Does Nick Pope feel that the assessment of the Assistant Chief of the Air Staff 
was a fair one? 

“Yes and no. I felt extremely uncomfortable that we had a clear breach of the 
U.K. Air Defense Region; and we had two Royal Air Force bases pretty much being 
over-flown by a structured craft and yet we had nothing on radar and absolutely no 
explanation. I applied our own standard line on UFOs and asked myself the questions: Is 
this of no defense significance? What if the craft had been hostile? What if a bomb bay 
had suddenly opened up and it had attacked these bases?” 

“Tf that had been the case, and with the UFO not appearing on radar, the first we 
would have known would have been when the bombs were falling. So, I came to the 
conclusion that this was of extreme defense significance.” 

“I’m naturally suspicious of anyone that doesn’t declare their hand; and although 

there may be some very good reasons for them remaining covert, I think that from a 
military and defense point of view, you have to say that there is a potential UFO threat.” 


Even though Pope and | disagree on some aspects of the UFO controversy, he is 
to be applauded for not merely sticking to the official line that UFOs do not pose a 
potential threat to national security. '° 

Cosmic Kidnappers 

On 19 September 1961, Betty and Barney Hill, a married couple from New Hampshire, 
were driving home from Canada when they were subjected to a terrifying experience, 
which resulted in no less than two hours of “missing time.” 

After some months of distinct emotional distress, the Hills sought assistance from 
Dr. Benjamin Simon, a Boston-based psychiatrist and neurologist. Having been subjected 
to time-regression hypnosis, both Betty and Barney recalled what had taken place during 
the missing two hours. They gave accounts of encounters with apparent alien beings that 
had taken them on-board their craft and subjected them to a variety of physical 
examinations. |’ 

Since that fateful day, countless other individuals have reportedly undergone 
similar, distressing experiences at the hands of allegedly cosmic-kidnappers. Of course, 
the U.S. Government denies having ever investigated the so-called “alien abduction” 
puzzle; and, therefore, has been able to carefully avoid commenting on the controversy. 

The truth, however, is somewhat different. 

As I reveal in my forthcoming book, Fina/ Events, at the height of the Reagan 
Administration, a quasi-official think-tank, comprised of personnel from, primarily, the 
Defense Intelligence Agency, U.S. Air Force and National Security Agency, was secretly 
established to address the alien abduction issue. 

The group—which was nicknamed the “Collins Elite’—concluded that while 
many tales of abduction at the hands of extraterrestrials could be dismissed as fantasies, 
dreams, delusions and hoaxes, a significant percentage could not. American citizens, the 
group concluded, were being kidnapped from their beds and cars by creatures of 
undetermined origin and for purposes unknown. Significantly, and of deep relevance to 
this paper, the group further determined that the matter was one of profound seriousness 
and had a major bearing upon national security and the safety of the populace at large. 

Very controversially, and arguably as a result of the deep-seated religious beliefs 
that dominated the group’s higher echelons, a disturbing conclusion was ultimately 
reached in the early-to-mid 1990s: namely that the aliens were actually nothing of the 
sort. Rather, they were literal demons, ingeniously masquerading as extraterrestrials, and 
whose dark purpose for being among us was to instigate Armageddon, to usher in the era 
of the Antichrist, and to “harvest” our souls upon death for reasons that were never fully 
resolved to everyone’s satisfaction. 


It was these conclusions that allegedly both greatly alarmed, and deeply 
emotionally affected, the collective mindset of a whole swathe of people within 
government at the time—and some whose names are still well known within government 
to this very day. 

Of course, the conclusion of the Collins Elite was merely a theory and nothing 
else. The important factor at work, however, is that regardless of the origin of the cosmic- 
kidnappers, their actions were perceived by the Collins Elite as having a major bearing 
upon national security. '* 

Beware the Alien Virus 

According to Article LX of The Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities 
of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon 
and Other Celestial Bodies, that was collectively signed at Washington, 
London, and Moscow on 27 January 1967, and that was entered into force 
on 10 October of that year: 

In the exploration and use of outer space, including 
the Moon and other celestial bodies, States Parties 
to the Treaty shall be guided by the principle of co- 
operation and mutual assistance and shall conduct 
all their activities in outer space, including the 
Moon and other celestial bodies, with due regard 
to the corresponding interests of all other States 
Parties to the Treaty. States Parties to the Treaty 
shall pursue studies of outer space, including the 
Moon and other celestial bodies, and conduct 
exploration of them so as to avoid their harmful 
contamination and also adverse changes in the 
environment of the Earth resulting from the 
introduction of extraterrestrial matter and, where 
necessary, shall adopt appropriate measures for 
this purpose. ' 

The possibility that “harmful contamination” of the earth and its people might 
result on a large and catastrophic scale following the introduction of “extraterrestrial 
matter” into our environment is one that, perhaps more than any other, should be 
considered an issue of extreme national security. 

And perhaps no-one is more learned on this particularly controversial topic than 

Dr. Robert Wood—father of Majic Eyes Only author Ryan Wood—whose forthcoming 
book, Jn Search of the Alien Viruses, is packed with documents, some officially 


declassified and others provided via other means, and witness testimony suggesting that 
senior personnel at Fort Detrick, Maryland, have for decades been secretly, and deeply, 
engaged in the study of lethal alien viruses—uncovered as a result of a number of UFO 
crashes within the United States and elsewhere. The purpose: possibly to try and create 
the ultimate weapon of biological warfare. 7° 

Of course, this is a matter of deep controversy; and one that has as many 
supporters as it does detractors. Nevertheless, such assertions abound. Several years ago, 
for example, | interviewed a man named Will who was stationed at Fort Polk, Louisiana 
in the 1960s, and who claimed deep, insider knowledge of an alleged UFO crash in a 
southeast Texas forest called the Big Thicket. 

According to Will, those present at the crash site of what was a very small, 
spherical-shaped UFO were dressed from head-to-foot in hazmat-type suits. The reason 
being that at the recovery sites of other, very similar spheres—one of which was said to 
have been found at an undisclosed location in Arizona in 1958, and the other at Taos, 
New Mexico in 1961—several members of the recovery teams were overcome by nausea 
and dizziness; and at least two later died of a “flesh-eating virus—kind of like Ebola.” *' 

If there is any truth to these accounts, and if both UFOs and their occupants may 
be considered biologically hazardous to the Human Race, then only a complete simpleton 
would deny a national security component to the controversy. 


You will have noted a curious trend that runs throughout entire the body of this paper. 
Time and again, I have cited cases of profound significance where UFOs have repeatedly 
appeared in locations that have had, and in some cases continue to have, a major bearing 
on national security: namely, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge, and RAF Bentwaters and 
Woodbridge, to name but four. 

Is it really acceptable and reasonable to believe that over-flights of sensitive 
installations engaged in secret atomic-energy research by aerial vehicles of unknown 
origin is not something that should provoke deep concern? 

No, it is neither acceptable nor reasonable—at all. 

It is utterly outrageous on the part of the official world to assume that misleading 
the general public for sixty years on not just the existence of UFOs, but with respect to 
the national security considerations that the subject provokes, too, can somehow be 

In addition, the “alien abduction” and “alien virus” aspects of the phenomenon 

offer further justification for concluding that UFOs, and the intelligences behind them, 
offer a significant pofential threat to national security—whether deliberately or not. 


And on this latter point, it is worth noting that while the interest in our military, 
defense, and scientific installations that the UFO intelligences exhibit may possibly be for 
reasons relating to curiosity about our advancing technology - as well as concerns about 
our ability to now venture forth into the Solar System—to deny that this in any way has a 
bearing on national security is reckless in the extreme. 

Indeed, we would do well to reflect on Nick Pope’s words on this very same 
issue: “I’m naturally suspicious of anyone that doesn’t declare their hand; and although 
there may be some very good reasons for them remaining covert, I think that from a 
military and defense point of view, you have to say that there is a potential UFO threat.” 

If only those tasked with maintaining the secrecy surrounding the subject did not 
insult us, the people, by denying the almost-certain-fact that they are secretly in 
accordance with the views of Pope. 

' USAF Fact Sheet, 1987. 
* Ibid. 
3 Letter to Nick Redfern from the Ministry of Defense, June 15, 1989 
* National Security, 
> USAF Memorandum, 25 May 1950 
® Protection of Vital Installations, FB1 Memorandum, 31 January 1949 
” Oak Ridge National Laboratory, History, 
® Atomic Energy Commission, Memoranda, 2 March 1950 
* Atomic Energy Commission Memoranda, 3 March 1950 
'0 FBI Teletype, 13 October 1950 
"| 4erial Phenomena, Flying Disks, FBI Report, 17 April 1950 

!2 Clear Intent: The Government Cover-Up of the UFO Experience, Lawrence Fawcett & Barry 
Greenwood, Prentice-Hall, 1984. 

13 Now You See It, Now You Don't!, Capt. Henry S. Shields, MIJI Quarterly, 1978 

14 SAF Memorandum, 13 January 1981 


'° Left at East Gate, Larry Warren & Peter Robbins, Cosimo, 2005; You Can't Tell the People, 
Georgina Bruni, Sidgwick & Jackson, 2000 

'® Interview with Nick Pope, 16 February 1998 

"” The Interrupted Journey, John G. Fuller, Souvenir Press Ltd., 1980 

'S Final Events, Anomalist Books, 2009 

" The Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer 
Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, 10 October 1967 

* In Search of the Alien Viruses, Dr. Robert M. Wood, publication pending 

*! Ibid. 

The Westport UFO Crash Retrieval Event: 
James E. Clarkson 
Copyright 2008 James E. Cllarkson 

Introduction — 

If you commit a crime, time is on your side. Time is almost always the enemy of 
investigation. Evidence deteriorates or is misplaced, accidentally or deliberately. 
Witnesses move away, forget, or pass on. Time makes it less likely anyone will care to 
dig for the truth. 

In opposition to this concept, the law recognizes a principle in crimes such as murder 
called “inevitability of discovery."’ Nothing is ever truly lost or hidden when it comes to 
very significant events. Hopefully, this may be true of all UFO Crash Retrievals. 
Certainly, the Retrieval aspect implies there must be witnesses somewhere even if they 
are restricted by governmental regulations. But what about witnesses from the 
communities nearest the Crash? 

If a UFO crashes and is secretly recovered by the military, and various aspects of the 
recovery operation are witnessed by credible members of the surrounding community, 
how can it be said the event never happened? 

This story has been called the Elk River UFO Crash or the Westport Crash Retrieval 
Event. The primary event occurred on Sunday night, November 25, 1979 at about 10:50 
pm in the vicinity of the Elk River Bridge” on SR-105 about 4 miles out from Westport 
in Grays Harbor County in Washington State. 


Washington State Map 

June 24, 1947 
Kenneth Armold Sighting 
over Mt. Rainier 

November 25, 1979 

rowed. ~~ | Westport Crash Retrieval 
wos) Event 

Figure 1 Map of Washington State 

The way I became aware of the Westport Crash Retrieval Event, or the Elk River UFO 
Crash, is a reminder of what may be going on all around us at any time, extraordinary 
events unfolding that escape our scrutiny because we are distracted by the mundane. 

On the southwest coast of Washington State, Westport is about 26 miles from Aberdeen 
where I completed a 20-year career as a police officer. In 1979, I was a rookie patrolman 
who didn’t see much daylight. I also didn’t read the local newspaper. Had I done so on 
November 26, 1979, I would have seen this intriguing headline: 

Jes wreckage i in Elk River? 

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Fi igure 2 anardesn Daily W World Nov, 26, 1979 
The headline would have inevitably lured me to investigate. Almost 35 years of my work 
has been related to investigations mostly in the criminal justice field. I have held several 
titles in my working life: military police investigator, reserve deputy sheriff, correctional 
officer, police officer, patrol sergeant, detective sergeant, and now fraud investigator. 


The same drive that made me an effective investigator has also drawn me to deeper 
questions. The more evidence there is that something has been hidden, the more I want to 
have the explanation or the reason why. 

When I was 13 years old I heard a radio program where John G. Fuller described the now 
famous UFO encounters of police officers and citizens from Exeter, New Hampshire.”* I 
remained fascinated and intensely curious. I knew there was something much deeper and 
more significant than the facile explanations of weather balloons and swamp gas. My 
desire for the truth about UFOs predated and then paralleled my work as a career 

Something always drew me back to the Mystery of UFOs—why so many credible people 
have experiences with the incredible, and why those experiences are then ridiculed, 
ignored and dismissed. More to the point, what would it mean if human beings are not the 
most intelligent life form in the universe? 

This article is about one story, but it is significant because it illustrates so well what has 
happened in other Crash Retrieval Events. This exploration of the Westport UFO Crash 
Retrieval will hopefully paint the picture of the crash of a mysterious object, a military 
covert response, and demonstrate how it is possible to glimpse the truth behind rumor and 
official denial. 

What follows is what I discovered when I explored events that began at about 2250 hours 
on Sunday, November 25, 1979 when an unknown object descended from the skies over 
Grays Harbor County on the southwest coast of Washington State and crashed in the 
forest south of the Elk River Bridge on SR 105.4 

The Investigation Begins — 

For almost 8 years I was unaware of the Westport Crash, though it happened less than 30 
miles from Aberdeen where I lived and worked. It was 1987 before I was established 
enough in the law enforcement community to openly debate the subject of UFOs. This 
prompted my fellow officers to describe what they had experienced or learned from 
others about this subject. Outside of the law enforcement community, the deputies and 
police officers I knew would say nothing to make anyone suspect—they held 
unconventional opinions or knew “someone reliable who saw something.” That’s when I 
heard “something crashed in the woods by Westport.” 

The initial Crash story lacked a date and definite witnesses; it was a story repeated by 
several officers when the subject of UFOs arose. All of the accounts focused on the 
Andrews Creek / Elk River area outside of Westport. The Crash happened in 1979. The 
accounts included a military response—the cordoning of the logging roads leading into 
the site, covert removal and official denial. There were also rumors of “‘Jittle bodies” and 
other details that sounded as if they were liberally drawn from the Roswell case. 


On April 14, 1987, I interviewed Sergeant Larry Sweet from the Grays Harbor County 
Jail. | only knew him from turning over prisoners at the jail, but by reputation, Larry was 
dependable and calm. He lived in the Westport area most of his life, and now that he has 
retired from over 20 years service with the Sheriff's office, he still lives in the area. 



n Shores ~s— 


Figure 3 Vicinity Map with Crash Area 
Grays Harbor County and the South Beach area in particular is populated by fishermen 
and loggers. They work hard and play rough. Their personal fortunes rise or fall on 
whether the fishing is good or if the timber industry is boom or bust this year. 

In 1979 Larry Sweet worked as a shake-block cutter. If you were strong you could make 
decent wages logging or cutting shake blocks when the fishing wasn’t quite as good. He 
remembers what happened when he tried to go to his work site in the woods on Monday 
about 8 hours after the Crash. 

The logging roads were blocked by military jeeps and soldiers. He commented that he 
wasn’t sure if they were regular soldiers or MP’s. He recalled seeing olive-drab vehicles 
to include semi-vans. He believes they left in the middle of the night. His account 1s 
particularly valuable because he stated that he personally spoke with one of the guards 
blocking the access roads. The guard stated, “Maneuvers are going on and the public is 
being kept out for their own safety.” 

He also knew all of the rumors that flew around the communities of Westport and 
Grayland at the time of the crash, that something had crashed and burned up, that some 
people had “snuck into the area and got close.” 

The Mysterious Sgt. Robertson — 

My next interview provided a wealth of information but raised more questions; I 
interviewed one of the most professional and well-liked supervisors, Sgt. Robbie 
Robertson from the Sheriff's Office. Although friendly and easy-going there was a 
deeper side to the man: he was a former Navy SEAL and he was still in the reserves for 
Coast Guard Intelligence. 


Law enforcement supervisors seem to come in two varieties: those who will do just about 
anything to further their own career and those who lead by serving the public and their 
officers. Robbie was one of the latter. In 1979 there were no 911 call centers; each 
agency had its own dispatchers and radio procedures were sometimes loose. | remember 
the night Sergeant Robbie read The Night before Christmas over the county channel at 

Robertson took a direct interest in the November 25, 1979 Crash by Elk River. He 
pointed out that the descriptions of the crashed object varied, but there was no doubt it 
was a locally spectacular event.”° These are some of the descriptions he recalled the night 
the dispatch center was flooded with calls: 

e Small plane 

¢ Much larger plane 

e Round, disc-shaped object 

e Reports of a falling, smoking object 

e Reports of a “Ball of Fire.” 

e Some said it had propellers; some said it did not. 

At the time there was a club for four-wheel drive enthusiasts in Westport. Sgt. Robertson 
asked them to conduct an “unofficial search.” It is important to note this search effort did 
not commence until three to four days after the Crash. 

The searchers did not find the military. They did find numerous people who claimed to 
have been stopped by men in camouflage uniforms. Some people claimed to have been 
turned away at gunpoint. There were no reports of any large numbers of troops on the 
logging roads, just “Avo” or “several.” 

Sometime afterwards Robertson recalled stopping at a Westport Café. He met a Navy 
SEAL team off-duty. This is not that unlikely due to the proximity of the Pacific Beach 
Naval Facility just north of Ocean Shores across Grays Harbor from Westport.”° 
Although he had been a SEAL, Robertson related the SEALS were true to their security 
restrictions; they would not talk about the Westport Crash, at least not directly. 

One of the SEALS reminded Robertson of one of their basic duties, to respond to any 
body of water in the USA to secure and recover “downed aircraft of special interest.” He 
added one of the SEALS winked when he talked to him. His impression was they knew 
more about the event than they were willing to disclose. 

Sergeant Robertson believed the entire incident was a SEAL maneuver and the object 
was in fact a Huey Helicopter firing up its turbines. He was skeptical about the theory 
that something had crashed and been recovered, but he had no evidence or testimony to 
disprove it. He pointed out that SEALS work on secret missions for any agency. They are 


supposed to be able to respond 4-6 hours to anywhere in the coastal U.S. They are trained 
for rescuing occupants of water-downed aircraft. 

In 2008, in preparation for this presentation | attempted to contact Robbie Robertson now 
retired. | spoke with some of his former fellow deputies who now work for the State of 
Washington. I was unable to find his address, but | did verify what I had heard about his 
last assignment. 

He retired as the Chief of Police for Annapolis, MD.”’ I wrote an introductory letter and 
sent it via the Maryland Chiefs of Police Association. An executive secretary sent the 
letter to him. Either somehow he did not read it, or he chose not to respond. I don’t have 
an explanation beyond speculation. 

More Witnesses are Identified — 

In 1987, Don Johnson, the MUFON State Director, and Robert Gribble, the retired 
Seattle firefighter, who had created the National UFO Reporting Center™* passed on the 
names of people who had called NUFORC right after the Crash. This list included Larry 
Lake and Bert Dinius as local witnesses, and John Dodge, a reporter from the Aberdeen 
Daily World. 

I also met Sandra White, the widow of a Westport fishing boat captain. She recalled an 
unusual conversation with four of her husband’s former crew members on December 12, 
1979, four days after her husband had died. The subject of the Crash came up and she 
learned they had tried to get into the area with their 4x4’s right after it happened. They 
were stopped by soldiers who politely turned them around. She described them as “rowdy 
young men” who weren’t likely to accept being told not to enter an area where they had 
poached deer and partied for years. The maze of half-overgrown logging roads was just 
about literally their backyard. 

The young men told Mrs. White they tried to sneak back into the area at night on foot, but 
they were caught almost immediately. She emphasized how surprised they were at being 
caught so easily. This time they were told it “would be their responsibility if something 
happened.” The soldiers were armed with submachine guns and side arms. The man who 
did the talking wore a cap while the others wore helmets. 

Sandra White added that about four months later she spoke with a man named Kerry 
Broten who worked with her at Coastal Oyster Company. He had been living in a rental 
house and he claimed he had seen something “oblong with rounded ends” suspended 
from a large military helicopter with twin rotors. The suspended object being flown out 
of the area was described as large with a covering over the top with a “highly reflective 
bottom.” (Unfortunately, Mr. Broten did not want to be interviewed by a UFO researcher 
who was also an Aberdeen cop.) 

Larry Lake— 


Larry Lake was a reluctant witness, but not initially. On November 25, 1979 at 2256 
hours Mr. Lake telephoned the Westport Police Department and reported: 

He was just returning from Aberdeen, coming over the Elk River Bridge, when a bright 
light came from his right, crossed over the bridge and headed towards the mudflats. Saw 
what appeared to be an explosion (the bright light resembled a landing light), had rolled 
down his window and didn’t hear any noise. 

The police log goes on to state the call was referred to a Deputy Sheriff since it occurred 
in the county. It ends with a statement that there were no reports of missing aircraft. 

Burt Dinius, a well known painter of scenes of the Old West, also had taken a great 
interest in the mysterious Crash. He contacted retired Westport Police Chief John Regan 
who provided a copy of the police journal. At the time of the Crash, Larry Lake was an 
employee of Burt Dinius at the Westport Shipyard. 

Despite knowing each other well, Larry Lake told his boss he could not talk about the 
Crash because “he was told by government people to say nothing.” Mr. Lake declined 
my interview. 

On June 10, 1987, Bert Dinius called to report he had at least gotten Larry Lake to state 
he believed the object that crashed had landed in the Elk River drainage. Lake mentioned 
Gordon Graham and Darry! Graham as possible witnesses. He told his former boss he 
had also heard there had been military police checkpoints on the roads leading into the 
Elk River area. 

According to Bert Dinius, Larry Lake had decided to speak with him because he had 
watched a Seattle TV program called Town Meeting about UFO’s and he became angry 
after he listened to a debunker. 

— ss oe 
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wa 27 led, USTED, 

Figure 4 Westport Police Log- Lake report 

Approximate Object Path 

eS et CERIN nee 
Figure 5 Elk River Bridge WB towards Westport 

Donald Betts— 

On June 14, 1987, Donald Betts, a 67 year old area resident completed a MUFON 
sighting report at my request. He was driving from Westport to Aberdeen. He described 
seeing what he thought was a “falling meteor very bright” and then added he believed he 
had seen “an object, possibly a satellite” and it “came down in the woods up Elk River 
and crashed.” 

fee shewira your soaktizn and the otlert’as peettios 

ecttes that toe emlect wae wreiva.? 


Donald Betts was given a copy of 
an aerial photo and asked to 

estimate where the UFO crashed. 

. ey 


wT J 6. Fi "s ais y 2 - ve ie lo As 
Figure 7 Donald Betts Crash Location Estimate 

Deputy Paul Wenzel and His Son — 

While speaking to the local law enforcement officers, I learned the 18 year old son of 
resident Deputy Wenzel, Paul, had been sitting home watching TV in his Westport 
residence when he looked out the front window of his home and saw something 
extraordinary on Sunday night, November 25, 1979. 

Paul Wenzel reported seeing ‘“‘an unknown-shaped object with a large red tail coming 
down, out of power, falling.” Not long afterwards, | interviewed a witness who lived 20 
miles away and her description included a similar perception—the unknown object was 
falling and out of power. 

Library Archives Provide More Leads— 

The Aberdeen Library provided copies of five newspaper articles all related to the events 
beginning on November 25, 1979: 

1. November 26, 1979 — UFO Wreckage in Elk River? By Reporter John Dodge. 
Page | story about initial report; several witnesses observe object arrive and 
explode on impact. No aircraft reported missing. 

2. November 27, 1979 — Air Force Interested in UFO No byline. Scott AFB in 
Illinois declared search official because of “so many sightings in the area.” 
Identifies witness Estella Krussel of Central Park who gave detailed account. 
Article identifies motorist witnesses Mrs. Ralph Case in Central Park and Emest 
Hayes in Elma reporting. Mrs. Case reports one side of the object was on fire. 

3. November 28, 1979 — Search Called Off for UFO by Bryn Beorse. Search by 

Civil Air Patrol yields no results. “Helicopter exhaust flame” promoted as 
explanation. Confirmation of no missing aircraft, military or civilian. 


4. November 29, 1979 — More UFO Sightings Here and in Centralia by Bryn 

Beorse. Radio KITI of Centralia reports receiving report of large, slow moving 
illuminated UFO with lots of lights.”’ Helicopters exhaust theory with addition, 
landing lights on, repeated and then refuted by military and civilian pilots. Claim 
that it may have been a Perseid meteor; refuted by college astronomy instructor. 

5. December 14, 1979 — UFO Rumors Abound, but Very Little Else By Betty 
Butler. Brief restatement of story and then denial by military. 

Mrs. Ralph Case was a passenger with her husband driving westbound on State Route 12 
by Central Park about 4 miles east of Aberdeen and about 20 air miles from the estimated 
impact area. She observed what she thought was “a plane with one side on fire.” The 
fiery object arrived from behind them and passed through her field of view and was last 
seen headed in the direction of Westport. She reported her sighting at about 2250 hours to 
air traffic control at Bowerman airfield in Hoquiam, the city adjacent to Aberdeen to the 

Ernest Hayes of Aberdeen was also driving westbound on State Route 12 by Elma, WA; 
some 20 miles east of Aberdeen, observed a very bright green flash pass overhead. He 
reported his sighting to the county sheriff dispatcher at about 2300 hours. 

20 miles 
may ne ; 

Mn a tos! 

Figure 8 Witness Distance to Crash 

Estella Krussel— 

The second Aberdeen Daily World article led me to a key witness, Estella Krussel, who 
paid close attention to the strange object that passed over her home on that Sunday night 
in November 1979. She was 64 years old when I interviewed her in April 1987. I went to 
her Central Park home and she sat in the same chair across from her TV in front of the 
large west-facing windows where she observed the UFO. 

I went through her recollection of events three times: after chatting with her, she related 
what she observed, a second time where I| took notes, and then a third time when I typed 


what she described. She was watching the movie Oh God! And she didn’t get to see the 
last few minutes because she went to the window to get a better look at the spectacle 

She observed an unknown aircraft pass over her home; she thought it was something like 
a passenger airliner because of the illuminated windows. It had a cigar shape, bigger in 
the front and narrower towards the back. An intense blue-white light was shining from 
each of the windows. It glided overhead and she remarked, “/t was out of power.” 

The UFO passed from high and to the right, from the northeast and when it went out of 
view it was headed lower and to the left to the southwest. After the sighting she reported 
what she had seen to her family. She believed the sighting lasted for almost a minute. 

In preparation for this presentation I asked my daughter Carolyn, an art major to study 
Estella Krussel’s statement and attempt to reconstruct what she observed. 

Figure 9 Artist's reconstruction Krussel UFO 
When I interview witnesses | pay close attention to eye contact and the emotional tone of 
their voices when they recall key events. Estella Krussel was clearly awestruck by the 
strange aircraft that glided over her home. She was 57 years old in 1979. She was also 
credible and articulate. She could be sworn in as a witness in any court. 

When we were done with her statement, she added, “Y knew they were in trouble.” The 
way she said it, I felt as if she had paid such close attention to the UFO she was somehow 
mentally linked to it. 


In the 1980s | also lived in Central Park located about 4 miles east of Aberdeen. | agree 
with Estella Krussel. Helicopters and small planes were seen routinely day and night in 
the vicinity. Bowerman Airfield in Hoquiam is also an emergency airfield for McCord 
Air Force Base. A normal aircraft passing overhead at night would not attract any 

Gordon Graham and Lance Graham — 

On May 18, 1987, | interviewed Gordon Graham at his home. He heard about the Crash 
from Donald Betts. Since he had worked in the woods in the area for many years, he tried 
to drive into the area from Grayland and was “turned around” at a military checkpoint. 
He recognized the Harnden boys leaving the area as he was trying to enter. This was 3 to 
4 days after the Crash. 

Gordon Graham gave details about the local geography. He stated he drove to the bridge 
over the Elk River and then went about three quarters of a mile beyond to what was 
known as the Elk River logging camp. In his written statement Gordon Graham described 

what happened when he arrived at the old logging camp: 

“Evervbody knows it as the Elk River Logging Camp. I saw four military weapons 
carriers. There were at least ten soldiers there. They had the road blocked. They told us 
to get out of there. They didn't say it very politely either.” 

Figure 10 Elk River Bridge on A-Line Logging Road 
I recently visited the area described by Gordon Graham. The wooden bridge has been 
replaced with concrete. However, many of the old logging roads have been blocked off 
permanently by the Department of Natural Resources as part of establishing a Natural 
Resources Conservation Area (4,362 acres). 

: i 

Exactly three quarters of a mile beyond the bridge is a location that would be ideal for a 
checkpoint if your goal was to block access to the entire area. Three roads converge at 

one point. 


Ph See Pee h SA aE aA Sats : 
Figure 1] Possible location of checkpoint .75 miles from bridge 
The entire area has been logged repeatedly over time. There are still a few old growth 
cedar stumps over six feet in diameter. A century ago the logs were removed by rail and 
then floated down the Elk River. When the railroads were gone the area was networked 
with numerous temporary (and some permanent) logging roads. 

About one month after | interviewed Gordon Graham, one of his sons, Lance Graham, 
called me with additional information. He recalled being in John’s River Lodge, a tavern 
on SR 105 nearest the John’s River Road and the entrance to the logging roads leading 
into the Elk River area from the north. He said someone came into the tavern and told 
everyone “something had crashed and the military was up there.”’ He claimed he went 
out looking but found nothing. 

Then he added not long after he observed “some sort of helicopter carrying something 
beneath it,” but he did not have any more details when I pressed him. Lance Graham was 
not the only area resident who talked about unusual military helicopter activity. 

Henry Harnden, Andy Harnden and Other Witnesses — 

Henry Harnden, 52 years old in 1987, was another area resident who claimed he was 
“threatened and run out of the area by troops.”’ He added he spoke with one of the 
soldiers who identified himself as part of a “special division from Georgia.” 

Mr. Harnden was also one of the first people I contacted who identified “7uffy”’ Miller as 
a key witness. He said Tuffy went to school with his son, Andy. He claimed Tuffy Miller 
discovered the object first, bragged to everyone, and then, interestingly, wouldn’t talk 
about ever again. 

A week later on May 13, 1987, I spoke with his son, Andy Harnden who was 23 years 

old then. His recollection was much more specific: on Wednesday of the week after the 
Crash (November 28, 1979), he tried to get into the area twice. Both times he was not 
only stopped but the soldiers insisted upon searching his pickup truck. He also said one of 
the soldiers claimed to be part of a special unit from Georgia. 


The second time one of the soldiers made a call on a radio and then he was told they 
would shoot him if he came back. 

On Thursday or Friday he recalled seeing two military ‘sky cranes” flying over his house 
headed for the Crash area at about 5:00 pm. The next morning he went into the area with 
two of his friends in their pickup trucks. The military was gone and the roads were open. 

According to Andy Harnden, he went to Ocosta High School with Tuffy Miller. Tuffy 
was out of school for seven days at the time of the Crash. When he came back, Andy 
asked him about the Crash because everyone was talking about it. 

Tuffy Miller told him, “You’'// read about it. I can't talk about it. It’s really something.” 
Tuffy claimed he shot a roll of film, but “they stole my g-damned camera!” 

Miller’s family ran a gravel pit. Supposedly the gravel pit was not far from the Crash site. 
More interestingly, the Miller family was described as having money problems until this 

event; however, Miller’s family bought a new pickup truck and a brand new gravel truck 

at about the same time as the Crash. 

On June |, 1987, I spoke with a relative of Mr. Miller, Lavonne Willis. She referred to 
him as Kenny. She stated, “He was telling everyone about it, and then he would not say 

She was also aware Don Betts had seen the object descend and crash south of the Bay 
City Bridge. But what her son, Shannon reported may help to paint the details of just how 
seriously this event was being taken by military officials. 

Her son lived on Seacrest Lane near the Westport State Park. At about the same date as 
the Crash her son watched an unmarked official-looking sedan pull up to a telephone 
booth near his home. He watched a man who looked to be a high-ranking officer use the 
telephone briefly and then depart. The point of this anecdote is that he never observed 
anyone like that before or since; these types of statements help corroborate the larger 
reconstruction of what occurred after the Crash. 

What Happened to “Tuffy” Miller? 

The city of Westport and the surrounding unincorporated communities of Grayland, 
Ocosta, Markham and Bay City may be generally described as close-knit and places 
where some of the young people grow and move away, but many graduate from high 
school together and then live in the same area for years, working the timber or fishing 
jobs. This was certainly bore out by this investigation, and reflected in the community 
culture of Aberdeen where I worked as a police sergeant. 

For some reason not yet revealed, Ken “Tuffy” Miller was identified repeatedly as the 
witness who knew the most about the Westport UFO Crash. The story varied slightly, but 


always focused on the gravel pit run by his family in close proximity to the Crash, and 
how Tuffy got into the area first and actually saw the object. In one version he 
photographed it and then had his camera taken away by the military. 

I wish I had the answer; I don’t. I attempted to interview Ken Miller after having spoken 
with his friends and relatives in the community. His answer in 1987 was, “J didn't go up 
there. I did not see it, and 1 don’t know why anyone would use my name.” 

In preparation for this presentation I called him at the same telephone number and I spoke 
with his wife. She stated he was away and sometimes works 6 to 7 days a week. She 
recalled the Crash and she promised to ask him if he had anything else to tell me after so 
much time has gone by. 

Just Helicopter Exhaust? 

The prevailing official explanation for the Westport UFO Crash at the time was a faulty 
exhaust on a helicopter whose pilot may have accidentally left the landing light on. Bill 
Langford, the Grays Harbor County Emergency Services Director, was quick to report he 
had a theory given with the blessing of the Civil Air Patrol — Helicopter, Hughes 500 or 
Bell Jet Ranger have “powerful landing lights,” and “fiery exhaust flame from a stack 4- 
5 inches across.” 

It turned out Army and commercial pilots disputed the official explanation. Army 
helicopter pilot Warrant Officer Clarence Hendricks stated, “Exhaust glow is minor in 
flight.” Lee Hayman, Washington Helicopter Service, stated succinctly, “There are few 
commercial flights in the area; no exhaust seen. The craft appear dark and don’t have 
exhaust glow.” 

| had a lengthy discussion with Budd Carroll—an experienced pilot with the Washington 
Helicopter Service. I asked him to theorize about what on a helicopter could emit fire and 
would allow the helicopter to keep flying for over 30 miles, attracting attention along the 
way. Mr. Carroll said the only thing he could think of was the turbine oil, but it is 
manufactured to have a high ignition point (800 degrees F). He was quick to point out, 
“The turbine runs on 3 to 4 quarts. If you lost very much at all, you won’t be in the air 

As a patrol officer with a need to watch the skies, | have been outdoors for many hours 
and I’ve looked at helicopters and other aircraft flying in the vicinity of Grays Harbor. I 
have never seen a helicopter flying at night where there was any question about what I 
was seeing. I have also stood by when patients were evacuated by helicopter from the 
Jocal hospital. 

I went through the entire presentation of the Westport Crash with a friend who pilots 
intercontinental passenger jets. He stated the Helicopter Theory made no sense, and he 
also added anything that burned that visibly wouldn’t stay in the air that long. 

It is possible Bill Langford, Emergency Services Director, was pressured to concoct a 

quick conventional explanation for the Crash. It is equally possible he wanted to quell the 
growing public curiosity about the mysterious flaming object that crossed over most of 
the county and ended its descent by the Elk River. As is often the case in UFO cases 
where there is extensive public attention, the explanation offered by the authorities ends 
up looking like a cheap band aid on an active toddler. 

Officer Fred Bradshaw —Witness to Unusual Military 

On June 22, 1987, I interviewed Elma Police Officer Fred Bradshaw at his residence. He 
referred to his notes from the time of the Crash. He was very interested in the Crash and 
kept notes. He recalled it had occurred on a Sunday night. 

Two to three days (Tuesday or Wednesday, November 27 or 28, 1979) later he was off- 
duty with his family on SR 105 near the Ocosta Bargain Barn headed for Aberdeen. He 
observed an Army “/ow-boy truck with a boom,” two “deuce and half’s,” and two jeeps 
headed towards the Grayland area. He stated the low-boy truck had a white star and 
numbers on the door. 

He had never seen military vehicles on the highway before in the area. His observation of 
the military convoy also stood out in his mind because he had heard of the reports at the 
Sheriff's Office and the Elma Police Department of people reporting the roads blocked 
by the military in the area of Elk River. 

Alan Rammer Sees the Other Search Party— 

The Westport UFO Crash Retrieval Investigation would have remained a two-inch file 
folder in a drawer. In 1987 I was a full-time police officer and a father with small 
children. Don Johnson, the State Director who offered help, left the State. I was going 
through my own person struggles, balancing law enforcement with home and family, and 
trying to find time for other interests. 

I fell into one of the traps faced by all investigators—I quit too soon. The Latin root of 
investigation is investigare meaning “to follow a path or trail.” There is a critical 
difference between letting the evidence guide you to a reasonable conclusion, and 
deciding to go no further because you have become weary or distracted by a convenient 
explanation. Apathy may be the worst form of corruption; it is when you are investigating 
anything—a murder, a fatal traffic accident, or a crashed UFO certainly. 

There was one more witness, one who had reported other UFO’s, and they arrived the 
night after the Crash. In 2008 when I reviewed all the evidence, I realized the true 
significance of his encounter. 

Alan Rammer, a professional biologist, sent a letter in response to the Aberdeen Daily 
World newspaper article of July 26, 1987. °° At the time I did not know the extent of his 


professional background, and admittedly, | did not consider the true significance of his 
report. He completed a MUFON sighting report and he drew a basic diagram of the 
mysterious lights he observed from the area of John’s River, about 3 to 4 miles east of the 
Bay City Bridge on State Route 105. 


(Label any lights, colors, protrusions) 

ae oor (or Five) glowing whi 
rae : ee ae Clase} 
‘Saran oi nd A Rey 
U Om \/ _ Glawing ne nag MOVIE Ih 
a =) = qline ry soothwes 
\ te Pporéhecse. 


(On a separate sheet, please sketch a sizuple map of che area showing your pusicion and the objecc’ 
Incluce an arrow denoting che direction of Norch. 

Indicace direccion that the object was moving.) 

Figure 12 Alan Rammer's diagram MUFON report 

P Saclay, Acpest 25, 196/ 
vear Jin, 

Here le your survey fom as camlete ap I can remember. Since this incl see 
Sappenes £O mny years ago only certain aspects are still vivic to a. I cidn 
fill in pan intoraac fan betauae I feel it's personal anc moc important co 
wut I have to say. Let the record state 1 don't smoke, crink or deo Griys anc 
as net 4 rel Mos G33 zeulot so shat I sas speaka for steel. 3 hope it belos pow 
in your efforts anc saybe Ue story repute iS again Solow for your recurcs might 
help your search. 1 will hold back in joinine your group mow bcmuse 1 am over 
extended in my affiliations now. I a> 50 involved i= comma ty causes acd wore 
very ley, hours thet tere ds little tise for reading or terion to cur yy froups 


I was criviny here from Aberdeen in Noverber 1979 after or evenies, of exercising 
et the local heaith club anc shopping. Men's night is fh useday ord Vhurecay and 

1 know this noppened before Thanksgiving: because 1 told ov fricris about it 
with wnar 1 scene Thausgiving. 1 was coming maw aroun! S:30 to 9:30 i! anc te 
was & very nice evening; for fall. There were wery Gish cirtus cicesds burt you 
coulé see all the stars for the ost pert. I war driving osst to wat ce State 
fioute 165 to Beetport throw an area called Markcas. There were two cars in 
frone of me. As I cesceried trom a hill onto the flats of the Jot & Aiver aelta 
tS witite lights (recurs!) folk 

i could sew four or five ual) br 
large bright snite light. they sore tust ateve the rr Dine 
Soutmwest to tho morchease. They were very evenly spaced and a %t 3 chourghs 
they might te ienere or eaee bet tb Te So trient arc 20 close 

hs way fro moe. As we (all three 
‘ was Meellyt Gost 

pall over wa, 1 
pet within a sil 
out over Grays 
and stile heading 
in the skies wt all 4 

the local police department. Sra a ee nor: 
in Graylanw! hed just calice and repertec 

1 culied om of the local racic stations 
listeners Co call in tt they 
1 sae the article in tt 
as bow close the cbjec wer tefor 
actually fust above the bridve es t 
distance at mignt but I co “now nechs 5 oh treet z * towir View trom us. | 
Can stu you Oxmctly were | parked amc sxyte you can figure act how far away 
they were sTen they changed course. 

trey pst 2 wo 
a 3" 

wav YNoctex Ley 

0.8 2 yy vex) 

Figure 13 Alan Rammer's Letter 
I attended last year’s Crash Retrieval Conference with my wife, Joanne. When I met her 
in 1993 she was Children’s Librarian for the Timberland Regional Library System, and I 
was the Detective Sergeant at Aberdeen PD; we were nicknamed Officer Friendly and 
the Story Lady. Part of her duties included providing interesting programs for children 
and young adults. 

One of the most popular programs was a hands-on presentation about the wide variety of 
sea life in Puget Sound. The program presenter was Alan Rammer; he has worked for the 
last 25 years on public outreach programs for the Department of Natural Resources 
(DNR) of Washington State. 

My wife asked to read my Westport UFO Crash file after last year’s conference. She told 
me Alan Rammer is well known as one of the most knowledgeable and well-respected 
marine biologists in the State.*' What jumped out at me was a detail I had overlooked 
before; his sighting was a separate but clearly related event to the Crash at 10:50 pm on 
Sunday, November 25, 1979. 

That is how Alan Rammer became a dinner guest at my home on January 18, 2008. He is 

what any experienced investigator would call an ideal witness: he is highly articulate, 
logical, and very careful about the conclusions he draws. He is also consistent over time. 


One of the methods of improving a witness interview is go over all of the events 
surrounding the event that you are really targeting with the investigation. This makes the 
description of an event flow in the recollection of the witness: if they recall seemingly 
unrelated activities on the date in question, the investigator learns how a witness came to 
be in the right place at the ght time. 

Alan Rammer and I looked at a calendar for 1979. He went through his daily routine; he 
was working out of the Aberdeen DNR office and commuting to his home in Westport. 
On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, he went to an aerobic class at an Aberdeen 
Health Club before making the 26 mile drive to Westport along SR-105. This meant he 
would have been in the area of John’s River at about 8:30 to 9:00 pm. After discussing 
more details, we were both satisfied his sighting had occurred on Monday, November 
26,** the day after the Crash. 

His drive was normal until he saw glowing lights coming in a line from the direction of 
Grayland. There was one bright light in the front followed by 4 or 5 white spheres of 
light. The large orb of light was three to four times larger than the smaller ones. 

The sight was so strange and spectacular he pulled over to pay closer attention. He got 
out of his car as did the occupants of two other vehicles, one driven by a young woman 
with a baby, and the other by an elderly couple. 

The smaller spheres of light moved erratically around the larger orb. Alan Rammer said it 
reminded him of “a mother hen gathering her chicks.’’ Then the smaller orbs of light 
shot off in all directions at a very high velocity. The last object to leave was the large orb 
of light. It shot off north over the bay and it was gone. Alan Rammer described the 
departure speed of the objects as “fantastic.” 

Right after the orbs of light departed Alan Rammer and the other motorists spoke briefly 
questioning each other as to what they had just witnessed. He thought at first they must 
have been military helicopters, but he emphasized nothing conventional can move that 
erratically or that fast. What also stuck in his mind is that although the strange orbs of 
light arrived together, they shot off in all different directions. 

Alan Rammer stated he is certain he witnessed something extraordinary. He was so 

convinced he said he stands on what he reported and he stated he was perfectly willing to 
be identified. 


There were numerous witnesses to the arrival of a fiery object in Grays Harbor County, 
WA on November 25, 1979 at about 10:50 pm. 

The unknown object impacted, and may have exploded somewhere in the Elk River 
drainage area, possibly in the marshy, mudflats or in the adjacent thick forest. 


The unknown object was illuminated in such a spectacular way before the Crash it 
attracted the attention of drivers as far as 33 miles from the impact location. 

There were probably many more official reports in 1979 than were available in 1987 
because the files had been purged. 

The official explanation of “helicopter exhaust glow” lacks a factual basis and was 
contradicted by pilots both military and civilian. Whatever the true nature of the fiery 
object, it did not fly like, or appear as a helicopter. 

The descriptions given by the witnesses on the highway by Elma, Central Park and the 
Elk River Bridge appear to involve an object descending from a fairly high altitude, 
possibly falling. 

Estella Krussel and Tim Wenzel independently observed the object from their residences 
and commented how the object appeared to be “out of power." Tim Wenzel could not 
discern a shape or details. 

On first analysis the observations of Estella Krussel would appear inconsistent with those 
of the other witnesses. However, it was very apparent the event created a powerful 
memory in the mind of Estella Krussel based upon the conviction she expressed when | 
interviewed her. It may be also possible her sense of time was altered by the intensity of 
the event. | have encountered witnesses to violent events or survivors of automobile 
crashes who describe a sense of s/ow motion when they are intensely focused on what is 

The military involvement in the Crash could have originated from a number of bases in 
the area. Fort Lewis, WA and McCord AFB are adjacent to each other and not far away. 
A compelling argument could be made the Crash on November 25, 1979 was the result of 
something, a missile or a satellite being accidentally released or shot down near these 
military bases. However, no evidence has been located to directly support this theory. 

..' os 


McCord AFB to 

Crash: 75 miles 

Figure 14 View looking east from C. rash 


If Sgt. Robertson was correct in his theory of a Navy SEAL response to the Crash, a 
SEAL team and additional personnel could have been sent from the nuclear submarine 
base at Bangor near Bremerton, Washington a distance of about 80 miles. 

Given the local culture of the Westport area, where young men considered the logging 
roads to be their home territory, the soldiers assigned to secure the Crash Zone may have 
found it was more of a difficult task than they first thought. This might explain why one 
person was politely told that “maneuvers were being conducted in the area” and 
requested to leave, but someone persistent like Andy Harnden was told to get out, and if 
he returned, he would be shot. 

After reviewing the statements made about the military presence, it appears the retrieval 
operation was in progress at the time of the Crash. | base this on statements by area 
residents who claim the roads were already blocked on Monday morning after the Crash. 
This would also reinforce the conclusion the truth about why the Crash was classified, 
either to avoid a disclosure about classified technology, or because the proximity of the 
Crash to the population in and around Westport would have been a public relations 

The official denial is meaningless. Secrecy and denial are so commonplace that it is hard 
to take an official statement seriously. When Major Ralph Paduano told the Daily World 
Reporter, “We're certainly not guarding anything in the Elk River area,” on December 
14, 1979, 20 days after the Crash, he was being clearly disingenuous, almost mocking. 
It’s unfortunate the journalist did not remember the words of Benjamin Franklin when he 
said, “Half the truth is often a great lie.” 

Perhaps a better question for the military would have been, would you tell the 
public the truth if you did recover something that crashed in the Elk River basin? 

If I have convinced the reader to conclude as I have, that Alan Rammer is a highly 
credible witness to a highly strange event, then it appears whatever crashed by the Elk 
River may have been recovered by the military before it was found by our Visitors, the 
ones whose presence on Earth so fascinates and eludes us at the same time. 

I called retired Deputy Sheriff Paul Wenzel as | was finishing this presentation. I asked 
him if he had any more thoughts on the Elk River Crash. He responded, “Same old 

-James E. Clarkson 


Ministry of Defense X-Files 
By Nick Pope 

Copyright 2008 Nick Pope 


Late in 2007 the UK Ministry of Defense (MoD) gave an undertaking to release its entire 
archive of UFO files. On May 14 2008 the National Archives released the first batch of 
files, leading to worldwide media coverage, including articles in the New York Times 
and coverage on CNN News. On October 20, 2008 the National Archives released the 
second batch of files, again generating global media coverage, including a feature on 
ABC News's Nightline. I used to work at the MoD on these files and although I left 
government service in 2006, I assisted the National Archives in the release process by 
reviewing the files, selecting cases of potential interest to the media and acting as 
someone to whom they would refer journalists wanting to discuss the files. I will set out 
the background to this release and explain how the French government's 2007 decision to 
release its UFO files was a major factor in the UK decision, as was the fact that the MoD 
receives more FOI requests on UFOs than any other topic. | will then give detailed 
information about the files, explaining how much material there is, what it comprises and 
what the timeline is for full disclosure. I will also discuss the level of classification 
involved and the various FOI exemptions that mean certain information will not be 
released. Finally, I will pick out some cases from the newly released files and discuss the 
wider implications of this release. 


I used to work for the MoD in the UK and for 3 years | ran their UFO project. My remit 
was to investigate UFO sightings reported to the British government, looking for 
evidence of any potential threat, or anything judged to be of any "defence significance." 
In 2007 the French government released their archive of UFO files and this was followed 
by many stories suggesting that the British government was about to do the same. This 
process has now begun and has commented upon extensively in the media and in the 
UFO community. However, the situation is more complex than many suppose and some 
of what's been written has been misleading or wrong. Accordingly, I'll clarify the 
position, explain what's already happened, what's happening now and what future 
developments people can expect to see. 

The Public Records Acts 

Before the UK's Freedom of Information Act came fully into force in 2005, the Public 
Records Acts set down the rules on access to government files. The best-known feature 
of these acts was the so-called 30 Year Rule, which did pretty much what it said on the 
tin and meant that most files wouldn't be opened until 30 years after the most recent 
document. Some more sensitive files were withheld for longer, while some would never 


be released. The ‘default position’, as it were, was not to release. It was a totally different 
culture, and when I joined the MoD in 1985, it was a closed organization with limited 
public and media interface. The Department | left in 2006, after a 21 year career, was 
virtually unrecognizable from the organization I'd joined over two decades ago. 


There was a major wave of UFO sightings in the UK in 1967 (and indeed in the US and 
elsewhere) and the subject enjoyed extensive media coverage. There was parliamentary 
interest too and one of the key decisions in relation to MoD UFO documents was taken in 
that year. It was agreed by Defense ministers that in view of the historical/public interest, 
all UFO files would be kept permanently and considered for eventual release. Prior to 
that, files on the subject had been reviewed 5 years after closure and might be either 
destroyed, sent to MoD records management divisions or sent to the Public Records 
Office (now renamed the National Archives). What this meant was that prior to 1967, 
few UFO files had survived this process and with a few exceptions, UFO files from the 
Fifties and early Sixties had been destroyed. There was nothing sinister about this and 
such decisions were made all the time on a wide range of subjects. It was a subjective 
business and I've done it myself: administrative staff would bring me files and I'd have to 
decide whether to authorize destruction, permanent retention or a further review. I never 
authorized the destruction of a UFO file and following the 1967 ruling, nobody should. 

Freedom of Information 

The introduction of the Freedom of Information Act (passed in November 2000 and 
coming fully into force in January 2005) effectively reversed the default position and the 
presumption now is that information is released, unless any of the formal exemptions 
apply. I was trained in this and have dealt with Freedom of Information (FOI) requests 
myself, so have first-hand experience of this. Ufologists have used FOI (and the Code of 
Practice on Access to Government Information, which preceded FOI but attempted to 
apply some of the principles) extensively and researchers such as Georgina Bruni and 
Timothy Good have achieved some high-profile successes. The file of the Rendlesham 
Forest incident and on the Cosford incident, the Flying Saucer Working Party and Project 
Condign (a highly classified UFO study sponsored by the Defence Intelligence Staff and 
undertaken by a defence contractor) were all obtained using the Code or FOI. All these 
files and more besides are now available on the MoD website, Go to the 
Freedom of Information section and search the Publication Scheme and the Disclosure 
Log, using keywords such as UFO and UAP and it's all there, alongside documents and 
files on a vast range of other fascinating subjects including MoD's 2001 remote viewing 

FOI or Investigation? 
The MoD receives more FOI requests relating to UFOs than on any other subject, 

including the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. The section where I worked is now so busy 
dealing with FO] requests that this has taken precedence over the research and 


investigation that was done in my day. Few UFO sightings are currently investigated in 
any meaningful sense of the word and most sightings elicit little more than a standard 
letter. A major case such as Ray Bowyer's sighting over the Channel Islands on 23 April 
2007 will at least be investigated, but not to the extent that has previously been the case. 
The case file on the Channel Islands UFO sighting ran to 9 pages. Compare that with 
previous major cases such as Rendlesham Forest or the Cosford Incident, where the case 
files ran to over 100 pages of documentation. Investigations are suffering because of the 
workload being put on staff due to FOI, but FOI is taking priority because if it fails to 
comply, MoD would be breaching the law. 


By 2007 the workload involved in dealing FOI requests was becoming intolerable and I 
know that staffs were getting increasingly frustrated. Accordingly, because of the 
administrative burden involved in responding to UFO-related FOI requests on a case by 
case basis, MoD decided to proactively release its entire archive of UFO files. As 
mentioned earlier, the French government did this in 2007 (and the dedicated server 
crashed due to the volume of hits as around 220,000 people attempted to access the 
material on the day of release) and this was another reason for the release, as was the 
hope that the move would help deal with accusations that MoD was covering up the truth 
about UFOs. Indeed, both the MoD and the National Archives hope that this will be a 
good news story about open government and freedom of information. MoD confirmed to 
me in December 2007 that the final decision had been taken and I duly broke the story in 
the media. 

The Details 

There are around 160 files in all, covering sighting reports, public correspondence, policy 
files and files detailing with how the MoD handles the subject when raised in parliament 
and in the media. MoD decided not to release the material all in one go, mainly because 
of the administrative burden of redacting the files, i.e. deleting any information covered 
by the various exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act, ensuring that classified 
information and personal data isn't released. Names, addresses and other personal details 
relating to witnesses and officials have to be removed, to comply with the Freedom of 
Information Act and the Data Protection Act. Other exemptions cover categories such as 
defense and national security and examples of the sort of information that is being 
withheld include classified information such as the capability of military radar 

systems, information passed to the UK in confidence by allies, commercially-sensitive 
information and information which, if disclosed, would reveal intelligence sources or 
methods of gathering intelligence. It's a massive job: MoD has received over 11,000 
UFO reports to date and case files on major incidents can run to over 100 pages of 
documentation. The entire process is likely to take 3 - 4 years. 

The Asbestos Files 

While most files are ones from the secretariat branch that has the policy and investigative 


lead on UFOs (i.e. the division where I worked) 24 Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS) UFO 
files are also being released. The DIS provided specialist advice and assistance on a 
number of areas related to specific investigations. These 24 files were part of a batch of 
several thousand DIS files that had been contaminated by asbestos. It was feared 
originally that they'd have to be destroyed. Historians were outraged and conspiracy 
theorists smelt a rat. But at a cost of around £3M all the files have now been 
decontaminated and scanned onto CD-ROMs. Many UFO researchers have made 
Freedom of Information Act requests relating to these files, so the material can now be 
considered for release in the usual way. 

What's in the Asbestos Files? 

The 24 files cover the period 1975 to 1999 and cover a wide range of material, including 
both policy and investigations. Many of the UFO sightings detailed are mundane, but 
there are some more interesting ones, including sightings by civil and military pilots and 
sightings corroborated by radar evidence. And of course the period covered means that 
there will be documents on Rendlesham Forest, the Cosford Incident and Project 
Condign. Some of the documents will be new, but many will be copies of ones in the 
secretariat division's file. This is because the DIS UFO files mirror those of the 
secretariat division responsible for setting policy and leading investigations, because the 
secretariat and the DIS were looking at the same cases and corresponding with each other 
about them. Some documents | wrote are in the files and some documents are ones that 
were written to me. Brief details of these 24 files are available on the MoD website, in 
the Disclosure Log. A search on the phrase "DIS UFO Incident Files" will turn up the 

The First Batch 

The first batch of files were released on May 14, 2008. They covered the period 1978 - 
1987. There were 8 files in this first batch, which led to some misunderstanding as many 
people thought this was the same as saying that there were only 8 individual cases. In 
fact, most of the files were sighting report files and each file contained several hundred 
pages of documentation, consisting mainly of one or two page summaries of individual 
sightings: the raw data, as it were, recorded in a standard format by the person receiving 
the UFO report. Overall, therefore, there were thousands of pages of documentation in 
these 8 files, detailing several hundred sightings. Most cases had mundane explanations 
and were clearly misidentifications of ordinary objects and phenomena, mainly aircraft 
lights, satellites and meteors. But some were more difficult to explain, including cases 
where the witnesses were pilots and police officers, together with instances where UFOs 
had been tracked on radar. There were also some more light-hearted cases, which were 
almost certainly hoaxes or instances where some practical joke had got out of hand. 
Some of the more interesting incidents included: 

26th April, 1984: Members of the public report a UFO in Stanmore. Two police officers 
attend the scene, witness the craft and sketch it. 

13th October, 1984: a saucer-shaped UFO is seen from Waterloo Bridge in London by 
numerous witnesses. 

11th September, 1985: 2 UFOs tracked on a military radar system traveling 10 nautical 
miles in 12 seconds. 

4th September, 1986: a UFO passes an estimated 1.5 nautical miles from the port side of 
a commercial aircraft. 

The release made the news all around the world and within a couple of months the 
material had been downloaded around 2 million times. The National Archives regarded 
this as one of their most successful proactive events of all time. 

The Second Batch 

A second batch of Ministry of Defence UFO files was released on October 20, 2008 and 
are now available at the National Archives. There are 19 files, many of which contain 
several hundred individual documents. The files date from 1986 to 1992 and therefore 
include cases from my tour of duty on the MoD's UFO project (1991 to 1994). It's 
fascinating to see these files again - it's a real blast from the past. As with the first batch, 
most of the UFO sightings in these newly released files can be explained as 
misidentifications of ordinary objects or phenomena, with around 5% being more 
difficult to explain. The cases that concerned me most were those involving near misses 
between UFOs and commercial aircraft. There are several such cases in these files, along 
with more sightings from police officers and more cases where UFOs have been tracked 
on radar. I did a seemingly constant stream of TV and radio interviews, appearing on 
most TV news programs (including a number of US shows such as ABC News's 
Nightline) and on others shows such as GMTV, The Alan Titchmarsh Show and 
Newsround, as well as prestigious radio shows such as Radio 4's Today program and 
BBC World Service's The World Today. I appeared twice on this latter show, once 
giving a conventional interview and the second time reading a science fiction story they 
asked to write, based on the files, which listeners were then invited to continue. The fact 
that such extensive media coverage resulted not only from the first release but from the 
second illustrates the appeal that this subject has with the media. The British file release 
is helping move the UFO phenomenon out of the fringe and into the mainstream. 

Close Encounter over Kent 

One of the most interesting cases from the second batch of files occurred on 21st April, 
1991. I remember this incident very well and indeed I was involved in the official 
investigation. We were informed by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) - the UK 
equivalent of the FAA - that there had been a near miss involving a commercial aircraft. 


The aircraft was an Al Italia MD-80 with 57 passengers on board. It was a height of 
around 22,000 feet over Kent, near Lydd, when a brown, cigar-shaped object passed so 
close to the aircraft that the pilot shouted "look out, look out". In the normal course of 
events, any near-miss would be investigated by the CAA. However, most such incidents 
involve other aircraft, and as the crew were not able to identify the object, it was treated 
as a UFO incident and passed from the CAA to the MoD. We launched a full 
investigation and eliminated all the usual possibilities, including weather balloons, 
military aircraft, etc. We even checked to see whether we had accidentally fired off a 
missile of some sort. We drew a complete blank and the incident remains unexplained to 
this day. This incident had a profound effect on me, because | realized that a commercial 
aircraft had come within seconds of being blown out of the sky over the UK. This 
illustrated that whatever one believes about UFOs, the phenomenon raises important 
defence and air safety issues. However, some people at the MoD and the CAA did not 
treat the incident as seriously as me, simply because of their automatic reaction to hearing 
the word "UFO". This was deeply troubling and convinced me that I should make every 
effort to ensure that all UFO incidents were investigated thoroughly, in a proper scientific 
manner. It also convinced me that I should make efforts to ensure the subject was taken 
more seriously within government, the military and the intelligence community. 

Milton Torres 

Another case from the second batch that I discussed in my various media interviews was 
that of Milton Torres, a United States Air Force pilot who stated that on 20th May 1957 
he was ordered to open fire on a UFO that was being tracked on radar. He was based at 
RAF Manston in Kent and was scrambled to intercept a UFO that had been tracked over 
Kent. He claims that he came within seconds of firing off a salvo of 24 rockets when the 
UFO accelerated away at a speed of around Mach 10. Torres stated that he was 
subsequently warned to stay silent about the incident and only mentioned it years 
afterwards, at a reunion. While Torres has gone on the record and given a number of 
media interviews, following the release of the documents from the MoD files, most 
people have not realized that the account in the MoD file is not an official USAF or MoD 
witness statement. It is a transcript of an interview with Torres, undertaken years after 
the event and forwarded to MoD by a ufologist. The ufologist then speculated that the 
incident was part of some secret test, which is patently false; as such tests would be 
conducted in the restricted airspace of various ranges over the sea. Needless to say, one 
does not conduct tests involving the potential firing of live weapons over the mainland 
UK! Torres is clearly an honorable man, recalling a difficult and potentially life 
threatening mission. But I would suggest that ufologists need to track down the original 
1957 paperwork if they are to get to the bottom of this incident. Torres is not the only 
pilot to have been ordered to open fire on UFOs. General Parviz Jafari (Iran, 1976) and 
Comandante Huertas (Peru, 1980) were placed in similar positions and their stories, in 
their own words, can be found on the Coalition for Freedom of Information website. 
Check out for further details. 

Other Highlights From The Second Batch of MoD Files 


There are plenty of other fascinating cases from the MoD UFO files. These include a 
case from 5 November 1990 when a number of RAF Tornado aircraft were overtaken by 
a UFO. There is a case from Scotland where a spectacular UFO photo was sent to the 
MoD. It was on my office wall for years, but was removed by my Head of Division, who 
had convinced himself that it showed Aurora - supposedly a prototype aircraft, the 
existence of which has never been confirmed. Additionally, there is a file that I opened 
on alien abductions and alien contact cases, with a series of bizarre letters. There is 

also material on crop circles, including papers showing how the MoD tried to get the 
military to stop flying over crop circles and photographing them, as it undermined the 
line that we were desperately trying to push at the time, i.e. that we weren't interested 

in the phenomenon! 

Summer of the Saucers 

At the same time as these file releases, the summer of 2008 has seen a massive upsurge in 
UFO sightings in the UK and - perhaps fuelled by the release of the government files - an 
increase in media coverage, as journalists become increasingly aware that there's a 
serious story here of interest to a vast number of people. I shall highlight the two cases 
that have attracted most media attention. Both are to be covered in Series 2 of the 
History Channel series UFO Hunters. 

UFO in Near-Miss with Police Helicopter 

A spectacular encounter between a UFO and a police helicopter took place on 8th June in 
South Wales, over the military base at RAF St Athan, close to Cardiff International 
Airport. The helicopter, with a crew of 3 on board, was about to land when it was in near 
collision with a UFO. Initially described as being disc-shaped and covered in lights, 
early media reports suggested a chase had taken place, with the helicopter pursuing the 
UFO south over the Bristol Channel and only breaking off pursuit when the UFO proved 
too quick and when they ran low on fuel. After the story broke on 20th June the story 
changed and the police were careful to use the phrase "unusual aircraft" as opposed to 
UFO. Additionally, while confirming the sighting, they denied a chase had taken place. 
Perhaps the most extraordinary aspect of the story was a quote from the MoD Press 
Office, where a spokesperson made the following comment: "But it is certainly not 
advisable for police helicopters to go chasing what they think are UFOs". It has now 
emerged that numerous other people in the area saw the UFO. The story generated 
massive media coverage and numerous FOI requests have been made to the MoD and the 
CAA, so look out for further developments on this story. Whatever one believes about 
UFOs, incidents like this illustrate the phenomenon raises serious defence and flight 
safety issues. 

UFOs Filmed Over Military Base 
The police helicopter story was followed by an even bigger story, when it transpired that 

a few hours before the police helicopter incident, soldiers at Tern Hill barracks in 
Shropshire saw several UFOs fly directly over their base. One of them filmed the objects 



Tr -fa0. 3 SRINSES eer eee 

on his mobile phone. The Sun (the UK's best-selling national daily newspaper) ran the 
story on the front page under the headline "Army Spot UFOs Over Shropshire". Again, 
investigation into this sighting is ongoing. The film is inconclusive and may even just 
show so-called Chinese lanterns, but the media coverage has been almost without 

A Vision of the Future 

Once all the files have been released, most FOI requests can simply be dealt with by a 
standard reply that refers people to the National Archives and/or the MoD website. At 
that point, it is entirely possible that MoD will attempt to disengage from the subject 
altogether, as the United States Air Force did when Project Blue Book was terminated in 
1969. The DIS disengagement that followed Project Condign is a possible model and 
precedent for this. Whether MoD will need a new review, or will simply rely on Project 
Condign, is open to debate. But something has to give. There's no point in investigating 
UFO sightings if you're not going to do it properly. I once wrote a paper on this for the 
MoD Press Office (after I left the UFO project but before I left MoD), who were having 
difficulty reconciling Directorate Air Staff's public line that they "weren't interested" in 
UFOs with the fact that they had a telephone line for people to report sightings and did 
investigate sightings from pilots. 

No Smoking Gun 

So far as the files are concerned, don't expect a smoking gun. There isn't one. The files 
contain no references to spacecraft in an air force hangar or alien bodies at a government 
laboratory. No back-engineering, no deals with extraterrestrials and no alien autopsies. 
If such things have happened (and I have no knowledge that they have) I don't believe 
they haven't happened in the UK. I'm accused of being part of a cover-up when I make 
such statements, but they're true, whether people like it and believe it or not. Much of the 
material is mundane - when I joined the UFO project each case looked different, but 
when I left they all seemed the same. It's not all gloom, of course and there's some 
amazing stuff in amongst the mass of more routine material: UFOs seen by police 
officers and pilots, UFOs tracked on radar, craft seen performing speeds and maneuvers 
significantly in excess of those of our most advanced military aircraft, intriguing photos 
and videos, etc. 

The Limits of a Paper Trail 

A word of warning. Documents and files can never tell the whole story. The written 
word has its limitations. Reading a book about war doesn't mean you truly understand 
what it's like to be under fire in a war zone. Unless you've been there and done it, you 
can only - at best - have an outsider's view - a second-hand understanding, as it were. It's 
the same at the MoD. Journalists and members of the public who make FOI requests 
relating to UFOs (or on any subject, for that matter) may get to see some documents 

and files, but that only tells part of the story. Documents and files don't generally capture 
the politics, the personalities and the intrigue. They don't capture the un-minuted 


discussions that take place every day, in the office, the corridor, the canteen or at social 
functions. Think about it from a personal point of view. How much of what you do at 
work each day is ever written down? If an outsider was to read some of your files, would 
they really understand all the business of the organization? Ufologists who specialize in 
document research make a valuable contribution to the subject, but an experienced 
journalist will tell you that the paper trail can only lead you so far. In any organization, 
but especially in a fundamentally secretive one like MoD, documents and files can only 
ever tell part of the story. 


I am always reluctant to use the word disclosure, because in ufology the word is often 
associated with the work of Dr Steven Greer, whose Disclosure Project has become 
something resembling a political campaign (as has Exopolitics) aimed at ending the UFO 
cover-up in which many conspiracy theorists believe. But I do use the word (with a small 
d and not a capital letter!) because in a very real sense, disclosure is precisely what the 
MoD is doing in relation to documents and files. Much has already been released and 
there's more to come. These are exciting times. 

*? Also known as the Bay City Bridge on State Route 105 about 4 miles east of Westport, Washington. 
3 Incident at Exeter by John G. Fuller, Putnam Publishing, 1966. 
ss According to historical weather data, the visibility at Westport, WA between 10 and 11 pm on November 

25, 1979 was 5 miles and the temperature was 41.9 degrees. It was 30-30.9 degrees at Bowerman Airfield 
in Hoquiam with 2 to 4 miles visibility and some fog. 


eee. e_e. —_ _L—os 

25 It should be noted I also interviewed Sally Desmarteau who also recalled the Aberdeen Police lines “/it 
up” the night of the Crash. This was also confirmed by the dispatchers | knew at the Grays Harbor County 
Sheriff's Office. Unfortunately, too many years had elapsed since the event; the dispatch records had been 

6 From about 1957 to 1987 Pacific Beach was a Navy facility; it remains a conference center and resort for 
DOD employees. 

27 See online article from wuav. titled “US Naval Academy — A City within the 
Walls” by staff writer Stacey Danzuso, copyright April 26, 2000, The Capital, Annapolis, MD. Police 
Chief Robbie Robertson appears in a group photo near the end of the article. 

*8 Not long before this investigation Robert Gribble helped me to join MUFON. I called the NUFORC 
phone number I had originally seen on a business card under the Plexiglas desk cover in front of the 
Military Police Desk Sergeant at Fort Lewis: (206) 722-3000. 

°° During my interview of Estella Krussel stated she was called by a radio station a few days after her UFO 
sighting. She told a family member who reported her sighting to the Grays Harbor County Sheriff's Office. 
Reporter John Dodge obtained her information from the Sheriff's Office, and presumably, Radio KITI in 
Centralia contacted Ms. Krussel who related her story. 

© The Daily World, Aberdeen, Washington, Sunday, July 26, 1987 UFO enthusiasts take new look at 
1979 episode by Bryn Beorse, Daily World City Editor. 

3! If you want to read a wonderful novel, try the coming-of-age novel The Highest Tide by Jim Lynch. One 
of the main characters in the novel is a marine biologist named Professor Kramer; the author, who is from 
Olympia, WA, chose to pattern the professor in his highly successful novel after the real-life Alan Rammer, 
one of the key witnesses in this investigation. 

*» According to historical weather data, the visibility at Westport, WA between 8 and 9 pm on November 

26, 1979 was 3 miles and the temperature was 39 degrees. It was 36 degrees at Bowerman Airfield in 
Hoquiam with 3 miles visibility and some fog forming. 


Bentwaters 1980: Telepathic Lights? 

Linda Moulton Howe 
Copyright 2008 Linda Moulton Howe 

“The WSA Tower (weapons storage area) saw all kinds of lights in the air. 
They thought they saw something being beamed up in the air, but they weren't 
sure. They thought we lost you, John (Burroughs)! We thought we lost you guys. 

Well, what happened?’” — RAF Bentwaters Flight Chief, December 26, 1980 

SLIDE # 1 
Bentwaters 1980: Telepathic Lights? 

© 2008 by Linda Moulton Howe 
Reporter and Editor 

SLIDE # 2 

MAP of Rendlesham Forest, 

Butley, Woodbridge, 

Suffolk, England 
In 1942, the British Royal Air Force constructed an air base 
at Butley, Suffolk County, on the northeastern comer of 

Rendlesham Forest in England. The trees were planted in 

the 1940s to help shield military activities. 
SLIDE # 3 
Bentwaters AFB 

RAF Butley was renamed RAF Bentwaters and in 1951, 
Britain’s Ministry of Defence leased RAF Bentwaters to the 
United States Air Force. 


SLIDE # 4 


Seven years later in 1958, RAF Bentwaters and RAF 
Woodbridge became a joint U. S. Air Force and Royal Air 

Force complex. 

The two air bases were home to the 81" 
Wing (81 TFW) and the 67" Aerospace Rescue and 
Recovery Squadron (ARRS). In 1992, after the Berlin Wall 

came down and the Soviet Cold War thawed, the United 

Tactical Fighter 

States cancelled its involvement with RAF Woodbridge 
and RAF Bentwaters. Bentwaters is now a privately owned 
business park, while RAF Woodbridge is used by the U. K. 

Ministry of Defence for Army training exercises. 

MAP of Orford Ness and Woodbridge 

SLIDE # 6 
Cobra Mist Patch 


Thirty years before that closure — beginning back in 1961 
until 1973 — the two air bases were only a few miles west 
of the Orford Ness construction of a British and American 

intelligence operation code named COBRA MIST. 

COBRA MIST was experimental over-the-horizon 
backscatter radar designed to monitor a 91-degree azimuth 
sector. During its development in the 1960s, COBRA MIST 

was the most powerful and sophisticated radar of its kind. 

eee Eee 


Aerial photograph of COBRA MIST 

fan-shaped radar array 

COBRA MIST building 

SLIDE # 9 
COBRA MIST buildings 

The radar employed the U. S. Naval Research Lab’s 
MADRE pulse-Doppler method, which used the F-layer of 
the ionosphere to reflect high-power High Frequency (HF) 
waves beyond the horizon to detect radar signals from 
moving targets at ranges as great as 2000 nautical miles 

(3,700 kilometers; 2,300 miles). 

Through the early part of 1972, testing found odd, 
unexplained noise that made “targets” appear in all filters, 
even when there were no real targets. For example, the 
COBRA MIST radar would show missiles being launched 
no matter where the radar was looking. The frustrated 
USAF eventually turned to the Stanford Research Institute 
to solve the strange noise problem. One particularly 
interesting finding was that distortion on/y occurred over 
land. So investigators could not rule out deliberate jamming 

— but jamming by what source? 

MIST was never solved. Finally, on June 30, 1973, the 
Orford Ness radar system was shut down, allegedly never 
having worked in spite of thousands of man-hours and 
$150 million 1970s dollars. 

The mysterious and persistent noise that plagued COBRA | 

SLIDE # 10 

Out of the Blue Book Cover 

Jenny Randles 

In her 1991 book, Out of the Blue, British UFO investigator Jenny 
Randles reported that residents in Orford Ness saw a fireball and 
other strange glowing phenomena around the COBRA MIST radar 
site in the 1960s, which became linked in the local public’s mind 

with the persistent presence of UFOs. 

After COBRA MIST’s closure in June 1973, the buildings were 
eventually taken over by the BBC World Service transmitting 


But what exactly were British and American intelligence operations 
doing between June 1973 and December 1980 to monitor the Soviet 
Union’s military activities in the Cold War? What were UK and US 
operatives doing to maintain the alleged secret of nuclear missiles 

underground at RAF Bentwaters? 

What exactly did happen between midnight on December 26, to 

5 AM on December 28, 1980, that provoked U. S. Air Force Lt. 
Col. Charles Halt and Airman 1“ Class John Burroughs to describe 
lights in the Rendlesham Forest as “alive” and “speaking” to them 
telepathically? Those words were used by John Burroughs in a 1988 
hypnosis session to describe his and Col. Charles Halt’s 

impressions of the lights. 

First, | would like to present a physicist’s perspective on the 
question: could experiments with the COBRA MIST MADRE radar 
that was bounced off the F-layer of the ionosphere in the 1960s to 
1973 have affected the natural electromagnetic fields in the Orford 

SLIDE # 11 
Cornell University 

SLIDE # 12 
Prof. Michael Kelley 

SLIDE # 13 
HAARP facility 
in Gakona, Alaska 

Ness, Bentwaters and Rendlesham region? The question is posed 
because internet rumors have suggested that possibly High 
Frequency over-the-horizon radar (HF OTH) or Extreme Low 
Frequency (ELF) experimentation in the Orford Ness COBRA 
MIST facility might have produced magnetic field anomalies that 
attracted one or more non-human intelligences - or even time 


At Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, physicist and electrical 
engineer Michael C. Kelley, Ph.D., has been a Professor of 

Electrical and Computer Engineering since 1975. 

Prof. Kelley received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of 
California-Berkeley in 1970, followed by a joint Fellow 
appointment at the Max Planck Institute in Garching, Germany. 
Prof. Kelley has concentrated his research on the ionosphere and is 
author of several publications. Currently, Prof. Kelley is Chair of 
the National Science Foundation’s Global Change Program’s 
Upper Atmosphere Component and is the special advisor for 

atmospheric science at the Arecibo Observatory ... 

... and has been a consultant on the construction of the High 

Altitude Auroral Research Project, known as HAARP, in Gakona, 


SLIDE # 14 

Can either High Frequency over-the-horizon radar (HF OTH) of 3 
— 30 megahertz; or Ultra High Frequency (UHF) radar of .3 to 3 
gigahertz; or Extreme Low Frequency (ELF) of 3 to 30 hertz 
produce magnetic field anomalies in their respective 


Michael Kelley, Ph.D., Physicist, Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 

Cornell University 
Ithaca, New York 


Audio: Prof. Michael Kelley and Linda Howe 

“The easy answer is no. The Earth’s magnetic field is sufficiently 
strong. The energy density in the magnetic field is a million times 
higher than the ionosphere. So, you can tickle the ionosphere all 
you want to and not change the magnetic field more than .01 or .001 
percent. So, the answer is no. 

What you can do is create a tiny magnetic field that propagates as a 
wave and that’s what an ELF transmitter does. It makes a tiny 
picotesla, as opposed to the Earth’s field, which is 50,000 
nanoteslas. So you’re talking about orders of ten magnitudes greater 
in the Earth’s magnetic field than an ELF wave. 

If you take the magnetic field grid around the Earth and pretend it’s 
made of rubber bands and tweak the rubber band | micron, it will 
wiggle a little. That’s what we are talking about. 


Right. It’s a tiny micron displacement of the rubber band. That’s it. 
And even there, because you are not undemeath the aurora, it’s 

even less because you don’t have any antennae up there to 

modulate. And as far as we know, they weren’t modulating 
anything. They were just transmitting radar. You would get a bigger 


effect from Voice of America, for God’s sakes! The Voice of 
America broadcast power was much bigger than OTH radar. We 
really poured a lot of energy into Voice of America. It was the same 
deal, transmitting ‘Western propaganda,” but it was still a big 
signal. It had to overcome jamming and all kinds of things. 


Absolutely, no question! 


The Earth’s magnetic field has 250,000 times more energy per 
cubic meter than the electromagnetic fields from COBRA MIST or 

OTH or HAARP or any of those things. 

The magnetic fields that are created by manmade structures are at 
most | millionth as strong as the Earth’s natural magnetic field. The 
Earth’s magnetic field is generated in the core of the Earth. It takes 
God’s best aurora to even make a 5% effect and we’re talking about 
1 million amperes at 100,000 volts makes 5% maximum change (in 
Earth’s magnetic field). A pigeon and instruments can detect that 
change, but the Earth’s magnetic field is a huge source of energy — 

Mother Nature —a single lightning strike generates more 
electromagnetic energy in these frequency ranges than HAARP, for 
example, could ever hope to. Every lightning strike! And there are 
what? A thousand a minute? (Actually there are 100 lightning 
strikes per second or 6,000 per minute all the time on Earth.) ” 

[ Howe’s Note: Wikipedia - An average bolt of lightning 
carries an electric current of 40 kiloamperes (kA) and 
transfers a charge of five coulombs and 500 MJoules. Large 
bolts of lightning can carry up to 120 kA and 350 coulombs. 
The voltage depends on the length of the bolt, with the 
dielectric breakdown of air being three million volts per 
meter. This works out to approximately one gigavolt (one 
thousand million volts) for a 300 meters (1000 feet) 
lightning bolt. With an electric current of 100 kA, this gives 
a power of 100 terawatts. However, lightning leader 


development is not a simple matter of dielectric breakdown, 
and the ambient electric fields required for lightning leader 
propagation can be a few orders of magnitude less than 
dielectric breakdown strength. Further, the potential gradient 
inside a well-developed return-stroke channel is on the order 
of hundreds of volts per meter or less due to intense channel 
ionization, resulting in a true power output on the order of 
megawatts per meter for a vigorous return-stroke current of 
100 kA. ] 


Almost none. A very uninspired, low funded idea to determine 
underground things.” 

Background: Bentwaters December 26 — 28, 1980 

SLIDE # 15 

RAF Woodbridge East Gate 


As the clock was about to change from Christmas day 1980 to 
midnight, December 26, 1980, 20-year-old Airman First Class (AIC) 
John Burroughs was on Security Police duty at RAF Woodbridge’s 
back gate, commonly known as the “East Gate.” With Airman 
Burroughs was Staff Sergeant (SSgt) Bud Steffens. RAF Woodbridge 
was four miles west of RAF Bentwaters (in Butley, Suffolk). 

At about 3 AM, Sgt. Steffens and Airman John Burroughs saw strange, 
colorful lights hovering at tree-top level in the Rendlesham Forest east 
of the RAF Woodbridge East Gate. 

So, Burroughs and Steffens drove their patrol car out the East Gate on 
a road along Rendlesham Forest. The colorful red, orange and blue 
lights seemed closer than before. Suddenly a large, white light 
appeared moving along the edge of the forest as if pacing their car and 
seemed to move closer to them. 



Later on, Airman Burroughs submitted a hand-written statement about 
what he saw to the RAF Bentwaters Deputy Base Commander, 
Charles Halt. 

SLIDE # 16 
Excerpt of John Burroughs hand-written 
statement in December 1980 

“The lights were red and blue, the red one above the blue one and they 
were flashing on and off. Because I never saw anything like that 
coming from the woods before, we (Burroughs and Steffens) decided to 
drive down and see what it was. We went down East Gate Road and 
took a right at the stop sign and drove down about 10 to 20 yards to 
where there is a road that goes into the forest.” 

SLIDE # 17 
Dirt road off main East Gate road 

“At the road, I could see a white light shining onto the trees and I 
could still see the red and blue lights.” 

SLIDE # 18 
John Burroughs sketch of lights 

“This would move back and forth, up and down, but the blue and 
white and orange would come out when it was sitting in one place. 
Blue lights would come out of the beam and the white light below. 
Blue lights would blink on and off inside the beam, plus the beam 
would be red and orange. A white light would come out below the 
beam in the trees. 

AIC John Burroughs 81SPS SPOL CFLT” 

John Burroughs told me he was overwhelmed with the feeling 
“something was not right!” He and Steffens drove back to the East 
Gate. It was around midnight. They phoned a Sgt. McCabe to report 
what had been happening and McCabe alerted the Central Security 
Control]. That early morning of December 26, 1980, Staff Sergeant 
James W. Penniston was duty supervisor at RAF Woodbridge and 


SLIDE # 19 

drove to the East Gate in a truck with newly assigned Airman 1*' Class 
Edward Cabansag (pronounced Cuh-VAN-sack) to see for himself 
what was happening. 

Sgt. Penniston asked Airman John Burroughs and Sergeant Bud 
Steffens if the lights could be from an airplane crash in the forest. 
Steffens replied: “It did not crash. It landed!” 

Jim Penniston would later say in interviews that after a call to the Shift 
Commander’s office, he was told to proceed off base toward the 
mysterious lights with the two other security policemen, John 
Burroughs and Ed Cabansag. The three American men were told to 
leave their weapons behind to comply with the British military’s Status 
Forces Agreement. 

Road from East Gate along Rendlesham Forest 
and the dirt logging road that curves off 

SLIDE # 20 

Back in Sgt. Penniston’s truck, the men drove out of the East Gate and 
on to a logging road that ran through the Rendlesham Forest where 
Burroughs and Steffens had been earlier. Penniston said the road was 
full of potholes and was so frozen it was hard to drive the truck. So, 
the men decided to park. Ed Cabansag walked with Sgt. Penniston and 
Airman Burroughs into the woods until their first strange light 
encounter. John Burroughs wrote afterward that there was a light that 
rose in the air above the Rendlesham trees. “All three of us hit the 
ground and whatever it was started moving back towards the open 
field.” After that, the men decided that Cabansac should stay there to 
relay communications, while Penniston and Burroughs continued 
walking deeper into the woods. 

Burroughs hand-written report 


Burroughs wrote in his report, “... you could hear the farm animals 
making a lot of noises.” In later interviews, Burroughs would say: 
“Penniston and I were moving toward a lighted part of the forest. At 
that point, we got a radio transmission from Central Security Control 
(CSC). An object had been seen over our base and had disappeared on 
radar” about five miles from RAF Woodbridge and Bentwaters. 


Burroughs and Penniston also described feeling hair on their arms and 
back of their necks stand up like in the electrostatic atmosphere of a 
thunderstorm. But it was a cold night without storms. 

SLIDE # 21 
Penniston’s written report 

According to Sgt. Penniston’s written report, when he and Airman 
Burroughs got to the center of Rendlesham Forest, Penniston wrote in 
his statement afterward, 

“The object was producing red and blue light. The blue light was 
steady and projecting under the object. It was lighting up the area 
directly under (object) extending a meter or two out.” Sgt. Penniston 
contacted Staff Sergeant Coffey at CSC and told him that the object 
“was definitely mechanical in nature.” 

Nowhere in Sgt. Penniston’s statement was any mention of his and 
Burroughs’ encounter with what Penniston would later describe in 
interviews as: 

SLIDE # 22 
Penniston comments 

“*..a shiny, triangle-shaped object in a clearing that had a row of blue 
lights and seemed to be landed on the forest floor. The air was filled 
with electricity — like static. You could feel it on your skin as you 
approached the object. There was also a sense of slowness, like time 
itself was an effort. I got to within ten feet of the craft in the clearing 
where it sat.” 

“T estimated it to be about three meters high and three meters wide at 
the base (10 feet x 10 feet). No landing gear was apparent, but the 
object seemed like it was on fixed legs. | walked around the craft and 
finally, I walked right up to the craft. [ noticed the fabric of the shell 
was like a smooth, opaque, black glass. I was pretty much confused at 
that point. It was dead silent. No animals were even making noise 
anymore. The nearer we got to that thing, the more uneasy I felt — it 
was as if I were moving in slow motion.” 

John Burroughs agreed, “It was a weird feeling, like everything 
seemed slower than you were actually doing.” Strangely, John 
Burroughs to this day does not remember seeing Jim Penniston near 
such a craft. But Burroughs also knows his mind is blocked when he 


ee a oe 

SLIDE # 23 

thinks about the lights. Burroughs’ efforts in October 2008 to penetrate 
that mental block is what the rest of this presentation is about. 

But as prelude, here are a few more details from Sgt. Jim Penniston, 
who was with Burroughs in the forest after 3 AM, on December 26, 

Penniston’s notebook original sketch of triangular craft 

SLIDE # 24 

Jim Penniston says he had a camera and notebook in which he 
noted that “mainly white light encompasses most of the upper 
section of the craft. A small amount of white light peers out of the 
bottom. At the left side of center is a bluish light and on the other 
side of center is a red light.” 

“Finally, | unleashed my camera-case cover and brought the 
camera up to focus. | began snapping photo after photo. Soon I had 
taken all 36 pictures on my roll of film. (35mm)” 

Penniston’s original notebook rough sketches of glassy symbols 

SLIDE # 25 

“On the smooth exterior shell, there was writing of some kind, but 
I couldn’t quite distinguish it. So, 1 moved up to see 3-inch 
lettering — or rather symbols — that stretched for the length of two 
feet, maybe a little more.” 

Penniston’s refined sketch of symbols 


Then Sgt. Penniston reached out his hand. “I touched the symbols 
and I could feel the shapes as if they were inscribed or etched or 
engraved, like a diamond cut on glass.” 

When Sgt. Penniston’s fingers touched the engraved symbols, he 
said the craft’s upper white light instantly grew much brighter, 
almost blinding. Both Penniston and John Burroughs fell to the 
ground in a defensive move. 


Penniston said, “The craft moved up off the ground about three 
feet, still with absolutely no sound. It started to move slowly. It 
took a couple of minutes for it to maneuver itself back to a distance 
of about 100 to 150 feet.” 

“Then it rose up just over the trees, about 200 feet high. There was 
a momentary pause and then literally with the blink of an eye, it 
was gone. All with no sound! That still boggles my mind.” 

After the craft disappeared, both men felt normal again. The slow 
motion feeling went away. Then John Burroughs saw more colored 
lights in the forest. Burroughs and Penniston tried to go after those 
lights, too, but changed their minds, turned around and went back 
to the truck. 

SLIDE # 26 
Drawing of tripod indentations 

On their way back, Burroughs found three indentations in the 
forest soil where the craft must have been resting on three tripod 
legs to form a triangle pattern of indentations in the soil with each 
leg ten feet apart. 

SLIDE # 27 
Close-up photo of triangular indentation 

Further, each indentation was the shape of a triangle. 

After returning with Airman Cabansag to the air base, Burroughs 
and Penniston were told “it is best to keep quiet about what you 
have seen.” But the two men decided to go back to the forest to 
look for more physical evidence beyond the tripod indentations. 
They found scorch marks on the trees and branches broken off. 

SLIDE # 28 
Photo of triangular plaster cast 

Jim Penniston also said he made plaster casts of the triangle- 
shaped indentations in the ground. 


Two nights later on December 28, 1980, after midnight, John 
Burroughs felt drawn back to the Rendlesham Forest and 
encountered lights again. This time Bentwaters Base Commander 
Lt. Col. Charles Halt was in the forest with a tape recorder, light- 
alls and other equipment to document the persistent and unusual 
activity. Col. Halt gave John Burroughs and Sgt. Adrian Bustinza 
permission to go closer toward the lights. Suddenly, Bustinza was 
on the ground and John Burroughs doesn’t remember what 
happened except that later Bustinza told him “the lights pushed me 
to the ground.” 

Eight Years Later in 1988 

Hypnosis # | - John Burroughs 

On October 14, 1988, actor Mike Farrell hosted UFO Cover-Up: Live!, a two-hour prime 
time syndicated television special that was broadcast in North America. What happened 
behind the scenes was a secret first hypnosis session with John Burroughs on November 
11, 1988, but never used in the TV broadcast. A producer wanted to find out what 
happened to John Burroughs near the lights and the rumor that John “jumped up” on a 
craft. John was confused by the rumor because he could not clearly remember what 
happened when he was near the lights in Rendlesham Forest on either the early morning of 
December 26, with Jim Penniston, or with Adrian Bustinza on the early morning of 
December 28. 

Burroughs Hypnosis Excerpt A about December 26, 1980, After Midnight 
Excerpts from transcript of November 11, 1988, videotaped hypnosis session 

with John Burroughs (B), Hypnotherapist 1988 and Producer 1988. 

SLIDE # 29 
Nov. 11, 1988 Hypnosis Excerpt 

B (quoting Shift Commander): Heathrow Tower said they definitely, very 
definitely, had aircraft over your location. They went down. They went down fast. 
They don’t know what it was. They said it wasn’t normal, but you could have a 
craft down. Be careful. 

Hypnotherapist 1988: Could you draw a picture of this object that you saw? 


B: It seems mostly lights to me. 

Hypnotherapist 1988: Did you try to touch it? 

B: | wasn’t close enough.’s like it’s calling to us to come to it! We’ve got to 
go to it. It’s telling us to come to it. We (Burroughs and Penniston) can feel it! ... 
I feel like I’m being pulled. Something’s pulling me. Oh, God! Sergeant 
Penniston, what’s going on? 

B (quoting Penniston): | don’t know. 

B: It’s pulling towards us. Oh, look, it just changed again! It’s small. (Light had 
been very large.) Now, it’s moving back. 

SLIDE # 30 

Aerial of RAF Woodbridge and Rendlesham Forest 
with Jim Penniston’s graphic of path he and John 
Burroughs took. 

By around 5:00 AM, the Security Control team of Airman First Class (AIC) John 
Burroughs, Staff Sergeant James W. Penniston and Airman 1*' Class Edward Cabansag 

are ordered to return to the air base. Continuing with another excerpt from the November 
11, 1988, hypnosis session with John Burroughs. 

SLIDE # 31 

Nov. 11, 1988 Hypnosis Excerpt 

B: So we’re walkin’ and it’s cold and we come across a creek that we don’t even 
remember crossing. 

B (quoting Penniston): Do you remember this, John? 
B: No, I don’t remember this. 

B (quoting Penniston): Well, how did we get there? 
B: I don’t know. 

B (quoting Penniston): Could we have been moved by it (lighted craft)? Could 
something have picked us off the ground? 

B: I don’t know. I don’t want to talk about it. 



SLIDE # 32 
Nov. 11, 1988 Hypnosis Excerpt 

B: OK, we’re talking real clearly with them (base Shift Commander?) and they 
are saying, ‘What’s your E. T. A?’ [ Estimated time of arrival.] We don’t know. 

B (describing radio transmission information): The British police are there, the 
Shift Commander’s there, the Security Flight Chief is there, our Flight Chief's 
there, there’s other law enforcement patrols. Everybody was concerned. 

They go, ‘John, we lost contact for forty-five minutes with you — or fifty minutes! 
We didn’t know where you were. The WSA Tower (weapons storage area) saw 

all kinds of lights in the air. They thought they saw something being beamed up in 
the air, but they weren’t sure. They thought we lost you, John! We thought we lost 
you guys. Well, what happened?’ 

B: We don’t know. 

SLIDE # 33 
Nov. 11, 1988 Hypnosis Excerpt 

B (describing back at air base near sunrise on December 26, 1980, Shift 
Commander comments): ‘Well, nothing was right, John. We completely LOST 
you. We completely lost contact with you. There were other patrols down at the 
(East) gate. They said they saw weird happenings. They said they saw something 
above the tree level. They said they thought they saw something being lifted off 
the ground and they said they thought that you were GONE. They said that they 
thought we lost you. They thought something had taken you. What happened?!’ 

Hypnotherapist 1988: Did you see any kind of life forms in connection with the 

B: No. And he (Shift Commander) goes, ‘Well, gentlemen, I’ve got some 
interesting news for you. Heathrow Tower had two unidentified flying objects and 
marked it a UFO. The British (radar) base (RAF Bawdsey ) that’s four miles from 
here also marked it as a UFO. What I feel you were involved in, gentlemen, was a 

SLIDE # 34 
Map aerial 
Afterward, John Burroughs went to bed to sleep the rest of December 26, 1980, and 

woke up in the early morning of December 27, feeling like something had returned. 
Burroughs was told that a female Shift Commander was driving in her jeep when a blue 

— eeeeeeeeeeSSSSSSSMSmmmmHshFeseseF 

light stopped her vehicle and then moved inside her jeep and back out. The blue light 
scared her so much she cried and was relieved of her duty for the night. 

So, Burroughs decided to return to Rendlesham Forest after midnight on December 28, 
1980, with a couple of friends. By 2 AM, December 28, lots of military people showed 
up and John Burroughs asked what was going on. 

Burroughs Nov. 11, 1988. Hypnosis Excerpt B about December 28. 1980. After Midnight 

SLIDE # 35 
Nov. 11, 1988 Hypnosis Excerpt 

B (describing comment by another military man): ‘The lights are back again.’ 
... [knew they were coming back tonight! What happened? ... What’s the light- 
all going for? 

B (describing military man’s comment): ‘Oh, they’re setting a trap for it. 
They’re trying to draw whatever it is up to the clearing where it was the other 
night and they want to light it up so they can get pictures of it and videos of it.’ 

Producer 1988: Who told you this, that they are setting a trap for it? 

B: Some sergeant. There were some sergeants there I did not know. It was a 
different flight (shift) working. 

SLIDE # 36 
Nov. 11, 1988 Hypnosis Excerpt 

B (describing military man’s comment): ... there’s some more people WAY 
out in the woods, WAY, WAY out there, farther than you guys were (December 
26, 1980). 

And I go, ‘How do you know where I was?’ 

And he goes, ‘Well, we were all briefed about this tonight (December 27 to 28) 
before we came on: that it (lights) showed up December 26 and December 27, and 
that there were really weird things going on and that we were to wait for it again 
and see if it came back tonight and we were going to set up for it and we were 
going to find out what was going on.’ 

B: Well, Colonel (Charles) Halt shows up with Sergeant Ball and I thought it was 
weird that Col. Halt was in civilian clothes. 


[RAF Bentwaters new base commander in December 1980 was Col. Ted 
Conrad. His Deputy Base Commander was Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt. Their 
boss was the Wing Commander of the 81 Tactical Fighter Wing at 
RAF/USAF NATO Bentwaters/Woodbridge, Major General Gordon 
Edmund Williams. About Gen. Williams, Captain and Day Shift 
Commander, Mike Verrano, is quoted in the 1997 book, Left At East Gate 
by Larry Warren and Peter Robbins, as saying: “I did drive Williams to an 
F-16 on the Bentwaters tarmac the AM of December 30th. He had two 
canisters of 35mm footage with him...He told me directly that it was actual 
footage of the UFOs on the ground...” ] 

SLIDE # 37 
Nov. 11, 1988 Hypnosis Excerpt 

B: I call to Colonel Halt, ‘It’s back again. I can’t believe it!’ He acted like he was 
not surprised. He was real calm. But the other people were scared. They looked 
weird! They are very surprised, very upset. ... The whole group moved back. Col. 
Halt and I were standing there with Chris. He was good friends with Col. Halt. 

Chris says, “What happened, Colonel?’ 

Halt goes, “Weird things, Chris. We had things over, on top of, they were making 
contact with our minds.’ (Howe emphasis.) They are little blue lights. ... The 
craft was still hovering out there. They’re (blue lights) coming from that craft. 

They’ve been out there for hours!’ 

I go, “Well, I want to get closer to it.’ 

SLIDE # 38 
Nov. 11, 1988 Hypnosis Excerpt 


Col. Halt goes, ‘John, I want you to go out there because I think you can bring 
them closer.’ 

Hypotherapist 1988: Do you know why they thought you could bring the lights 

B: No. I didn’t understand. And that was something that I never understood 
either. They all wanted me there. 

Producer 1988: What happened then? 


B: Well, then Halt put his arm around me and said, ‘Let’s go.’ And then all of a 
sudden there was a shorter sergeant and he was Mexican (Sgt. Adrian Bustinza). 
He was coming up towards me and he says, ‘Let’s go!” And the three of us 
walked toward the craft (Col. Charles Halt, Sgt. Adrian Bustinza and Airman 1* 
Class John Burroughs). 

And Col. Halt goes, ‘I’ve got all of this on tape recording.’ He shows me the tape 
recorder. And he has a radio with him. And he goes, ‘We’re recording all of this 

through the Wing Command Post.’ ...So, we started walking and the light was 
there and it was at a distance. And THEN there it was! Three blue lights. 

SLIDE # 39 

Nov. 11, 1988 Hypnosis Excerpt 
B (excited): ‘There they are! There they are!’ And Halt goes, “That’s what we 
had before. John, you’re never going to believe this, but a group of us — those blue 
lights made contact with us. They were on top of us. It was like they spoke to us!’ 
I go, ‘They? What’s They?’ 

And Halt goes, ‘These lights!’ ... There were lights there and they were speaking 
to us. They were over us, they were flying in the sky, they were hovering over us.’ 

Hypnotherapist 1988: OK, John, hold it right there where you see those blue 
lights. Now, I want you to look at one of those lights and ask it questions that 
come to your mind. That light will talk back to you and tell me what it says. 
B: It says, ‘Come to me.’ 

Hypnotherapist 1988: Ask the lights what they are representing? 

B: The craft. 

Hypnotherapist 1988: Is there any life form with, or in, that craft? 

B: The light IS the life form.” 

Twenty-Eight Years Later in October 2008 

Hypnosis # 2 - John Burroughs _ VIDEO 

Transcript addendum to be distributed at conference. 

ee ee 

Hypnosis # 3 - John Burroughs _ VIDEO 

Transcript addendum to be distributed at conference. 


In 1997, Jim Penniston gave me permission to share some of his December 26, 1980, 
Rendlesham Forest experiences in my third book, Glimpses of Other Realities: Vol. II - 
High Strangeness. After his and John Burroughs’ encounter with the lights and craft, Sgt. 
Penniston told me he received a call to report on December 30, 1980, to the Orderly Room 
at the head of the 81*' Security Police Squadron at RAF Bentwaters. From there, Major 
Malcolm Zickler ordered Penniston to report to the Air Force Office of Special 
Investigations (AFOS]) for a meeting to tell his story to an AFOSI Special Agent and a 
Major. Back in 1997, Penniston told me that he deliberately left out the most significant 
part about reaching out to touch the symbols on the glowing, triangle-shaped craft and 
receiving information in his mind. Apparently the intelligence agents knew Sgt. Penniston 
wasn’t telling the full truth and gave him a release to sign so he could be given sodium 
pentothal. Sodium pentothal is a barbituate that induces unconsciousness smoothly and 
rapidly and has been called “truth serum” when used with hypnosis. 

After it was over, no one told Penniston what he had said. Finally fourteen years after the 
Bentwaters events, on September 10, 1994, Jim Penniston underwent hypnosis with a 
hypnotherapist to see if he could penetrate more details about haunting dreams he was 
having and his worry that the military’s sodium pentothal hypnosis might have been done 
to purposefully erase part of his memory. 

I was given an audiocassette of that 1994 session to transcribe. The transcription is 
included in my 1998 book, Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness. Jim 
Penniston’s Bentwaters interrogators asked about the glowing lights and craft he had 
earlier refused to describe. 

[Penniston is lower case; hypnotherapist is upper case.] 

SLIDE # 40 
September 10, 1994 Penniston Hypnosis Excerpt 

Penniston: “They are asking me if I see binary code!? I see the binary code. 
... They are time travelers. They are us.” 

Hypnotherapist: HOW FAR IN THE FUTURE? 
A long time. Very long time. 
Not sure, but it has to do with chromosomes? Or something like that. 
They take it. 

From the other people’s bodies. ... They (time travelers) were interrupted (in 
Rendlesham Forest). They are having problems. ... The odds are against them. 

SLIDE # 41 
September 10, 1994 Penniston Hypnosis Excerpt 


Yes. The craft was repairing itself. All they wanted was a place to stay while it 
repaired itself. 


They will die. 

This is a problem. 



SLIDE # 42 
September 10, 1994 Penniston Hypnosis Excerpt 


Da ce een Se 

No. Like Band-Aids. 

If it is tasked, they do. There are different ships for tasking. The government 
agents know about this. ... That’s why they want to contain the situation. 

They see me and John Burroughs and they’re worried about Col. Halt. They know 
all about us. 

SLIDE # 43 

September 10, 1994 Penniston Hypnosis Excerpt 


Oh, yes. ... This time they (time travelers) were having problems, but they got 
their machine off. They have to be out in space to travel. They need speed to 


To go backwards. They can’t go forward. 


They go to their past. It’s impossible to go into the future. It takes too much 


These ships can go forty or fifty thousand years. They can’t go back much further. 
They might not be able to get back. 

SLIDE # 44 
September 10, 1994 Penniston Hypnosis Excerpt 



They tell me when I was at the East Gate with John, they have five different 
stories to tell It’s important to scramble dates (which confuses and undermines 
consistency of eyewitness testimonies so no credibility with public and media.) 

They are going to give me a warning. ... They tell me that I will hurt the world. It 
will breach national security and can destroy the system, cause wars, chaos in the 
streets. That’s why it’s important to keep it quiet. (But) ... it doesn’t make any 
difference if | talk about the story. It’s too unbelievable.” 

SLIDE # 45 
Col. Charles I. Halt’s January 13, 1981, 
report to Royal Air Force 

Two weeks after Sgt. Jim Penniston’s December 26, 1980 experience, USAF Lt. Col. 
Charles Halt, RAF Bentwaters Deputy Base Commander, wrote a report dated January 13, 
1981, on official Department of Air Force Headquarters letterhead to the Royal Air Force. 
The subject is “Unexplained Lights.” His dates are scrambled, compared to the 
testimonies of John Burroughs and Sgt. Jim Penniston, who agree the first night of events 
was December 26, 1980, while their second encounter was with Lt. Col. Halt in the early 
morning hours of December 28, 1980. 

In his letter, Lt. Col. Halt described the object encountered by John Burroughs and Jim 
Penniston in Rendlesham Forest as, “metallic in appearance and triangular in shape, 
approximately two to three meters across the base and approximately two meters high. It 
illuminated the entire forest with a white light. The object itself had a pulsing red light on 
top and a bank of blue lights underneath. The object was hovering on legs. As the 
patrolmen approached the object, it maneuvered through the trees and disappeared. At this 
time, the animals on a nearby farm went into a frenzy. ...The next day, three depressions 
| 1/7 inches deep and 7 inches in diameter were found where the object had been sighted 
on the ground.” 

Col. Halt also confirmed beta/gamma radiation readings were recorded with “peak 
readings in the three depressions and near the center of the triangle formed by the 
depressions. A nearby tree had moderate beta/gamma readings on the side of the tree 
toward the depressions.” 

Col. Halt also described another event in which a red, pulsing light “threw off glowing 
particles and then broke into five separate white objects and then disappeared.” The time 
and date of this event cannot be confirmed by John Burroughs nor Jim Penniston. But 
another military eyewitness, Larry Warren, says he saw such an explosion of light while 
many security people, light-alls, and photographic equipment were present. 

SLIDE # 46 
Illustration of white, narrow beam 


shining down in Rendlesham Forest 

Col. Halt also described, “three star-like objects were noticed in the sky, two objects to 
the north and one to the south, all of which were about 10 degrees off the horizon. The 
objects moved rapidly in sharp angular movements and displayed red, green and blue 
lights. The objects to the north appeared to be elliptical through an 8 — 12 power lens. 
They then tumed to full circles. The objects to the north remained in the sky for an hour 
or more. The object to the south was visible for two or three hours and beamed down a 
stream of light from time to time. Numerous individuals, including the undersigned, 
witnessed the activities...” Signed Charles I. Halt, Lt. Col., USAF Deputy Base 
Commander (RAF Bentwaters). 

SLIDE # 47 
U. K. Ministry of Defence Letter 

Then an alleged British Ministry of Defence letter in which the date, addressee and writer 
were blacked out even referenced “entities” that were small, “approximately 1 4 metres 
tall, wore what appeared to be nylon-coated pressure suits, but no helmets. Conditions on 
the night were misty, giving the appearance that the entities were hovering above ground 
level. ... According to OSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigations), entities had claw- 
like hands with three digits and an opposable thumb.” 

If such entities are “time travelers” from Earth’s future with claw-like hands that have 
only four fingers, what happened in the evolution of Homo sapiens? 

SLIDE # 48 
Jim Penniston comment after 
September 10, 1994, hypnosis session 

After his September 10, 1994, hypnosis session was over, Sergeant James Penniston 
described the U. S. government’s position concerning the Rendlesham Forest encounters 
this way: 

“GEEZ, it’s incredible! The American government is helpless. They don’t know 
what the hell to do and aren’t going to mess with me because they don’t know 
what THEY, the time travel entities, are going to do. The government doesn’t 
know if the beings will do something or not. The government is worried about 

Jim Penniston means alien interference, perhaps even retaliation, if governments try to 
stop or interfere with the presumed time travelers’ genetic harvests from Earth life. 

When Penniston placed his hand on the craft’s engraved symbols, he thinks he activated 
technology that sent light containing binary code communication into his mind. It is 




important to remember that the idea of time travelers from the future came from Staff 
Sgt. Penniston, a military security man who interacted with the lights. 

Time travel is also a serious subject in moder physics. Mathematical theory says that if 
matter approaches the speed of light, time appears to slow down to an external observer. 
If you were the light speed matter, you would notice no difference in time. The closer you 
got to the speed of light, the slower time would go. If you reached the speed of light, time 
would stop. Then if you could exceed the speed of light, time would reverse — but only to 
the outside observer. You, the traveler going faster than light, would have no reference 
point for time change until you returned to your physical starting point and slowed back 
down to normal speeds. Then you would have lived the famous limerick: 

There once was a lady named Bright 
Who traveled much faster than light. 
She departed one day in a relative way 
And came home the previous night. 

Theoretical physicist Kurt Godel described in the book, A/bert Einstein: Philosopher- 
Scientist, a rotating galaxy in which “by making a round trip on a rocket ship in a 
sufficiently wide curve, it is possible in these worlds to travel into any region of the past, 
present and future, and back again ... But the velocities which would be necessary in 
order to complete the voyage in a reasonable length of time are far beyond everything 
that can be expected ever to become a practical possibility.” That book was written in 
1949. Now sixty years later, modern quantum physicists talk about parallel universes, 
other dimensions and hopping through the universe in and out of theoretical wormholes. 

Then, there is the paradox in Penniston’s recall of the telepathic transmission from the 
glowing craft. The implication is that the time travelers are humans from a place 50,000 
years into the future where humanity is dying out and sending beings in craft back 
through time to harvest genetic material from our present Earth life in order for a future 
civilization to survive. The explanation given for traveling thousands of years into the 
past was to avoid affecting the time travelers’ future time line in some dangerous way. 
But moving backwards in time to a distant past to survive IS changing their future. 

Perhaps the paradox is a translation problem in which we humans lack the language and 
understanding of a different cosmology than we have discovered so far. Fans of Star Trek 
and Star Wars and other science fiction are accustomed to plots that include allies or 
enemies that use time travel for transportation, to fight wars, to change destinies and to 

even gain immortality. 

Whether the glowing triangular craft and its symbols belonged to time travelers, or 
extraterrestrial biological entities from inside this universe, or non-human entities from 
parallel universes or other dimensions, why is the truth suppressed? Why can’t 
governments tell their citizens that humans are not alone in the universe? What facts 
about other intelligences interacting with Earth do government insiders know and 
consider so dangerous that they hide those facts for decades under a policy of denial in 


the interest of national security? If national security is built on lies and deceptions, it is 
no one’s security. It is social imprisonment by illusion. 

Those distorting reality are using lies to control the public and media while perpetuating 
their power. However, the 1980 high strangeness in Rendlesham Forest has never rested 
easily in the minds of those who were actually there. Perhaps like human time release 
capsules, John Burroughs, Jim Penniston, Col. Halt and others have embedded within 
them pieces of truth about an incomprehensible future? Or pieces of lies that keep 
humans corralled by illusions? Either way, whatever penetrated the Rendlesham Forest in 
December 1980, is still reverberating nearly thirty years later in 2008 with so much 
power that John Burroughs cannot forget the haunting, seemingly telepathic lights and 
the question: what is their source? 

* * OK KK 

Author Contact: 

Linda Moulton Howe 

Reporter and Editor 

P. O. Box 21843 

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87154 


FAX: 505-797-7908 


Tunguska: 100 Years Latter 

Nick Redfern 
Copyright 2008 Nick Redfern 


(Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1927) 

Early on the morning of June 30, 1908, numerous people in the region of 
Tunguska, Russia, and specifically in the hills northwest of Lake Baikal, witnessed what 
was described as a large column of blue light moving deliberately across the dawn sky. 
Approximately ten minutes later, the sighting was followed by the sound of a massive 
explosion that decimated the area, and caused damage hundreds of miles away from the 
presumed impact site of whatever it was that had earlier been seen in the sky. 

The event was captured on seismic equipment as far away as Bnitain. And, in the 
United States, both the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Mount Wilson 
Observatory recorded a marked decrease in atmospheric transparency in the immediate 
wake of the event that lasted for a period of three months. 

In the days that followed, Russian newspapers reported extensively on the event. 

The July 2, 1908 edition of the Sibir newspaper stated: 


In the N. Karelinski village the peasants saw to the North- 
West, rather high above the horizon, some strangely bright 
bluish-white heavenly body, which for 10 minutes moved 
downwards. The body appeared as a ‘pipe,’ i.e. a cylinder. 
The sky was cloudless, only a small dark cloud was 
observed in the general direction of the bright body. It was 
hot and dry. As the body neared the ground, the bright body 
seemed to smudge, and then tured into a giant billow of 
black smoke, and a loud knocking was heard, as if large 
stones were falling, or artillery was fired. All buildings 
shook. At the same time the cloud began emitting flames of 
uncertain shapes. All villagers were stricken with panic and 
took to the streets, women cried, thinking it was the end of 
the world. 

Similarly, the Krasnoyaretz newspaper recorded the following: 

At 7.43 the noise akin to a strong wind was _ heard. 
Immediately afterwards a horrific thump sounded, followed 
by an earthquake which literally shook the buildings. The 
first thump was followed by a second, and then a third. 
Then the interval between the first and the third thumps 
were accompanied by an unusual underground rattle, 
similar to a railway upon which dozens of trains are 
travelling at the same time. Afterwards for 5 to 6 minutes 
an exact likeness of artillery fire was heard: 50 to 60 
salvoes in short, equal intervals, which got progressively 
weaker. |.5—-2 minutes after one of the ‘barrages’ six more 
thumps were heard, like cannon firing, but individual, loud, 
and accompanied by tremors. The sky, at the first sight, 
appeared to be clear. There was no wind and no clouds. 
However, upon closer inspection to the North, where most 
of the thumps were heard, a kind of ashen cloud was seen 
near the horizon which kept getting smaller and more 
transparent, and by around 2—3:00 p.m. completely 

After the initial flurry of excitement, however, the story rapidly vanished into 
large-scale obscurity, and did not resurface to any great extent until 1921. It was in that 
year that Leonid Kulik, who was a Russian mineralogist, visited what is known as the 
Podkamennaya Tunguska River basin on behalf of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. 

At the time, Kulik concluded that the object that had caused such widespread 
destruction was a meteorite and, as a result, a full-scale expedition began in 1927. 
Interestingly, the Soviet Government agreed to fund the expedition on the grounds that 
such a huge meteorite would have likely deposited a massive amount of iron in the area 



and the recovery of the iron itself would cover the cost of the expedition. Moreover, the 
Government concluded, the recovery of such a large amount of iron would prove to be a 
major boost to the Soviet economy. 

On arrival at the scene of the presumed meteorite crash, however, Kulik’s team was 
surprised to find that there was no impact crater at all. Instead, there was merely a huge, 
50-kilometer-wide area of flattened and burnt trees. Over the course of the next decade, 
Kulik would initiate three expeditions to the area, in an attempt to determine what had 
really occurred at Tunguska back in 1908. 

ee a ni A 

(Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1927) 

In 1930, Kulik recorded the following firsthand testimony from witness Semen 

At breakfast time I was sitting by the house at Vanavara 
Factory, facing north. I suddenly saw that directly to the 
north, over Onkoul’s Tunguska road, the sky split in two 
and fire appeared high and wide over the forest. The split in 
the sky grew larger, and the entire northern side was 
covered with fire. At that moment I became so hot that | 
couldn’t bear it, as if my shirt was on fire. 

From the northern side, where the fire was, came 
strong heat. I wanted to tear off my shirt and throw it down, 
but then the sky shut closed, and a strong thump sounded, 


and | was thrown a few yards. I lost my senses for a 
moment, but then my wife ran out and led me to the house. 

After that such noise came, as if rocks were falling 
or cannons were firing, the earth shook, and when | was on 
the ground, I pressed my head down, fearing rocks would 
smash it. When the sky opened up, hot wind raced between 
the houses, like from cannons, which left traces in the 
ground like pathways, and it damaged some crops. Later 
we saw that many windows were shattered, and in the barn 
a part of the iron lock snapped. 

It was largely not until the 1950s and 1960s that additional advancement was 
made: several expeditions undertaken in that period determined that large amounts of 
both nickel and iridium were present at the Tunguska site, both of which are found in 
meteorites. As a result, the theory that the Tunguska object was indeed a meteorite was 
the one that gained most favor, specifically within scientific and academic circles. 

Interestingly, further experiments undertaken in the mid-1960s by Russian 
scientists demonstrated that, in all probability, the Tunguska meteorite had approached 
the area at an angle of 30-degrees from the ground—which further reinforced the theory 
that the object responsible for the devastation had exploded in mid-air, rather than having 
slammed into the ground. 

But was the Tunguska event really the result of a meteorite strike? Not everyone 
thinks so. Other theories have been suggested for the mystery of Tunguska, including an 
asteroid, a small comet, a black hole, or some form of anti-matter. However, the most 
intriguing theory suggests that (a) a UFO exploded high in the skies over Tunguska; and 
(b) that the Russian Government has secretly hidden the startling, extraterrestrial truth 
ever since. Indeed, the possibility that an advanced vehicle from another world was the 
root-cause of the Tunguska event was addressed deeply in the book The Fire Came By, 
written by John Baxter and Thomas Atkins. 




According to the authors, the magnetic field of the earth was greatly disturbed at 
the time of the explosion, and in a scenario that strongly supported the idea that the blast 
was one of a nuclear nature. 
Moreover, Baxter and Atkins concluded that the path of destruction that levelled 
the surrounding forested areas was very similar, if not consistent, with the type of shock- 
waves that one would expect to see following the detonation of an atomic device. And 
even more intriguing was the report of trinities—small, globules of green, melted dust— 
having been located at the site, and which are typically characteristic of an atomic 
Vladimir V. Rubtsov, Ph.D., a proponent of the theory that an alien spacecraft 
came to grief at Tunguska, wrote an article in the May 2001 issue of Fate magazine that 
further demonstrated that, in his opinion, the object had highly exotic origins. Rubtsov, 
too, commented on the atomic-angle: 
The work by the first postwar Tunguska expedition, 
organized in 1958 by the Committee on Meteorites of the 
USSR Academy of Sciences, compelled everyone involved 
in the discussion to agree: the Tunguska space body had in 
fact exploded in the air and therefore could hardly have 
been an ordinary meteorite. 

Rubtsov continued that: 


A rare mutation among the human natives of the region 
also arose in the 1910s in one of the settlements near the 
epicenter. According to Dr. N. V. Vasilyev, medico- 
ecological examination of the state of health of the native 
inhabitants reveals population genetic effects similar to 
those observed in the regions affected by nuclear weapon 
tests. These facts (as well as the local magnetic storm that 
started after the explosion) count in favor of the nuclear 
character of the Tunguska explosion. Maybe we are even 
dealing in this instance with a novel type of nuclear 

And, most recently, in August 2004 a Russian expedition to the site, led by Yuri 
Labvin, was launched, and reportedly uncovered what was tantalizingly described as an 
“extraterrestrial device” was discovered at the scene of the massive destruction. 
Currently, the complete results of the expedition and the actual nature of the alleged alien 
device have yet to be disclosed. 

While the idea that an alien spacecraft might have crashed at, or exploded in the 
air high above, Tunguska in 1908 is certainly provocative, it was actually within the 
world of science-fiction that the theory was first widely espoused. For example, in 1946 
Soviet author Alexander Petrovich Kazanstev wrote a story that was directly inspired by 
a trip he had made during the previous year to see the atomic devastation that was 
wrought at Hiroshima 

Kazantsev’s scenario told of a large nuclear-powered spacecraft from Mars that 
was on an exploratory mission from the Red Planet to secure fresh water from Lake 
Baikal, and which exploded, saturating the area in deadly radioactivity and decimating 
the countryside. 

Similarly, in his debut novel of 1951 titled Astronauts, sci-fi author Stanislaw 
Lem used the scenario of an alien spacecraft exploding at Tunguska as its central theme. 
Eight years later, Astronauts was adapted into a movie titled First Spaceship on Venus, in 
which Russian scientists discover a “magnetic recording device” at the site of the 
Tunguska blast, and subsequently determine that the object that exploded there was a 
reconnaissance vessel from the planet Venus. 

A translation of the recording device reveals that the vessel contained the entire 
Venusian population, who were coming to Earth with the specific intent of occupying our 
world. Their goal—and their entire race, too—is brought to an abrupt end, however, with 
the disastrous destruction of their huge craft. 

And the fact that Tunguska continues to play a major role in the world of sci-fi 
only ensures that the fine line between fact and the fiction becomes even more indistinct 
when it comes to this particular case. Donald R. Bensen’s 1978 novel And Having Writ 
used the Tunguska story as a springboard for an amusing tale about stranded aliens who 
are forced to jumpstart the technology of early 20" Century Earth as part of an attempt to 
rebuild their stricken craft. 

And the novels just keep on coming. Chekhov's Journey, written by Ian Watson 
in1983, posited that the famous playwright Anton Chekhov knew the secret of the 1908 
Tunguska explosion—that turns out to have been caused by Russian time-travelers. Two 
years later, Bruce Sterling and Rudy Rucker’s story Storming the Cosmos depicted a 


secret Soviet reconnaissance mission journeying to Tunguska and finding advanced 
technology that is then incorporated into the Soviet space program. 

In the world of sci-fi themed comic books the situation is much the same. In the 
Marvel Comics spin-off of the 1987 movie Predator that starred Amold Schwarzenegger, 
the Tunguska explosion is shrouded in mystery. Some of the characters in the story 
conclude that the incident was due to the Predators themselves, who were attempting to 
conceal their existence from the Human race by vaporizing their malfunctioning craft 
high in the atmosphere. Others place the blame on Russian or American officials who, it 
is theorized, destroy the alien spacecraft to prevent it from falling into the hands of the 
scientific elite of each other's nations. 

And perhaps inevitably, even The X-Files got into the act, too, with a two-part 
story (titled Tunguska and Terma respectively), in which Mulder and his arch-foe, Alex 
Krycek, are forced to work together and travel to Tunguska, where they learn that 
materials recovered at the crash site contain a deadly substance known as “Black Oil” 
that contains a microbial life form capable of infecting, and controlling, any and all living 

One hundred years on, the mystery of what did or did not occur at Tunguska, and 
whether or not aliens really did meet their deaths in that remote, cold location is still 
being highlighted, theorized and debated—in the worlds of both science-fact and science- 


Sibir, July 2, 1908. Translation of text: Eyewitness accounts of Tunguska (Crash) by N. 
V. Vasiliev, A. F. Kovalevsky, S. A. Razin, L. E. Epiktetova, 1981 

The Fire Came By, John Baxter & Thomas Atkins, Doubleday, 1976 

Cauldron of Hell, Jack Stoneley, Simon & Schuster, 1977 

The Day the Sky Spilt Apart, Roy A. Gallant, Atheneum, 1995 

The Unknown Tunguska, Vladimir V. Rubtsov, Fate, May 2001 

Great 1908 Tunguska Explosion — UFO Meets Comet?, AFP, August 23, 2004 


Forensic Linguistics and the Majestic Documents 

Dr. Robert M. Wood 
Copyright 2008 Dr. Robert M. Wood 

Since the 1984 arrival of the Eisenhower Briefing Document in the form of a roll of film, 
existence of genuine government projects about UFOs has been challenged by claiming 
that the documents are not authentic. In most cases the chain of custody, or provenance, 
has been murky, and so the examination of the physical “leaked” document is rarely 
useful. This morning, however, we will be examining a document on the original paper, 
called the “Burned Memo” that is stamped TOP SECRET/M/J-12, and will be able to 
share the amazing story that the document tells, albeit with some speculation. In addition, 
we will be examining a document whose provenance is also murky but which was 
allegedly written by Einstein, called the Einstein/Oppenheimer memo. Here we will 
apply a number of linguistic techniques that have been used successfully in criminal 
cases to shed light on the probable authors or non-authors of documents. We will be 
beginning with this one. 

Before we go on, here’s a summary of the topics for today in slide 2. First, some words 
summarizing the overall scope of the “leaked” documents I have been studying; Second, 
a treatment of linguistic assessment of the Einstein/Oppenheimer document to determine 
authorship; third, an explanation and evaluation of the ten pages associated with the 
“Burned Memo;” and finally some comments on the future of forensic techniques for 
authenticating documents. 

A little personal background is in order here. During my career at McDonnell Douglas, | 
became exposed to the importance of trying to understand the technology of UFOs, but 
except for a short period of time | spent most of my career managing conventional 
research and development, designing thermal protection, analyzing radar systems, and 
using advanced technology to help make the space station better, cheaper, or sooner. 
However, when I retired I got a call from Stan Friedman who said that he had a guy in 
Big Bear Lake writing to him about some documents he had, and asked if I would go visit 
him since I lived closer? Thus, I went and met Tim Cooper and found that he was clearly 
sitting on a good deal of interesting UFO information. 

The next slide 3 shows the record of receipt of “leaked” documents mostly relating to the 
Majestic Program. Shown here is a summary of the classified documents that have been 
acquired over the years, showing the source, the date, the number of documents in the 
delivery and the classification. TSMEO is an abbreviation for TOP SECRET/MAJIC 
EYES ONLY, the R is for RESTRICTED, and C is for CONFIDENTIAL. All told there 
are more than 100 documents representing almost 4000 pages, although probably 2/3 are 
not classified at all, representing sensitive information at the time. TC is short for 
Timothy Cooper, the recipient of many of these because of his many requests to 


Government agencies regarding the JFK assassination as well as UFO requests. Today 
we will be discussing only two of these. The first delivery by mail to Tim from Salina 
included the Einstein/Oppenheimer memo of six pages. The other one from the CIA is 
the “Burned Memo” in its entirety. 

Next, shown in slide 4, is a list of some of the key documents in the same order as the last 
chart. The documents themselves range from February 1942 to as late as a note written by 
one of the sources in July 1999. Because of the numerous documents obtained by Cooper, 
some skeptics have accused him of faking some if not all of these documents. We will 
not deal with the issue in this talk except to note that there are numerous reasons to 
conclude that he was not involved in that manner, and that we will be able to show that 
he specifically was not the author of the Einstein memo. The “Burned Memo” will be 
discussed later. 

In June of 1996 Tim Cooper opened his mailbox and found, among other things, this note 
(slide 5) from Salina together with 38 pages of materials. Remarkably, it had been placed 
in his mailbox (combination lock) at the Post Office. The first two words of the second 
line are not legible, so I guessed at “trial package” as shown on the next slide. 

The more legible version of the note is shown here in slide 6. James Jesus Angleton was 
the Director of the Counter Intelligence (DD/CI) in the CIA for many years. It is 
interesting to speculate that Salina might have been the person who typed the questioned 
document (QD) and saved a copy all these years. If she was, say, 21 in 1947, she would 
have been 70 in 1996, and 82 today, watching us piece together history with interest. 

The first page of the memo is shown on slide 7, after being received by Cooper. Not 
appreciating the historical significance of this, and suspecting it was some kind of hoax, 
he started to mark it up with a red pen, as shown. Even though Tim Cooper has been 
shown to be a poor speller (Ref), he immediately noted the spelling error in celestrial, but 
then circled the correct “r” in extraterrestrial. An identification of the typing and other 
errors follows on the next slide. 

This slide (8) shows the misspelled words on the left, and the changes that were made to 
get a more legible copy. None of these changes would have or did influence the linguistic 
testing, either in syntax or in word, sentence or syllable count. An entire copy of the 
memo is included for your perusal at the end of this article. Other errors noted on the 
right side of the slide include adding a missing verb, correcting the verb or noun to be 
consistent with context. These errors may provide clues to whether this was typed from 
shorthand, Einstein’s own written hand (in English or German). It is clear that the typist 
was not a professional secretary, who would never have made such a careless array of 
errors. One reason for getting so many errors would be that the only person “cleared” for 
this work was directed to type it and just was not a very good speller. Furthermore, these 
were the days of carbon paper, and typographic errors were often left to be fixed on the 
next draft because erasing the error and retyping left a mess on the carbon copy. 


Clearly, the six-page QD would today be called a “white paper,” a rather broad 
speculative opinion from an expert on how a problem should be solved. The author was 
responding to the question of how to handle the presence of aliens here in a rather broad 
manner. The letter consists of seven paragraphs separated by five asterisks. This slide 9 
attempts to summarize the essence of the thought or question for each. The last sentence 
states that the measures that must be taken are apparent. However, this memo doesn’t 
state clearly what they are. 

Three people contributed to the results | am presenting, as shown in slide 10. Dr. Pace is 
a talented physicist from an old Iron Curtain country, and Dr. Chaski is an increasingly 
recognized expert in the field of forensic authorship attribution using computational 
linguistics. Her techniques have been recognized in some courts, and they are based 
primarily on syntax, or the arrangement or word forms to show their mutual relationship 
in sentences. She uses up to 17 independent calculations of word relationships. We all 
know about nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives — but there are sophisticated clausal and 
phrase relations that individual authors choose to use. Other techniques use linguistic 
stylometrics, which in general is less sophisticated but computes quantities like number 
of syllables, length of words, and length of sentences and can provide impressive author 
correlation. Forensic linguistics is a very sophisticated field. However, all the experts 
take the strong position that you can never be 100% certain of someone being the author. 

All the calculations of all of the methods require an excellent discipline for the input 
material. (See slide 11.) The language is divided into characters and spaces. If it’s not a 
space, it’s a character. Characters might be commas, periods, letters, question marks, or 
any other symbol you can strike on the keyboard other than the space bar. Words are 
defined as the number of characters between spaces as above. Analogously, sentences 
consist of the number of words between the space at the beginning and that of the 
characters at the end of the sentence, which could be a quote, a question mark, a period, 
an exclamation point, a % or a closing parenthesis. However, not all of these will end a 
sentence, so you have to either read the text yourself or have a very smart computer. 
Some of the more stylometric quantities that use number of syllables in a word, such as 
lexical density, fog indexes, or grade level equivalents, combine some of the basic 
measured quantities. 

There are four obvious people shown in slide 12 who might have written this memo: 
Salina, Einstein, Oppenheimer or Cooper. We could get samples of writing of the last 
three. My partner Ryan Wood took the initiative to contact the Institute of Advanced 
Studies in Princeton and had them send him 21 documents prepared by Einstein and 
typed by his secretary (together with another dozen that were in German and not typed). 
In addition, they provided 14 typed documents prepared for Oppenheimer’s signature. 
Cooper’s material was easy, since he had already shared with me a draft of a book titled 
“The White Sands Proving Ground UFO Incidents ‘Of 1947: A Preliminary Report.” J just 
copied the first 30 pages and used them as input. For the Einstein documents, | hired a 
130 word/minute typist. The Oppenheimer documents were scanned and read from the 
scan into a Microsoft Word document. To perform a computer analysis, it is essential to 


have the material properly prepared, because if there are extra spaces, some processing 
programs might be confused when computing sentence or word length. 

The famous United Nations address (noted in slide 13) was so easily available that we did 
not ask for a copy of the original from the Institute, and there is the remote possibility 
that it was edited somewhat. This thought might be kept in mind until the original 
document leaving the Institute can be located. This is a very good document to use for 
comparison because the content and thrust of the ideas are highly related. Who speaks for 
planet Earth? In addition, it’s long, was written for both scientists and politicians, and is 
generally in the third person. Of the 21 references obtained, many are so short as not to 
be representative of a longer piece like the QD. I think that really good reference samples 
would be the first four shown above plus the U.N. address. 

Einstein’s first two paragraphs for the U.N. talk call for a strong international 
organization in slide 14. The last paragraphs reaffirm Einstein’s plea in slide 15. 

The Institute of Advanced Studies also provided Ryan Wood 14 samples of 
Oppenheimer’s work noted in slide 16. They were all simple letters, one of which was to 
Einstein mildly criticizing him for quoting him incorrectly. Oppenheimer was Einstein’s 
“boss” in the Institute. 

When | first met Tim Cooper, he was finishing up a manuscript for one of the UFO 
organizations in a big hurry. His computer didn’t have a spell checker at the time, and he 
was not a good speller, Furthermore, although he did not so state in the report, many of 
the more controversial points were based on the leaked documents he had received and 
did not reference. This book, if cleaned up for spelling and occasional grammar errors, 
would actually be a very nice contribution to the UFO literature in my opinion. (See slide 
17.) 1 selected the first 30 pages (about 1/8 of the book) as a representative sample of his 
writing. In hindsight, since it contained the Index and lots of names, | question whether 
the second 30 pages might not have been a better choice. 

Slide 18 shows the data that David Pace documented for the Einstein-Oppenheimer QD. 
There seem to be differences in the use of the definitions in the counting process, 
resulting in the three of us not getting exactly the same result. 

Slide 19 presents Pace’s data for the U.N. letter written by Einstein. 

Slide 20 compares the QD and the U.N. results and adds four more criteria which seem to 
be similar, as noted by the % differences in the last column. Neither Wood nor Chaski 

computed these criteria. 

Carole Chaski, a noted forensic linguist, has developed a program called ALIAS 
(Automated Linguistic Identification and Assessment System) which was the tool used to 
develop the numbers in this report. She claims that her results are often accepted in court 
trials to determine authorship. She emphases the definitions of syntax-related variables 
show here, and then used her program to perform cross-correlations. However, she will 


be the first to state that it is not possible to determine authorship with total certainty using 
any of the methods. But, she thinks that hers has a very good track record. The variables 
noted in slide 21 are important to understand because they are the column headings of 
some of the program’s output and the basis of the determination of authorship relations. 

This table 22 reflects the preliminary capability of the computer to discriminate between 
the three known authors on the basis of their submitted works. The number shown is 
essentially the number of different inputs from each source. 

When the QD is compared by the ALIAS program in slide 23 against the known authors, 
Cooper and Oppenheimer have no correlations at all, and so we can rule them out as 
authors. However, if Einstein had been the author, Dr. Chaski thinks that the correlations 
would have been higher than 27%, and is contemplating the possibility of a hoaxer. 

The points in slide 24 are self-explanatory. However, the Wood scenario is that Einstein 
was asked for his opinion by the CIA (which is where the draft allegedly came from) and 
was either written in his good German or dictated and subsequently transcribed with the 
only person available who could type, who was not a trained secretary. With that 
scenario, points one, two and four (mentioned above) more or less go away, and we are 
left with the few hypercorrection examples and the use of the word Pentateuch, which 
require more research. An example of Einstein’s use of Pentateuch in the open literature 
would be important. 

The calculations performed by Bob Wood are shown in slide 25, although the 
Oppenheimer numbers were partly based on Chaski’s final output. Several different 
combinations of Einstein’s works were used at different times to assess the possible 
impact of non-technical references or first person references as important. These 
variables are still being evaluated at the time of this document preparation. 

This slide 26 is particularly important because it shows the differences in results of the 
three investigators. One would think that word length would not be that difficult to agree 
upon, but it should not be computed using adjacent punctuation such as commas, quotes, 
and a small variety of other terms. Different computer programs use different 
assumptions, and Pace, Wood and Chaski were using different computer software for 
their work. That is why it is important to compare the results for each investigator only 
with their other work. Wood and Chaski seem to be a little closer on word length that 
Pace. It is clear that Cooper and Oppenheimer are quite outside a credible range for 
consideration. However, word length is but one of Chaski’s many variables, which ruled 
out Cooper completely. 

This slide (27) presents an analogous result for sentence length. Chaski’s informal 
position based on her experience is that sentence length is not a particularly reliable 
discriminator. This argument would be supported by the relatively close agreement of the 
Oppenheimer and Cooper values, well within the scatter of the QD data, and they have 
been essentially ruled out as authors. 


One is always looking for a “zinger,” a word so rare as to be totally associable with one 
author. The word that is obvious is Einstein’s use of the word supra-national in slide 28, 
with or without the hyphen, in two of the cited documents and in the QD. Research on 
the use of this word and that of the word Pentateuch continues. 

If my earlier hypothesized scenario is credible, the issues noted on slide 29 would be 
critical to interpretation and further analysis. Not discussed or analyzed is the typed note 
at the end of the memo allegedly initialed by Vannevar Bush. 

The “Burned Memo” began for me when I got an email from Tim Cooper. (See Slide 30.) 

The McLean VA postmark noted in slide 31 was easily tracked to a meter authorized to 
the CIA. The pages were accompanied by a one page transmittal note. The pages 
themselves are all burned and had small tabs attached to each of them, for a total of eight 
tabs. All of the pages show scorch marks. However, the pages don’t have them at the 
same spots, thereby suggesting that the pages were thrown in the fire not attached to each 
other or they were intentionally scorched. 

In 2000 I submitted some of the original questioned documents to forensic examiners. 
Included were several pages of the “Burned Memo.” The following report was issued by 
Speckin dated January 30, 2001: 

“Burned Documents. The watermarks on these documents are that of an eagle with a 
shield. An enhancement of this is attached at attachment C. The manufacturer of the 
paper could not be located. The red stamp ink is also not inconsistent with stamps ink that 
was commercially available during that time frame. The typewriting is also consistent 
with carbon transfer that was available at that time frame.” /s/ Erich J. Speckin, Forensic 
Chemist. A scan of the watermark may be included. The information shown on slide 32 
about James Black refers to the Bowen manuscript, “An Encyclopaedia of Flying 

This is the complete copy of the first page on slide 33, showing the MJ-12 caveat in red. 
Since I have had it, some more of the little burned paper has flecked off. There is a note 
in pencil that says, “original carbon.” It is reasonable to conjecture that this was dictated 
by MJ-1 to one trusted secretary who had no need to understand it all. Therefore some of 
the circumlocutions would themselves be designed to be cryptic to the secretary but not 
to the addressees, who would presumably understand any jargon. 

The first page of the memo shown in slide 34 was from the Director of the CIA, which 
was MJ-1 according to both this memo and the Eisenhower Briefing Document. It was 
being sent to only MJ-2 through 7, not the rest of them if MJ-8 through 12 were still 
around and involved. By using the letters MJ in the line that talks about Project Majestic 
and Project Jehovah, it is suggestive that this is the origin of the MJ label. It also 
identifies Projects Eviro, Parasite, and Parhelion, to be mentioned later also. Other 
documents suggest that whereas Majestic was the overall data collection project, that 


Jehovah was the “reverse engineering” project, headed by none other than Albert 

At the bottom of this first page, shown in slide 35 we have a pencil signature. 
Unfortunately, I did not have this dated for pencil timeline. It originally said, “Do not 
remove from safe ...Fritz for JJA.” | am hunting for an authentic copy of the signature of 
Captain Fritz, the homicide officer in charge of the JFK assassination. The captain has a 
reputation for not leaving his signature around much. The whole thrust of the “Burned 
Memo” is to establish policy with respect to UFOs and JFK. James Jesus Angleton was 
the guy in charge of CIA Counterintelligence for many years. Salina claims she worked 
there for twenty years. 

If you take the transmittal note shown on slide 36 at face value, he also says he worked 
for Angleton, and that these 8 pages are the only ones connecting MJ-12 (not the CIA) 
with JFK's murder. We all would like to know more about the scenario whereby the 
leaker had the chance to rescue this memo from the fireplace, and why the burn marks are 
not on the same positions on subsequent pages. 

This is a personal transmission, relating Salina to the leaker to Timothy Cooper, who has 
now retired from the UFO investigation field. (See slide 37.) You have seen Salina’s 
transmittal note on Slide 5. The leaker says they have been “keeping the UFO community 

Each of the topics of the 8 tabs is discussed in sequence at shown in slide 38. 

The first page of the memo on slide 39 puts the subject and question in context. One 
should bear in mind that this top secret memo is communication between people who 
already know a lot, and who do not wish to have the secretary typing the memo to know 
everything, so there is obscure language here. For example, it begins, “In the context of 
the above...” when what is above are five Project names that are even today not a matter 
of record. Since MJ-1 is concerned with duplication of field activities, could each one of 
them be run by a different agency recovering UFOs? The fewer the agencies, the fewer 
the leaks. The seven pages that follow are presumably the “directives.” Known only to 
the insiders, JFK was named Lancer, making inquiries “which we cannot allow.” This 
group had been unhappy with the Cuban fiasco, knew he was sleeping with Marilyn 
Monroe, and wasn’t keeping his mouth shut. Deadline is October, and it’s critical. If this 
was 1963, the DCI would have been John McCone who would have presumably been the 
new MJ-1, replacing Allen W. Dulles who was in charge in before October 1962. 

The stick-on tabs were in extensive use in this time period, providing a ring of 
authenticity. Dating the ink on them would undoubtedly show them to have been written 
on in the 60s. The first Tab “A” deals with how to handle the issue if someone important 
asks about UFOs, shown on slide 40. Find out why they’re asking and assure them that 
UFOs are not a security threat. Their reason for this policy (no matter how many of our 
planes had been lost) was to prevent the declaration of Department of Defense responses 
to a “national security threat.” This way, they are kept less involved. Interestingly 


enough, if there is overt hostility with widespread knowledge, there is a plan (if everyone 
agrees) for “full disclosure in accordance with the law as required.” So, there’s a law? 
Can we see it? 

The second Tab “B” is straightforward. J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, knows a lot 
and they need his help by granting him a need to know so he can keep the security in 
place until they don’t need the FBI any more. It also implies that MJ-12 has its own spies 
(back channels) inside the CIA. (See slide 41.) 

Tab C deals with DoD 5200.1, a directive that specifically explains how to deal with the 
UFO topic. Identified only two exceptions for all DoD agencies: the 54/12 subcommittee 
of the National Security Council, and any Special Classified Executive Orders. The 54/12 
group allegedly had the responsibility for coordinating covert activities within the DoD. 
Slide 42 shows a photo of the tabs discussed earlier. 

Blue Book apparently was specified in the National Intelligence Estimate, the highest 
level intelligence assessment guiding overall policy. Blue Book was used to collect 
information from the public, and then maybe figure out whom to silence or discredit. But 
it also fooled the public into thinking that we really didn’t know what they were. (See the 
points on slide 43.) 

This use of the words freedom on information shown on slide 44 does not relate 
specifically to the FOIA (Freedom on Information Act, 1966) and deals not with requests 
from the public but from authorized people and institutions, such as Congressmen, White 
House Staff, and other intelligence agencies. Bottom line: tell them nothing. This page 
also shows a superb image of the CI stamps for the Counter Intelligence part of the CIA. 
This stamp in principle could be easily authenticated if similar documents were available 
from the CIA. (Not likely.) 

Psychological operations units or PSYOPS have the green light to “interrogate and detain 
any and all targets,” as noted on slide 45. One could easily argue that most of these 
instructions are inherently unconstitutional. 

The infection of some humans by some aliens has clearly occurred, and it is proper to 
have a genuine worry about this problem. We seem to have conventional methods as 
shown in slide 46, but if they don’t work, we have SPIKE, HOUSE CLEANING in major 
population centers. If approved, these directives would activate two projects to conduct 
DOMESTIC. We don’t know, of course, what these are but they don’t sound good. Some 
of the work of MK-ULTRA used illegal mind control drugs. 

Finally, Tab “H” on slide 47 makes it clear that if this group MJ-12 is going to lose their 
money and authority, then they should try assassination of JFK. If “...the weather is 
lacking any percipitation (sic) should be wet.” Today it is well-known that this is a 
cryptic order for assassination, but in 1963 that was known only to the intelligence 
agencies. The KGB invented the word in their language, since during one botched 
robbery that turned out killing the victim, the word for blood somehow got used. The 


term “wet affairs” was a highly arcane phrase used by the KGB for assassination and did 
not enter public parlance for many years. 

In conclusion, the evidence is mounting that the UFO subject is at the very heart of the 
most important issues in the country, and have been for a long time, even involving 
Einstein before the Roswell crashes. 

The complete text of the memo is included below. All errors have been fixed to improve 
readability but do not significantly affect any of the linguistic analyses performed and 

DRAFT June 1947 
Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies 
Relationships with extraterrestrial men present no basically new problem from the 
standpoint of international law; but the possibility of confronting intelligent beings 
that do not belong to the human race would bring up problems whose solution it is 
difficult to conceive. 

in principle, there is no difficulty in accepting the possibility of coming to an 
understanding with them, and of establishing all kinds of relationships. The difficulty 
lies in trying to establish the principles on which these relationships should be based. 

In the first place, it would be necessary to establish communication with them 
through some language or other, and afterwards, as a first condition for all 
intelligence, that they should have a psychology similar to that of men. 

At any rate, international law should make place for a new law on a different 
basis, and it might be called "Law Among Planetary Peoples," following the guidelines 
found in the Pentateuch. Obviously, the idea of revolutionizing international law to the 
point where it would be capable of coping with new situations would compel us to make a 
change in its structure, a change so basic that it would no longer be international law, 
that is to say, as it is conceived today, but something altogether different, so that it 
could no longer bear the same name. 

If these intelligent beings were in possession of a more or less culture, and a 
more or less perfect political organization, they would have an absolute right to be 
recognized as independent and sovereign peoples. We would have to come to an agreement 
with them to establish the legal regulations upon which future relationships should be 
based, and it would be necessary to accept many of their principles. 

Finally, if they should reject all peaceful cooperation and become an imminent 
threat to the earth, we would have the right to legitimate defense, but only insofar as 
would be necessary to annul] this danger. 


Another possibility may exist, that a species of Homo sapiens might have 
established themselves as an independent nation on another celestial body in our solar 
System and evolved culturally independently from ours. Obviously, this possibility 
depends on many circumstances whose conditions cannot yet be foreseen. However, we can 
make a study of the basis on which such a thing might have occurred. 

In the first place, living conditions on these bodies, let’s say the moon, or the 
Planet Mars, would have to be such as to permit a stable, and to a certain extent, 
independent life, from an economic standpoint. Much has been speculated about the 
possibilities for life existing outside of our atmosphere and beyond, always 
hypothetically, and there are those who go so far as to give formulas for the creation of 
an artificial atmosphere on the moon, which undoubtedly have a certain scientific 
foundation, and which may one day come to light. Let’s assume that magnesium silicates on 
the moon may exist and contain up to 13 per cent water. Using energy and machines brought 
to the moon, perhaps from a space station; the rocks could be broken up, pulverized, and 
then baked to drive off the water of crystallization. This could be collected and then 
decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen, using an electric current or the short wave 
radiation of the sun. The oxygen could be used for breathing purposes; the hydrogen might 
be used as a fuel. 

In any case, if no existence is possible on celestial bodies except for 
enterprises for the exploration of their natural riches, with a continuous interchange of 
the men who work on them, unable to establish themselves there indefinitely and be able 
to live isolated lives, independence will never take place. 

i ae 

Now we come to the problem of determining what to do if the inhabitants of 

celestial bodies, or extraterrestrial biological entities (EBE), desire to settle here. 


1. If they are politically organized and possess a certain culture similar to our 
own, they may be recognized as an independent people. They could consider what degree of 
development would be required on earth for colonizing. 

2. If they consider our culture to be devoid of political unity, they would have 
the right to colonize. Of course, this colonization cannoz be conducted on classic lines. 

A superior form of colonizing will have to be conceived, that could be a kind of 
tutelage, possibly through the tacit approval of the United Nations. But would che United 
Nations legally have the right of allowing such tutelage over us in such a fashion? 

(a) Although the United Nations is an international organization, there is no 
doubt that it woula have no right of tutelage, since its domain does not extend beyona 
relationships between its members. It would have the right to intervene oniy if the 
relationships of a member nation with a celestial body affected another member nation 
with an extraterrestrial people beyond the domain of the United Nations. But if these 
relationships entailed a conflict with another member nation, the United Nations would 
have the right to intervene. 

(b) If the United Nations were a supra-national organization, it would have 
competency to deal with all problems related to extraterrestrial peoples. Of course, even 
though 1t is merely an international organization, it could have this competence if its 
member states would be willing to recognize it. 


It is difficult to predict what the attitude of international law will be with 
regard to the occupation by celestial peoples of certain iocations on our planet, but the 
only thing that can be foreseen is that there will be a profound change in traditional 

Ye cannot exclude the possibility that a race of extraterrestrial people more 
advanced technologically and economically may take upon itself the right to occupy 
another celestial body. How, then, would this occupation come about? 

1. The idea of exploitation by one celestial state would be rejected; they may 
think it would be advisable to grant it to all others capable of reaching another 
celestiai body. But this would be to maintain a situation of privilege for these states. 

2. The division of a celestial body into zones and the distribution of them among 
other celestial states. This would present the problem of distribution. Moreover, other 
celestial states would be deprived of the possibility of owning an area, or if they were 
granted one it would involve complicated operations. 

3. Indivisible co-sovereignty, giving each celestial state the right cto make 
whatever use is most convenient to its interests, independently of the others. This would 
create a situation of anarchy, as the strongest one would win out in the end. 

4. A moral entity? The most feasible solution it seems would be this one: submit 
an agreement providing for the peaceful absorption of a celestial race(s) in such a 
manner that our culture would remain intact with guarantees that their presence not be 

Actually, we do not believe it necessary to go that far. It would merely be a 
matter of internationalizing celestial peoples, and creating an international treaty 
instrument preventing exploitation of all nations belonging to the United Nations. 


Occupation by states here on earth, which has lost ali interest for international 

law, since there were no more res nullius territories, is beginning to regain all its 

importance in cosmic international law. 

Occupation consists in the appropriation by a state of res nullius. 

Until the last century, occupation was the normal means of acquiring sovereignty 
over territories, when explorations made possible the discovery of new regions, either 
uninhabited or in an elementary state of civilization. 

The imperialist expansion of the states came to an end with the end of regions 
capable of being occupied, which have now been drained from the earth and exist only in 
interplanetary space, where the celestial states present new problems. 


Res nullius is something that belongs to nobody such as the moon. in international 
law a celestial body not subject to the sovereignty of any state is considered res 
nullius. If it could be established that a celestial body within our solar system such as 
our moon was, or is occupied by another celestial race, there could be no claim of res 
nullius by any state on earth (if that state should decide in the future to send 
explorers to lay claim to it). It would exist as res communis, that is that all celestial 
states have the same rights over it. 


And now to the final question of whether the presence of celestial astroplanes in 
our atmosphere is a direct result of our testing atomic weapons? 

The presence of unidentified space craft flying in our atmosphere (and possibly 
Maintaining orbits about our planet) is now, however, accepted as de facto by our 

On every question of whether the United States will continue testing of fission 
bombs and develop fusion devices (hydrogen bombs), or reach an agreement to disarm and 


the exclusion of weapons that are too destructive, with the exception of chemical 
warfare, on which, by some miracle we cannot explain, an agreement has been reached, the 
lamentations of philosophers, the efforts of politicians, and the conferences of 
diplomats have been doomed to failure and have accomplished nothing. 

The use of the atomic bomb combined with space vehicles poses a threat on a scale 
which makes it absolutely necessary to come to an agreement in this area. The appearance 
of unidentified space vehicles (opinions are sharply divided as to their origin) over the 
skies of Europe and the United States has sustained an irrational fear, an anxiety about 
security, that is driving the great powers to make an effort to find a solution to the 

Military strategists foresee the use of space craft with nuclear warheads as the 
ultimate weapon of war. Even the deployment of artificial satellites for intelligence 
gathering and target selection is not far off. The military importance of space vehicles, 
satellites as well as rockets is indisputable, since they project war from the horizontal 
piane to the vertical plane in its fullest sense. Attack no longer comes from an 
exclusive direction, nor from a determined country, but from the sky, with the practical 
impossibility of determining who the aggressor is, how to intercept the attack, or how to 
effect immediate reprisals. These problems are compounded further by identification. How 
does the air defense radar operator identify, or more precisely, classify his target? 

At present, we can breathe a little easier knowing that slow moving bombers are 
the mode of delivery of atomic bombs that can be detected by long-range early warning 
radar. But what do we do in iet’s say ten years from now? When artificial satellites and 
missiles find their place in space, we must consider the potential threat that 
unidentified space craft pose. One must consider the fact that mis-identification of 
these space craft for an intercontinental missile in a re-entry phase of flight could 
lead to accidental nuclear war with horrible consequences. 

Lastly, we should consider the possibility that our atmospheric tests of late 
could have influenced the arrival of celestial scrutiny. They could have been curious or 
even alarmed by such activity (and rightly so, for the Russians would make every effort 
to observe and record such tests). 

In conclusion, it is our professional opinion based on submitted data that this 
Situation is extremely perilous, and the measures that must be taken to rectify a very 
serious problem are very apparent. 

Respectfully, /s/ Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer Director of Advanced Studies 
Princeton, New Jersey 
/s/ Professor Albert Einstein Princeton, New Jersey 

Myself and Marshall have read this and I must admit there is some logic. But I 
hardly think the President will consider it for the obvious reasons. I understand 
Oppenheimer approached Marshall while they attended ceremony at Princeton. As I 
understand it Marshall rebuffed the idea of Oppenheimer discussing this with the 
President. I talked to Gordon, and he agreed. 



Tae Rae a 

Forensic Linguistics and the 
Majestic Documents 

2008 UFO Crash Retrieval 

November 8, 2008 
by Dr. Bob Wood 

Many sources, documents 

Source When Docs Pages Class. 
@ Jaime Shandera 1984 2 8 TSMEO 
@ Bill Moore 1985 1 11 TSR 
8 Legionnaire via TC 1992 1 4 1S 
8 CIA archivist via TC 1992 1 1S 
@ Cantwell via TC 93-9 16 42 1S 
B Quillin via D. Berliner 1994 1 23 TSRMEO 
@ Tim Cooper FOIA 1994 1 1 M)J12ref. 
@ Salina via TC mailbox 1996 14 38 TSMEC 
8 S-2 (mail plus to TC) 1999 48 3132 S,uncl. 
8 Ft.Meade ArmyFOIA(TC)1999 1 335 TSM,C 
B CIAUSPS metered(TC) 1999 1 10 TS;MJi2 
8 S-1 (mailed to TC) 2000 10 150 TSM 
a S-3 (mailed to TC) 2000 3 4 DTS 
a S-4 (mailed to TC) 2001 4 1 TSOmega 

Totals 104 3760 

from A og eee 

Z Ape pm ute oP SS 

Salina SS hep hs pg fs 
omnes Cre Omir tan HE pom 

” ~ r. 
in of SS eee SA A — es 

a ae 


Scope of comments 

mSLeaked documents summary 
#Einstein/Oppenheimer “white paper” 
mThe “burned memo” 

mStatus derived from the documents 

Many sources, documents 

Source Key Documents 

@ Jaime Shandera Eisenhower Briefing Document 
® Bill Moore Aquarius document 

a Legionnaire viaTC Air Accident Report 

= ClA archivist via TC Marilyn Monroe Report 

= Cantwell via TC IPU, Hillenkoetter, Ist Annual Rpt 
® Quillin via D. Berliner Special Operations Manual 
BTimCooper/FOIA __ Hillenkoetter with M} 12 file 

@ Salina via TC mailbox Einstem /Opp., [rumen directives 
= S-2 (mail plus to TC) 28 pp secret, 3000 pp unclass. 

@ Ft. Meade Army FOIA Bowen Manuscript 

@ CIA USPS meter The “bummed” memo 

mS-1 (mailedto TC) WP Library note, many photos 

= S-3(mailedtoTC) FOR, Marshall, Bush, Truman 

= S:4{maijed to TC) Ike, JEHOVAH, Teller on UFOs , 

Salina’s note 

At my father’s request I’m sending 
this trial package. Like my father I 
served in the Intelligence 
Community . I’m a retired CIA 

employee with thirty years in CI 
under Jim Angleton. There are clues 
to be found in these documents. I 
can say no more. Good luck. 


fowrte IS 


first page 
marks in 

Main ideas in the memo 

sWhat relationships should we have? 
mAre they living in the solar system? 
=™Does the U.N. speak for the Earth? 
=Four solutions in International Law 
"Who really owns the Earth? (2 parts) 
Did they come because of atomic 
testing? (Orbital bombs soon.) 
=“The measures ... are apparent.” 

Nowamber 2008 

Some key definitions 

=Word length = number of characters 
between the spaces excluding 

=Sentence definition would include 
question marks as well as periods. 

mVarious indices use syllables, word 
and sentence length to define 

Hovernber 2008 


Spelling and other errors 

s celestrial (22) present not presents 
w bascially one comma to period 
@ soverign delete one comma 
sindenpendently |lives not life 

a backed (baked) |add “be” to be devoid 
eclestrial (1) seems not seem 

a extraterrstrial colon not a comma 

a submitt delete one “is” 

B absorbtion underline nullius 

8 unihabited Delete “With” 

B ineradical irrational not ineradical 

g intercontenental |add a “the” in last sentence 
November 2093 let’s not lets (all 3times) 

Linguistic analyses 

=Dr. Bob Wood: word and sentence 

=Dr. David Pace: syllables, word and 
sentence lengths + some indices 

=Dr. Carole Chaski: rather complete 
syntax analysis plus comments on 

hoverrter 2005 

Comparison documents 

mEinstein: 22 documents from the 
Institute of Advanced Studies, some 
in German, some handwritten 

=Oppenheimer: 14 documents from 
the Institute of Advanced Studies 

=Cooper: first 30 pages of an 
unpublished book, WSPG 1947 

Noverrber 2003 

Einstein writing samples Talk to the United Nations 

As I see it, this is the way for the nations of the 

a * world to break the vicious circle which threatens 
United Nations address the continued existence of mankind, as no other 

: situation in human history has ever done. 
™21 references from the Institute We are caught in a situation in which every 

— 1 over 1000 words (Bulletin of Atom. Sci.) caren of every SOuntY, pe Sees aa his 
Py. e’s work, are threatened by the terrible 
3 over 500 words (FDR, Broadcast, insecurity which reigns in our world today. The 
Lawyers) progress of technological development has not 
- 17 shorter letters or in first person increased the stability and the welfare of 
humanity. Because of our inability to solve the 
problem of international organization. it has 
actually contributed to the dangers which 
threaten peace and the very existence of 

Oppenheimer writing 
@No letters longer than 500 words 

mSeveral to Hickenlooper, Groves, 
Kennan (8) 

gOne to Einstein 
mFive to others 
14 samples total 

Einstein’s Concluding Thoughts 

GIN ORDER to achieve the final aim - 
which is one world, and not two hostile 
worlds - such a partial world Government 
must never act as an alliance against the 
rest of the world. The only real step 
toward world government is world 
Government itself. 

& The United Nations now and world 
Government eventually must serve one 
single goal the guarantee of the security, 
tranquility, and the welfare of all 

Bsigned by A. Einstein 

C ti a Some Linguistic Data 
Cope NE ae for Pace Ein-Opp QD 
= Tim Cooper drafted a book titled “The 
White Sands Proving Ground UFO = Number of characters 9439 
Incidents Of 1947: A Preliminary = Number of words 1897 
Report May, 1993” based in part on = Number of sentences 76 
leaked documents, and in part on 
open literature. # Words/sentence 24.96 
WI selected the first 30 pages, mWord length 4.98 

corresponding to about 14,000 words 

November 2008 v 


Pace U.N. Letter Data 

= Number of characters 7188 
@ Number of words 1407 
= Number of sentences 55 
& Words/sentence 25.58 
@ Word length 5.11 

Carole Chaski’s variables 

® AP-adjective—difficull, true, certain, well* 

® Conj-conjumtlon—and, bul, as well as, however 

@ OP-determiner -the, a, some, all, these 

= MP-modifier (adverb)--quickly, summarily, well* 

@ NP-noun—document, texts 

® PP-preposition—in, of, before * 

= VP-verb--says,went, released, questioning 

® Subn-subordinatior--whether, if, when, before* 

® Int}-interjection—oh, well*, [also includes abbreviations] 

® NPro--pronoun--he, she, It, them, yourself 

® EOC--edge of clause punctuation; a clause is a proposition 

a EORSedpe of phrase punctuation; 4 phrase is a constitutent unit of a 
propos! jon 

® EOM-word-internal (edge of morpheme ) punctuation; amorpheme is a 
word or word part, such as [not, n't 

® AWL-average word length, with word cakulated as characters between 
spexes, stripped of adjoining punctuation 

New embet 7008 

Chaski's results: neither 

Cooper nor Oppenheimer 
=Oppenheimer vs. QD = 100% Opp. 
mCooper vs QD = 100% Coop. 
wEinstein (27) vs. QD 12% Ein. 
Einstein (6 incl U.N) 25% Ein. 
mEinstein (5) vs. QD 27% Ein. 

Ten specific segments show Einstein 
correlation with QD 

faeries JOE 


David Pace’s data 

QD U.N. % 
BWord length 4.98 5.11 3 
BWords/sentence 24.96 25.58 2 
8% Hard words 12.2% 12.5% 2 
BLexical density 34.48 37.03 7 
BGunning Fog Index 14.88 15.24 2 
BColeman-Liau Index 13.51 14.29 6 

Six criteria are about the same for 
Einstein's U.N. address and the QD 

Carole Chaski's data for 17 
linguistic variables 
no.used % correct 
BEinstein 27|100 -- 89 
BOppenheimer 14] -- 100 79 
mCooper 141100 100 -- 

Average for ALIAS (Automated 
Linguistic Identification and 
Assessment System) is 95% here 

Noverba 2008 

Chaski's speculation of hoax 

= Document not typed by professional 
secretary associated with the Institute 

&“Director of Advanced Studies” is wrong 

@ Hypercorrection examples suggest hoax 
(“more or less culture”) 

= Oppie told Einstein not to misrepresent 
his views 

@ The “guidelines found in the 

Pentateuch.” is not only wrong logic, but 
Einstein would have used the word Torah. 

Noverr&er 2008 “4 

Bob Wood's data 

BWord length Error QD 
— Einstein 5.23 0.15 5.08 
-Oppenheimer 4.43 0.24 5.08 
— Cooper 5,22 unk 5,08 

aSentence length 
- Einstein (22) 23.78 5.86 25.28 
-Oppenheimer 27.32 5.40 25.28 

Conclusion: Oppenheimer is well 
imneceere OUbSide the likely range 

QD sentence length 

Oppie (21.79) by Chaski — f . Cooper (23.99) by Chaski 

- average for QO 

Unexamined issues for 
Einstein authenticity 
Was it created in German? 

If created in German, would this 
be reflected by the use of 

common phrases? 
aIf dictated, was it recorded in 
shorthand or electronically? 

mHow does the note at the end 
waffect the scenario? 

QD word length 

Oppenheimer (4.64) —— Cooper (5.18) 

= average for QD 


Hapax legomana word? 

“If the United Nations were a 
supra-national organization...” 

establishment of a supra-national 
government (Lawyer message, 
Einstein 6) 

supranational (1), supra-national 
(2) (U.N. Address to the General 

hoerce 6 

Tim Cooper’s email to me 

I went to check my mail and found another large 
brown envelo; st marked from McLean, VA, 
dated June 24, 1999, with no return address. 
When I opened it, my eyes popped out! Another 
original document that ts TOO HOT to discuss 
over e-mail. This was yesterday, July 1. Itis a 9- 
page document with 8 tabs attached and has "CI" 

stamped on peal pee It is a carbon copy 

addressed to MJ- ] 
other classified projects. It is badly damaged and 
appears to have burn damage as well. Ina 
handwritten note it says, "DO NOT REMOVE FROM 
SAFE and signed I believe “Fritz for JJA". The 
paper has a government water mark and appears 

rough 7 and references 5 

hereer 208 x 


The burned memo 

= McLean, Virginia postmark 
@Later correlated with CIA Zip 
BAII pages show scorch marks 
mCover letter pretty interesting 

First page 
of burned 

Who was Fritz? 

™ Signature for James Jesus Angleton 



Performed by Speckin Forensic 
Laboratories, Okemos MI 

@ Inks: thin layer chromatography (TLC) 

& Pencils: chemical and microscopic 

8 Watermark comparison: no match 
Performed by James Black 

© Typewriter for Bowen’s manuscripts 
was 1939 Underwood Portable 
@ Watermark was S.E.&M. Vernon, NY 

Nowerroer 2000 

Is MJ Majestic and Jehovah? 

23] tne 

Cover note is relevant 

@ Leaker says he worked for Angleton 
@ Says MJ-12 connects with JFK’s murder 

1 am a retired CIA counterintelligence officor who worked 
for Jin Angelton from 1960 to 1974. When Jim died it was 
my responsibility to go through his secret files and take 
inventory of sensitive files that wonld connect ™.1-1? to 
J¥K*s murder. Thin docucent did not exist officially and 
has never been disclosed within the agency. AWD was very 
feartul of disclosure to unauthorized channels and leaks 
in the White House. I literally snatched the “pirectives” 
from the fire and have kept thee safe from review. To 
allow a review vould compromise future directors and put 
the agency in a difficult position. 

Second para of Cover Letter 

If Mis Majestic and J is Jehovah, one 
speculates that M is overall collection 
program, and Jis reverse engineering 

@ Salina was a secretary who 
apparently worked in CIA CI 

@ They have been “keeping us busy”? 

I feel the time is fast approaching when the files of thd 

Majestic/Jchovah project will be pried loose and the 
public’s right to know should begin. We in CI have 
monitored civilian UFO research for a long time and have 
played a major role in keeping the UFO cozmunity busy. 
Salina requested that the MJ-12 Directivea be sent to yo! 
ond hopefully, be disseminated in a responsible manner. 

First Page Summarizes 

© Other agencies are getting wise; leaks? 
8 JFK was known as “LANCER” at the time 
& “LANCER” is asking about these projects 
& Deadline is October for decision (1963?) 
® Our survival is at stake 

Intent of Tab "B” 

= Let FBI know enough to keep the secret 
= Keep our spies (back channels) there in place 

Digeetive uecerting “HEtp—TOOFECe™ 
In orter ta factiteate cooprration with cerrest octivities of 

the Groun, effective tummdiatels “WETL-TO-csnme* shows te 

afantey tu the Picecter, #El for maintenance of eweerity watil 

auch Line FDI ievetvemeat ts nu logger require’. Psisting 

bOSk CRannwl contacts should pot be comptaatwe! by this action. 

Topics of the 8 Tabs 

mEach one is discussed in sequence 

Handling the President 
and Intent of Tab "A” 

= What to do if an 
he asks about SALAS _SoUPESh te SP ANTE 

AASENy Semen Chek One mee peee Of mebtemne rind Tirtes 

UFOs? se iecas an commevak lout) eof ¥et tengnen US 6 rus )ev¥:mettoe 
a Why asking? 
= Not a “security 

arenes ae Che bbe CREST CRPTEH ou, Ext bawet comet tty 
an '. Game tewe! sence, Ue Stet Chere, ont 
© Cherie keenene of tee greets f+ 
ee seer ense tee foemenl, Reteytmg oe 
2 steele t (enereee SEE Be “RET Tee te fet rms 
: ; 
te ieee. Coe tee te ageesisiet - 
4 wehieeel Mereeity Ueewet, oe tne seiibele seeet Phat EPI e 
erties Clewler Mews iie fetert benate tae warertty af She 
Suited Gtetwn, oe 6 pied. Set SCTE cemwsicetion, stenit « 

ks th tmeme Se eee Te eercmmee eras the Fes ae Coysitet 


Intent of Tab "C” 

= DoD security does not apply to MJ, except: 
= 54/12 is an NSC subcommittee 
= SCEO is Special Classified Executive Orders, 

not known to exist unclassified 

{Pe Sete 
Oetil i. Pee. T wisn Se wtitieee eaty tm tbe 

: apecial tas fercttere wlth eliitery inteliigesse 

tetestieee lewxe se cpecificd le "CTD aot 84/17 petiry Citective. 


Intent of Tab "D” 

@Blue Book as specified in the NIE? 
Intelligence to collect information 
CI to discredit credibility 

Birective toyardieg Project FLgr poor 
Project MLOT ROOT 6 ft) continne fe tte ceeremt inter torece 
Molieetion activities ant comsterintelttyerce forettoce on 
Rpecifios in curmrt MIR. Peferorse to PET POY te zethactice’ 

emir vee recpontie, to pettic ant corgreesiersl fosvirien. 

Intent of Tab "F” 

@ Psychological operations units get 
green light to 
m Interrogate and detain anyone 

RTE si “se 
PST? “Ate Rts Le ie) sake ttatiy ate 

useless Seka! bk eet weet ft 

Mike sOcegeues GoD Rial aro seers 

a. AMZ om? o°. 

Intent of Tab "H” 

@ If it looks like we're going to lose our group 
= And get no more money 
B Try assassination 

= “Wet” was not a well-known word for this 
use in October 1963 (KGB use) 

Divert two Su ortin: Protons TeWiepeyeny 
iam comete fons hewn oco—cemecive Jor yaawth fo our 

wer poseret an! Valin ia cetean Ce 1OS lesser! Gb> cnttuet, tbe 

wrether be teckin, say pared (tetice--.1% should te owt. 


Intent of Tab "E” 

aTell nobody anything until the threat’s 
gone (“requests .,. are denied...”) 


pe Veotdca tf tetnevation 
vrlority cayauees forvarde? ta weaters by witharice! Iativéssals 
or Lassitucioan ac> tacporariiy 2acliw? aati! ce threat af 
exyvosurc fe elistertr? an4 wae s2rancr ert to reettesets gre 

wittees. defers regnests ame acre! zon. 

Intent of Tab "G” (BW) 

8 Alien pathogens are presumably the concern 
8 We have plans called SPIKE, HOUSE CLEANING 
w Also, activate MK-ULTRA plus ARTICHOKE to 
conduct DOMESTIC 
Dismeeien de yeediay te 
Iemiymatese KW projects choulc be belo in cuadinesy lo portorm 
EVLKE end WOUND? CLLANINC operations tn major popelation center 
in Ube event cunvenlions) setbocs ere pot uatiotactory. 
Syecielivte Crom ¥h-ULTHA and ART TCHOXE are hereby activated © 

to conduct NMOGTIC. 

Burned Memo Conclusions 

sOriginal paper and ink dating essentially 
rules out modern hoax 

The burned memo shows issues between 
JFK and MJ-12 

Reinforces existence of CIA covert UFO 

Orders his assassination if the directives 
were approved by others 

Lends some credibility to Einstein as 
author of the Ein-Opp memo of June 47 

Noamear 2002 aad 

The Nazification of America 

By Jim Marrs 
Copyright 2008: Jim Marrs 

Excerpted from the book, The Rise of the Fourth Reich (New Y ork: HarperCollins 
Publishers, 2008) 

Most Americans don’t realize it but they have been living in a state of emergency 
since Sept.14, 2001, just after 9/11. President George W. Bush stated: “I hereby declare 
that the national emergency has existed since September 11, 2001, and pursuant to the 
National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.).” 

With this declaration, a “Shadow Government”—created for “continuity in 
government” during the Reagan administration by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and 
George Herbert Walker Bush—took control of the United States. 

The War on Terrorism, to include unprovoked attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq 
based on “faulty intelligence” at best and outright lies at worst, follows the classic pattern 
of using fear to control a population. During the Nuremberg Trials, Nazi Reichsmarschall 
Hermann Goering explained, "Why of course the people don't want war... That is 
understood. But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is 
always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist 
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship ... Voice or no voice, the people 
can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to 
tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and 
exposing the country to danger." 

The Military Commissions Act, which created tribunals similar to the Nazi 
Special Courts); the PATRIOT Act, which authorized $150 million in tax money for the 
“expansion of the Regional Information Sharing System,” a database like Hitler required 
for both gun and population control, were the 21" century version of Hitler’s 1933 
Enabling Act. 

The Real ID Act and the rapid growth of surveillance technology to include the 
VeriChip, studies of which indicated it causes cancer in lab animals, raised fears of a 
totalitarian “Big Brother” state. In early 2006, such fear of microchip implants gained 
substance as when a Cincinnati video surveillance firm,, began to 
require its employees to implant the VeriChip device in their arm. 

Other technology—to include ubiquitous video cameras in public places, face 
recognition technology, the computer surveillance system called Echalon and the High- 
Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) near Gakona, Alaska, have 
produced a growing fear that America is becoming a Fourth Reich. 

To determine if there is any truth to this allegation, one must first understand the 
definitions of the words being used as well as take a look at history. 


The word Reich is simply the German word for empire. No one can deny that 
following the reported collapse of communism, America has become the world’s 
preeminent empire—at least form a military standpoint. Interestingly, with a lower case 
“r” the word “reich” means wealthy or rich. 

So it is no stretch of the language to view a “Reich” as an empire of the wealthy. 

The First Reich is known as the Holy Roman Empire—The Second Reich was 
created by Prince Otto von Bismarck, who as premier of Prussia defeated Napoleon III in 
1871 and became the “Iron Chancellor” over about 300 independent states. Bismarck’s 
Reich, toward the end headed by Kaiser Wilhelm II, lasted until 1918 with the defeat of 
the Central Powers of Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I.—Hitler’s Nazi 
empire was the Third Reich. 

The German term “Nationalsozialistiche,” or National Socialist was shortened to 
the acronym “Nazi,” a word that has become synonymous with totalitarianism and 

Italian dictator Benito Mussolini is credited with coining the word fascism, 
defined by the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language as “a philosophy 
or system of government that advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, 
typically through the merging of state and business leadership together with an ideology 
of belligerent nationalism.” 

Fascism is a name taken from Mussolini’s Black Shirts called Fascisti. This term 
derived from the ancient Roman symbol of the fasces, a bundle of rods with a protruding 
axe blade. It was the symbol of central authority. Under fascism, the individual is 
subordinate to the state, usually headed by a single leader. 

However, even Mussolini pointed out that the real term should be “corporatism.” 
“The first stage of fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is 
the merger of State and corporate power,” declared Mussolini. 

Can anyone today argue that the United States has not come under the control of 
giant multinational corporations? The question is who controls these corporate giants? 

The only real difference between fascist Italy and Nazi Germany is that in those 
European nations the state gained control over the corporations. In modern American, the 
corporations have gained control over the state. 

The end result is the same. 

"The maxim that society exists only for the well-being and freedom of the 
individuals composing it does not seem to be in conformity with nature's plans....If 
classical liberalism spells individualism, Fascism spells government,” Mussolini 

“It is important to recognize that, as an economic system, fascism was widely 
accepted in the 1920s and '30s. The evil deeds of individual fascists were later 
condemned, but the practice of economic fascism never was,” wrote Thomas J. 
DiLorenzo, Professor of Economics at Loyola College in Baltimore, Maryland. 

The reason for this acceptance of fascism was rampant fear of communism, a 
virulent version of Socialism advocating public ownership of all means of production, 
distribution and exchange. 

What people fail to understand and history fails to reveal in plain language is that 
the Socialism in Russia, which swiftly tured into communism, was the creation of 
international financiers in Britain and America. 


Wall Street effectively created communism. In January 1917, Leon Trotsky, a 
fervent follower of Karl Marx, was living rent free on Standard Oil property in Bayonne, 
New Jersey. 

One banker who helped fund Trotsky’s travel to Russia at the time of the 
revolution there was Jacob Schiff, whose family had lived with the Rothschild family in 
Frankfurt, Germany. Schiff, a Rockefeller banker, had financed the Japanese in the 1904- 
05 Russo-Japanese war for control of Manchuria and had sent his emissary, George 
Kennan, to Russia to promote revolution against the Czar. Schiff;s grandson, John Schiff, 
estimated that the elder Schiff spent about $20 million to insure the success of 
Bolshevism in Russia. 

Another supporter was Senator Elihu Root, attorney for Federal Reserve founder 
Paul Warburg’s Kuhn, Loeb & Company. Root, an honorary president of the secretive 
Council on Foreign Relations and a former U.S. secretary of state who moved smoothly 
between government positions and his law practice in New York City, contributed yet 
another $20 million, according to the Congressional Record of September 2, 1919. 

Schiff and Root were not alone. Arsene de Goulevitch, who was present during 
the early days of the Bolsheviks, later wrote, “In private interviews, I have been told that 
over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord [Alfred] Milner in financing the Russian 
Revolution.” Milner, a German-born British statesman, was the primary force behind 
Cecil Rhodes’ Round Tables, a predecessor of the Council on Foreign Relations. 

The American International Corporation (AIC), formed in 1915, helped fund the 
Russian Revolution. AIC directors represented the interests of the Rockefellers, 
Rothschilds, DuPonts, Kuhns, Loebs, Harrimans and the Federal Reserve as well as 
Federal Reserve founder Frank Vanderlip and George Herbert Walker, the maternal 
grandfather of President George W. Bush. 

Trotsky’s Russia-bound ship loaded with revolutionaries was stopped in Halifax 
by Canadian authorities but released on orders of British admiralty under Winston 
Churchill and with passport authorized by Pres. Woodrow Wilson. 

Lenin also left his temporary home in Switzerland for Russia, aided by wealthy 
Germans and accompanied by about 150 trained revolutionaries. The train passed through 
Germany unhindered as arranged by German banker Max Warburg—the brother of Paul 
Warburg who founded the Federal Reserve System and handled U.S. financing during 
World War I—and the German High Command. Lenin, like Trotsky, was labeled a 
German agent by the government of Alexander Kerensky, the second provisional 
government created following the Czar’s abdication. By November, 1917, Lenin and 
Trotsky, backed by Western funds, had instigated a successful revolt and seized the 
Russian government for the Bolsheviks. 

The Bolshevik Revolution was financed by some of the world’s richest and most 
powerful men. It appeared as though they were financing a movement based on the ideal 
of stripping the wealth from men like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs, 
Morgans, Harrimans and Milners. The idea apparently was to create a Socialist society in 
Russia centrally ruled by the communist elite party members and pit this creation against 
the capitalist West, a both-ends-against-the-middle strategy so successfully employed by 
the Rothschilds in Europe for more than a century. 

However, as communism mutated into a worldwide Socialist movement following 
the 1919 assembly of the Third International in Moscow with the cry, “Workers of the 


world, Unite!” its capitalist founders grew fearful that their creation was getting out of 
hand. This fear intensified with the death of Lenin and the rise of the dictator Joseph 
Stalin and caused these early-day globalists to turn to German nationalists. 

They funded the rise of National Socialism in Germany and saw an armed Greater 
Germany as the most effective barrier to communism in Europe. National Socialism was 
a form of socialism almost indistinguishable from communism, only it was confined 
within national geographic boundaries. Under National Socialism, the globalists could 
continue to pit the various nations against each other. 

Just after World War I, the Thule Society, a group of wealthy and aristocratic 
Germans interested in the occult, encouraged Munich locksmith and toolmaker Anton 
Drexler to form the German Worker’s Party, which soon included German Army 
Intelligence Agent Adolf Hitler, who reported to Captain Karl Mayr and got funding from 
both the military and the Thulists. In April, 1920, Hitler changed the party’s name to the 
Nationalsozialistiche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, the National Socialist German Workers 

The Thule Society, served as a front for the even more secretive Germanorden or 
German Order, a reincarnation of the old Teutonic Knights, that had branches throughout 
Germany patterned after Masonic lodges. It is believed that these lodges carried on the 
agenda of the outlawed Bavarian Illuminati, with its fundamental maxim that “The end 
justifies the means.” In other words, members should pretend to be anything or anybody, 
adopt any philosophy, tell any lie, steal, cheat, even kill as long as it accomplishes the 
society’s objectives. 

The intertwining of American capitalism with German corporations began 
following World War I with two programs—the Dawes Plan (1924) and the Young Plan 
(1928). Both plans, engineered in America, virtually guaranteed success for the fledgling 
Nazi Party. 

And it was the same wealthy businessmen in Western industrial and banking 
circles that had created a Socialist system in Russia that supported Hitler’s rapid rise to 
power. The 1931 collapse of the German economy due to the withdrawal of American 
loans from institutions such a J.P. Morgan and National City Bank, headed by John J. 
McCloy, pushed frightened Germans into the arms of Hitler and his Nazis. 

After Hitler lost a popular election to Hindenburg in 1932, thirty-nine business 
leaders, with familiar names like Krupp, Siemens, Thyssen and Bosch—all with close 
business connections in Britain and America—signed a petition urging the aged President 
Paul von Hindenburg to name Hitler Chancellor. This proposal was engineered in 
January, 1933, through a compromise with German aristocrats, industrialists and Army 
officers brokered by banker Baron Kurt Freiherr von Schroeder. Von Schroeder, who was 
business partners with the Rockefellers, employed the New York law firm Sullivan and 
Cromwell to represent his interests. His lawyers included John Foster and Allen Dulles. 

By 1936, the Schroeder Bank of New York had entered into a partnership with the 
Rockefellers. Named Schroeder, Rockefeller and Company, Investment Bankers, the firm 
became what Time magazine called the economic booster of “the Rome-Berlin Axis.” 
“Avery Rockefeller owned 42 percent of Schroeder,” reported New York Times writer 
Charles Higham. “Their lawyers were John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles of Sullivan 
and Cromwell. Allen Dulles (later of the Office of Strategic Services) was on the board of 


On New Year’s Day, 1924, the financial fate of Germany was settled in London at 
a meeting between Hjalmar Schacht, the new Reich Commissioner for National 
Currency, and Montagu Norman, governor of the Bank of England. Loans approved 
which continued through the 1930s with most of the money channeled through the Bank 
of International Settlements, the hub of the banking world. 

Three Wall Street houses—Dillon, Read; Harris, Forbes; and National City 
Bank—handled three-quarters of the reparation loans used to create the German cartel 
system, including the dominant I.G. Farben and Vereinigte Stahlwerke, which together 
produced 95 percent of the explosives for the Nazi side in World War II.” 

I.G. Farben had subsidiaries, offices and representatives in 93 countries, including 
the United States. Paul Manning, a CBS news correspondent in Europe during World 
War II, explained Hermann Schmitz’s connections by pointing out that the Farben chief 
once “held as much stock in Standard Oil of New Jersey as did the Rockefellers.” By the 
time war began in 1939, I.G. Farben had doubled in size, became the largest chemical 
manufacturing enterprise in the world. gaining participation and managerial control over 
380 other German companies as well as more than 500 foreign firms. This growth was 
made possible by bond sales in America, including one for $30 million offered by 
National City Bank, a forerunner of today’s Citibank 

Walter C. Teagle, chairman of Standard Oil of New Jersey, arranged sale of 
tetraethy] lead, an additive used in aviation gasoline to Germany. The result was that 
Hitler’s air force was rendered capable of bombing London, the city that had provided the 
supplies. Also, by supplying Japan with tetraethyl, Teagle helped make it possible for the 
Japanese to wage World War II.” 

Teagle, together with Farben chief Schmitz, hired famed New York publicist Ivy 
Lee to pass proprietary information on American companies to Germany and to spin 
news stories so as to gloss over the darker side of Nazism. By the late 1930s, Lee was 
being paid $25,000 a year for disseminating pro-Nazi propaganda in America. Payments 
to Lee came from a Farben U.S. subsidiary, American 1.G., and moved through Lee’s 
company account with Chase Bank and his personal account at New York Trust 

Another solid conduit for Nazi propaganda and intelligence activities was the 
Hamburg-Amerika shipping line. Max Warburg, that Deutsche Bank official who had 
assisted in moving Lenin through wartime Germany, sat on board of Hamburg-Amerika 
Steamship Line along with Prescott Bush, father and grandfather of two future U.S. 
presidents. Max Warburg was the brother of Paul Warburg, America’s first chairman of 
the Federal Reserve System and the man in charge of U.S. finances in World War I. 

Throughout World War II, the bank of Baron von Schroeder acted as financial 
agents for Germany in both Britain and the United States. Antony C. Sutton described 
how John Foster Dulles handled Schroeder banks loans in the USA. In fact, Dulles, in 
addition to providing legal services to a joint Rockefeller-Schroeder investment firm, the 
Schroeder-Rockefeller Company, also sat on the board of directors of General Aniline 
and Film (GAF) from 1927 to 1934. GAF remained a subsidiary of I. G. Farben. 
Schroeder, the powerful head of the J. H. Stein & Company banking house of Cologne, 
had long provided financial support to the Nazis in hopes they would counteract the 
spread of communism. 


Illustrating further interconnecting business associations of this time was 
International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT) German Chairman Gerhardt Westrick, a 
close associate of John Foster Dulles, who was a partner to Dr. Heinrich Albert, head of 
Ford Motor Co. in Germany until 1945. Two ITT directors were German banker 
Schroeder and Walter Schellenberg, head of counterintelligence for the Nazi Gestapo or 
Secret State Police. America’s International Telephone & Telegraph Corp. sold Germany 
communication and war material, including as many as 50,000 artillery fuses per month, 
more than three years after Pear] Harbor. 

More interconnecting business ties between America and the Nazis can be seen by 
studying the Rockefeller-owned Chase National Bank now Chase Manhattan, the largest 
corporate bank in the United States. The Rockefellers owned Standard Oil of New Jersey, 
the German accounts of which were siphoned through their own bank, the Chase, as well 
as through the independent National City Bank of New York which also handled 
Standard, Sterling Products, General Aniline and Film [part of the I.G. Farben combine], 
SKF [Swedish Enskilda Bank], and ITT, whose chief, Sosthenes Behn, was a director of 
NCB. Two executives of Standard Oil’s German subsidiary were Kar] Lindemann and 
Emil Helfferich, prominent figures in SS Chief Heinrich Himmler’s Circle of Friends of 
the Gestapo—its chief financiers—and close friends and colleagues of the BIS’s Baron 
von Schroeder. According to the book Trading with the Enemy, in 1944, Standard Oil 
tankers were still refueling German U-Boats in the Caribbean thanks to interlocking 
connections with the German subsidiary. 

International Business Machines [IBM], and its chairman Thomas J. Watson. 
Using recently discovered Nazi documents and the testimony of former Polish workers, 
Black found that IBM technology was passed not only through the company’s German 
subsidiary, Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft (Dehomag), but to a great extent 
through a subsidiary in Poland, Watson Business Machines in Warsaw, which reported 
directly to the IBM New York headquarters. Data processing allowed the roundup and 
extermination of the Jews and dissenters to the Nazi regime. 

At the beginning of January, 1933, Germany was free republic. Hitler went 
against tradition by choosing not work out of an office in the German Reichstag or 
Parliament building and on February 27, 1933, the Reichstag was gutted by fire. Less 
than a month later, on March 24, 1933, after Hitler proclaimed the fire the work of 
communist terrorists, a panicky German Parliament voted 441 to 94 to pass an “Enabling 
Act” which became the starting point for Hitler’s dictatorship. 

“When Germany awoke,” wrote British reporter Douglas Reed, “a man’s home 
was no longer his castle. He could be seized by private individuals, could claim no 
protection from the police, could be indefinitely detained without preferment of charge; 
his property could be seized, his verbal and written communications overheard and 
perused; he no longer had the right to foregather with his fellow countrymen, and his 
newspapers might no longer freely express their opinions.” 

Hitler’s globalist backers became apprehensive as the German Fuehrer took over 
one portion of Europe at a time until it led to the invasion of Poland which started World 
War II. It is instructive that Hitler did not invade Poland without pretext. In a classinc 
“false-flag” operation, German soldiers dressed in Polish uniforms attacked a German 
radio station on the border of Poland. Claiming that he was forced to retaliate for this 
attack, Hitler sent his tanks into Poland, then the Low Countries and on into France. 


As the globalists hope to control the Third Reich grew dim, they allowed 
American law enforcement agencies to disrupt the economic support for Hitler. 

On October 20, 1942, the US Alien Property Custodian, operating under the 
“Trading With the Enemy Act” (U.S. Government Vesting Order No. 248), seized the 
shares of Union Banking Corporation (UBC) on the grounds that the bank was financing 
Hitler. Handling the Nazi assets was bank director Prescott Bush. Also seized were 
Bush’s holdings in the Hamburg-America shipping line that had been used to ferry Nazi 
propagandists and arms. 

Another company essential to the passing of Nazi money was the Holland 
American Trading Company, a subsidiary of UBC. It was through Fritz Thyssen’s Dutch 
bank, originally founded by Thyssen’s father in 1916, that Nazi money was passed. This 
Dutch connection tied the Bush and Nazi money directly to former SS officer and founder 
of the Bilderbergers, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who was once secretary to the 
board of directors of 1.G. Farben with close connections to the Dutch bank. Thyssen did 
not need any foreign bank accounts because his family secretly owned an entire chain of 
banks. At the end of the war, he transferred ownership documents, such as stocks, bonds, 
deeds and trusts, from his bank in Berlin through his bank in Holland to his American 
representatives Prescott Bush and Herbert Walker. 

The leading shareholder in UBC was E. Roland Harriman, son of Edward H. 
Harriman, who had been an early and important mentor to Prescott Bush. Another son, 
Averell Harriman, also held ownership in UBC. He was named Ambassador to the Soviet 
Union by President Roosevelt in 1943 and participated in all major wartime conferences. 
Averell later became Ambassador to London, U.S. secretary of commerce, and governor 
of New York State. Both Harrimans had been members of the Yale secret society Skull 
and Bones and were closely connected to the globalists at the Council on Foreign 

On November 17, 1942, US authorities also seized the Silesian-American 
Corporation, managed by Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker, 
and charged the firm with being a Nazi front company that was supplying vital coal to 
Germany. But according to government documents that have recently come to light and 
were published by the New Hampshire Gazette in 2003, “the grandfather of President 
George W. Bush, failed to divest himself of more than a dozen ‘enemy national’ 
relationships that continued as late as 1951.” The newly-released documents also showed 
that Bush and his associates routinely tried to conceal their business activities from 
government investigators and that such dealings were conducted through the New York 
private banking firm of Brown Brothers Harriman. Brown Brothers Harriman, the oldest 
privately owned bank in America, was formed in 1931 when the Brown brothers, 
originally importers of Irish linen, merged with railroad tycoon Edward H. Harriman. 

“After the war,” according to the Gazefte report, “a total of 18 additional Brown 
Brothers Harriman and UBC-related client assets were seized under the Trading with the 
Enemy Act including several that showed the continuation of a relationship with the 
Thyssen family after the initial 1942 seizures. The records also show that Bush and the 
Harrimans conducted business after the war with related concerns doing business in or 
moving assets into Switzerland, Panama, Argentina and Brazil—all critical outposts for 
the flight of Nazi capital after Germany’s surrender in 1945.” 


Following Germany’s military successes in Europe, North Africa and Russia, 
these globalists realized they faced the same problem they had with the communists. A 
total German victory would result in a worldwide National Socialist system unable to 
produce the tensions and conflicts necessary for maximizing profit and control. They also 
may have feared that Stalin’s Russia was about to launch an attack on Western Europe. 
Only Hitler’s Germany had the strength to prevent this. In June, 1941, a month before the 
expected attack by Russia, Hitler launched Barbarossa, the grand assault on Russia, as a 
pre-emptive strike. 

In a speech to the Reichstag on December 11, 1941, Hitler explained, “Only a 
blind person could fail to see that a military build-up of unique world-historical 
dimensions was being carried out. And this was not in order to protect something that 
was being threatened, but rather only to attack that which seemed incapable of defense ... 
I may say this today: If the wave of more than 20,000 tanks, hundreds of divisions, tens 
of thousands of artillery pieces, along with more than 10,000 airplanes, had not been kept 
from being set into motion against the Reich, Europe would have been lost ...” 

Apparently, Hitler’s decision to allow the British forces to escape at Dunkirk was 
in hopes of gaining Britain as an ally against Russia and See/owe or Sea Lion, the code 
name for the proposed German invasion of England, was a sham designed to misdirect 
Stalin as to his coming strike in the East. 

The strange flight of Hitler’s deputy, Rudolf Hess, in May, 1941, may have been a 
genuine secret plan to ally with the British royals, oust Prime Minister Winston Churchill 
and make peace between England and Germany. But when Hess missed his prearranged 
landing spot, ran out of fuel and was captured after parachuting from his Messerschmitt, 
the secret scheme was compromised and all involved disavowed any knowledge of Hess, 
who was declared a madman by both Hitler and Churchill. 

The wealthy elite’s decision to tum their back on Hitler may have begun with the 
disaster of Hess’s mission. The globalists realized that Hitler and the Germans must be 
stopped, not because of their National Socialist philosophy, but because they represented 
a threat to their economic dominancy. Winston Churchill clarified their position when he 
once remarked, “You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National 
Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once 
and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest.” 

Another concern of the globalists over the ascendancy of the German Nazis was 
their incredible technology, possibly gained through early-day efforts at what is know 
called remote viewing, the psychic ability to view over long distances with only the mind. 
There are reports that the Nazi conducted a program of psychic research under the name 
“Doktor Gruenbaum.” It is believed that these psychics, or spiritualists, made contact 
with non-human intelligences through which they gained new and advanced technology. 

Interestingly, the Nazi program which included psychic research and energ 
manipulation projects such as flying saucers and the infamous Nazi “Bell,” was called 
“Majik.” This name immediately brings to mind the initial name of the group reportedly 
in charge of the effort to both understand yet publicly deny the existence of UFOs — 

A cursory look at the men identified as the original MJ-12 group as well as their 
corporate and intelligence connections clearly indicates the potential for such a high-level 
contro] group. 


As listed in the documents, MAJESTIC-12 members included: 

--- Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, a 1919 graduate of the Naval Academy, was 
familiar with both intelligence work and the Nazis, having worked undercover for a year 
in Vichy, France. After serving as the third Director of Central Intelligence, he became 
the first director of the CIA upon its formation in September, 1947, obviously a good 
choice for a top-secret group like MJ-12. After his retirement from government, 
Hillenkoetter joined the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena 
(NICAP), a private UFO group, and stated publicly that UFOs were real and “through 
official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects 
are nonsense.” 

--- Dr. Vannevar Bush, an imminent American scientist who in 1941 organized 
the National Defense Research Council and in 1943, the Office of Scientific Research 
and Development which led to the production of the first atomic bomb, was another 
prime candidate for a high-level group dealing with space. He also was a close friend to 
Averell Harriman, the U.S. Ambassador to Russia who had ownership in Union Banking 
Corporation along with Prescott Bush. It is unclear if Vannevar Bush was a relative of the 
Presidents Bush family. In 1949, the U.S. Intelligence Board asked Bush to study ways 
of combing intelligence from all agencies. Bush’s plan was initiated by America’s first 
Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, also listed as an MJ-12 member. Bush's 
connections to the corporate world were deep and many. In 1922, Bush, along with his 
former roommate Laurence K. Marshall and scientist Charles G. Smith formed American 
Appliance Company, today known as the powerful Raytheon Corporation heralded in 
company literature as an “industry leader in defense and government electronics, space, 
information technology, technical services and business aviation and special mission 
aircraft.” Bush joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1919 and in 
1936 was awarded a major grant by the Rockefeller Foundation. His work during World 
War II resulted in the development of the Rockefeller Differential Analyzer, an analog 
mainframe computer composed of 2,000 vacuum tubes and 150 motors. Bush also served 
on the board of directors of the Metals and Controls Corporation which in 1959 merged 
with Texas Instruments to become the first U.S. Government-approved fabricator of 
uranium rods. Bush also was a presence in the corporate world of pharmaceuticals, 
eventually becoming Chairman of the Board of Merck & Co., one of the world’s most 
powerful drug companies. Merck has been among the leaders in researching the Human 
Genome, the DNA structure which forms cells into humans. Bush also was connected to 
the Carnegie wealth, serving as president of the Camegie Institute from 1935 to 1955. 

--- James V. Forrestal, prior to World War I, was a bond salesman for William A. 
Read & Co., later to become Dillon, Read & Co. After the war, he returned to Read & 
Co. and by 1937 was named President. This was at a time when Dillon & Read were the 
most profitable of all Wall Street syndicate managers handling German industrial issues 
in the U.S. capital market. In 1957, Fortune magazine named Clarence Dillon as one of 
the wealthiest men in America with a fortune estimated fortune of between $150 and 
$200 million. Recall that Russell A. Nixon, the young attorney for the U.S. Military 
Government Cartel Unit who tried to break up the Nazi corporate syndicates at the end of 
the war, was blocked in his efforts by Brig. Gen. William H. Draper, who along with 
Forrestal was an officer of Dillon, Read. According to Sutton, “Banker William Draper, 
as Brigadier General William Draper, put his control team together from businessmen 


who had represented American business in pre-war Germany.” Forrestal also sat on the 
board of General Aniline and Film (GAF), a subsidiary of 1.G. Farben with 91.5 percent 
ownership by the brother-in-law of Farben chairman Hermann Schmitz. Heading GAF 
was a Rudolf Ilgner, who near the ourbreak of war offered the U.S. Army Agfa film at a 
low price for photographing the Panama Canal and other defense installations. “I]gner 
has a sense of humor,” noted author Higham. “He gave the American government copies 
of the movies and still photographs and kept the originals, which were shipped via the 
Hamburg-Amerika steamship line [part ownership by Prescott Bush]. The president of 
this company was Julius P. Meyer, head of the Board of Trade for German-American 
Commerce, whose chairman was --- Rudolf Ilgner.” Forrestal became secretary of 
defense in July, 1947 --- the time of the Roswell incident --- but resigned in March, 1949, 
a month before he reportedly committed suicide at Bethesda Naval Hospital. He claimed 
he was being followed by Zionist agents. His MJ-12 position was permanently filled by 
General Walter B. Smith. 

--- General Walter Bedell Smith had been Eisenhower’s chief of staff and former 
U.S. Ambassador to Moscow, replacing W. Averell Harriman. In 1950, he replaced 
Admiral Hillenkoetter as Director of Central Intelligence. Most intriguing was Smith’s 
close relationship as friend and business partner with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, 
that former SS officer who, with Smith’s help, founded the secretive Bilderberg meetings. 
Prior to leaving for England prior to hostilities, Bernhard was employed in I.G. Farben’s 
Intelligence Department NM7. 

--- Gen. Nathan F. Twining, commander of the Air Material Command based at 
Wright-Patterson, was already heavily involved in the UFO issue by the time of MJ-12. 
He had canceled a scheduled trip on July 8, 1947, “due to a very important and sudden 
matter”. This was the day the Roswell Air Base press release regarding the recovery of a 
flying saucer was issued. UFO researcher William Moore claimed that Twining actually 
made a two-day trip to New Mexico. On September 23, 1945, just as the Air Force 
became a separate service, Twining sent a letter to chief of staff of the Army Air Force, 
Brigadier General George Schulgen, who had requested information on “flying discs.” In 
a letter stamped “secret,” Twining began by stating without equivocation, “The 
phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious.”” He recommended 
that a permanent group be established to study UFOs. 

--- Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, a West Point graduate and military man, served as 
Air Force Chief of Staff and Director of Central Intelligence. As a named MJ-12 member, 
Vanderberg did not appear to have solid Wall Street connections. However, he was a 
close relative to the powerful U.S. Senator Arthur Vandenberg, who served as President 
Pro Tempore of the Senate, third in line of succession to the Presidency, and chaired the 
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Senator Vandenberg also participated in the 
creation of the United Nations. In January, 1945, the senator made headlines by 
announcing his conversion from isolationism to internationalism. As such, he 
orchestrated bi-partisan support for the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan. The 
“Vandenberg Resolution,” passed by the Senate in 1948, paved the way for mutual Allied 
security by the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. In the early 1950s, 
Gen. Vandenberg ordered the original Project Sign report stating that UFOs were real 
destroyed. Many UFO researchers believe Vanderberg’s role was to maintain security for 


--- Dr. Detlev Bronk, a physiologist and biophysicist with international 
credentials, chaired the National Research Council and was a member of the medical 
advisory board of the Atomic Energy Commission. From 1953 until 1968, he was 
president of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, during which time he given a 
$600,000 mansion. Bronk maintained a long correspondence with Vannevar Bush and 
also was on the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Brookhaven National Laboratory 
along with Dr. Edward Condon, who later debunked UFOs in a major UFO study for the 
Air Force. 

--- Dr. Jerome Hunsaker, an aircraft designer, chaired the Departments of 
Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. In 1933, the year Hitler came to 
power, Hunsaker became vice president of the Goodyear-Zeppelin Corporation, which 
manufactured airships which offered passenger flights to various countries, including 
Germany, Brazil and the USA. It should be noted that it was less than three months after 
the death of Hunsacker, the last survivor of those named in the MJ-12 documents, the 
disputed documents suddenly arrived at the home of a UFO researcher. Many feel 
Hunsacker’s death may have signaled someone in the official world that it was now 
permissible to leak the MJ-12 Eisenhower Briefing document. 

--- Sidney W. Souers was a retired rear admiral who in 1946 became the first 
Director of Central Intelligence, appointed by President Truman. He was Executive 
Secretary to the National Security Council in 1947 and remained a special consultant on 
security matters for a time after leaving that post. Souers also had a lifelong connection to 
American corporate business. Between 1920 and his death in 1973, Souers held executive 
positions in the Mortgage and Securities Company of New Orleans, First Joint Stock 
Land Bank, the Canal Bank and Trust Company of New Orleans, the Aviation Company 
and the General American Life Insurance Company. 

--- Gordon Gray, an heir to the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company fortune, was 
assistant secretary of the Army in 1947, became Secretary of the Army in 1949 and a 
year later was named a special assistant on national security affairs to President Truman. 
During that same time period, Gray was named Director of the government's 
Psychological Strategy Board (PSB), established in 1951 to undertake disinformation and 
psychological warfare against enemies. During his stint on the PSB, Gray’s chief 
consultant was the ubiquitous Henry Kissinger, was also was a paid consultant to the 
Rockefellers. According to one source, Gray directed a psychological strategy study of 
UFOs consulted by CIA Director Walter B. Smith. Gray also was a member of the 
Council on Foreign Relations while serving under Presidents beginning with Truman and 
ending with Gerald Ford. He also was chairman of the board for Piedmont Publishing 
Co., Triangle Broadcasting Company and Summit Communications. 

--- Dr. Donald Menzel, as a director of the Harvard College Observatory, was a 
respected astronomer who led a double life. He became a widely-known debunker of 
UFOs after writing three books in which he explained away most reports and dismissed 
others, saying, “All non-explained sightings are from poor observers.” However, 
physicist Stanton Friedman, after studying Menzel’s unpublished biography and 
interviewing his widow, discovered that Menzel had been a covert consultant for both the 
CIA and the NSA with a Top-Secret Ultra security clearance. This was verified by a letter 
from Menzel to President Kennedy in which he mentioned his intelligence work stating, 


“I have been associated with this activity for almost 30 years and probably have the 
longest continuous record of association with them.” Gray also worked closely with the 
State Department, especially concerning Latin American affairs. Just before the outbreak 
of World War II, Manzel unsuccessfully tried to interest the Rockefeller Foundation and 
Howard Hughes in funding a High-Altitude Observatory at Boulder, Colorado. In Menzel 
we find a man publicly known as simply a notable astronomer having intriguing and 
high-level intelligence connections. 

--- Gen. Robert M. Montegue, a military man with no known corporate links, 
nevertheless was the base commander of Fort Bliss near E] Paso, Texas, in 1947 during 
the time the Paperclip scientists were there. He also served as Director of the Anti- 
Aircraft and Guided Missile Branch of the Army’s Artillery School as well as 
commanding general of the Sandia Atomic Energy Commission facility in Albuquerque, 
New Mexico, from July, 1947, to February, 1951. His responsibilities included security at 
the White Sands Proving Ground. So Montegue was intricately involved with both the 
Roswell crash and the Nazi Paperclip scientists. 

--- Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner worked under Vannevar Bush as executive secretary of 
the Joint Research and Development Board in 1946 and headed a study which resulted in 
the creation of the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group. Berkner also was a member of 
the 1952 CIA-sponsored panel headed by Dr. H. P. Robertson which deflected public 
attention away from UFOs by concluding that they did not constitute any direct threat to 
national security. Berkner also was president of Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI), 
established in 1946 to “acquire, plan, construct and operate laboratories and other 
facilities that would unite the resources of universities, other research organizations and 
the Federal Government.” Funding for the AUI came from such luminary institutions as 
Comell, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT and Yale. One of the institutions closely 
connected to the AUI is Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, long rumored 
to be involved with both defense weaponry as well as UFOs. 

These distinguished men appeared to have two things in common—they were all 
connected to the highest levels of the national security as well as American corporate 
business and they were all dead at the time the MJ-12 papers surfaced, thus unable to 
answer any questions about their role, if any, in such a group. 

The agenda of any such control group may have been best expressed by President 
Lyndon B. Johnson who, speaking to the Senate Democratic Caucus on January 7, 1958, 
stated, “Control of space means control of the world...From space, the masters of infinity 
would have the power to control the Earth’s weather, to cause drought and flood, the 
change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the Gulf Stream and change the 
climate to frigid... There is something more powerful than the ultimate weapon. That is 
the ultimate position—the position of total control over the Earth that lies somewhere in 
outer space...Andi if there is an ultimate position, then our national goal and the goal of 
all free men must be to win and hold that position.” 

Adding to this puzzling statement are facts indicating a connection between the 
NASA space program, the occultism of the Nazis and the Russian space program. 

Richard C. Hoagland, a former science adviser to Walter Cronkite and CBS News 
during the Apollo Program, astounded conspiracy researchers in the 1990s with his 
assertion that the time and date of many NASA space launches, including the Apollo 
moon missions, were set to coincide with astrological alignments of the stars and planets. 


“This remarkable new evidence, that ‘all is not as we have thought regarding 
NASA,’ is distinctly different from the official NASA imagery that [I have] been 
analyzing for almost 15 years,” reported Hoagland. “This new evidence is of a ‘pattern’ 
[shown by] an official, undeniable log of NASA mission planning, mission priorities, and 
Space Agency decisions extending back to when the Agency was officially formed by 
Act of Congress, on July 29, 1958. This log has been carefully compiled from recorded 
network mission broadcasts from, among others, ‘my’ old network—CBS; officially- 
published NASA mission time lines; and documented testimonials of former NASA 

According to Hoagland, these cross-correlated public records now provide firm 
evidence of an astonishing, official link between NASA's supposedly strictly "scientific" 
planetary missions and millennial-old occult beliefs stemming from Egyptian religious 
mythology involving the constellations of Sirius, Orion and Leo. In fact, the original 
official NASA Apollo Lunar Program logo of the 1960s clearly depicted Orion’s belt in 
the constellation of Orion, long thought to represent Osiris, a central figure in Egyptian 
celestial mythology. “Curiously, immediately after the Apollo 13 ‘accident,’, NASA 
quietly changed this official Apollo Program logo—adding random stars to the existing 
constellation, thereby cleverly obscuring its direct derivation from *Orion,”” noted 

He concluded that the extraordinarily complex and expensive mission planning 
for the entire Apollo Lunar program, far from being merely "represented" by this 
"interesting" Egyptian mythological connection, was in fact completely controlled by, 
and designed around, this crucial "Orion" symbolism. In other words, someone with 
enough authority to set the launch date and time for Apollo space mission, as well as 
many others, was guided by the astrological alignment of the stars and planets rather than 
on any non-sectarian scientific basis. This hidden occult aspect has been kept carefully 
hidden not only from the American taxpayers who paid for these missions but from the 
vast majority of NASA personnel. 

Mary Ann Weaver, a former Boeing Engineer and computer professional, was 
intrigued by the data produced by Hoagland and his associate, Michael Bara. As a former 
researcher with the Antenna division of Boeing, she was experienced in 3-D computer 
modeling, computational analysis and developing equations and analytic methods for 
problem solving. Weaver set out to confirm or deny the findings of Hoagland and Bara. 

After a careful study of their data, Weaver concluded that the star alignments for 
the mission activities and launches did not happen by accident. “[T]hey must happen by 
design,” she stated. “To try and explain them via random processes results in odds of 
billions to one. | would not bet on the "random" side of these kind of odds ...” 

“The significance of these findings is [that] I have shown there to be a pattern 
throughout 82 launches that were part of the Apollo preparation phase—and Apollo 
itself. Additionally, I have shown that the Apollo missions follow this same pattern on a 
day-to-day, mission activities level, which is even more improbable because of its 
consistency with the launch data. Furthermore, it is improbable that the frequency of 
these stellar alignments are tied to weather or lighting conditions, because of the fact that 
they occur for a variety of mission events, even those that do not require specific lighting 
or weather conditions.” She concluded. 

Michael Bara pointed to a disturbing similarity with Russian space flights. 

Bara noticed that the launch of the first module for the new International Space 
Station was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome located in Kazakstan, now an 
independent nation which borders Russia and the Caspian Sea, and was apparently 
designed to coincide with a number of the significant celestial alignments already found 
in NASA’s long established ritual pattern. This would indicate some connection between 
the former Soviet space program and NASA, perhaps through the Nazi scientists working 
in both. 

According to Bara, “[The module] Zarya, which translates into ‘sunrise’ or ‘rising 
sun’ in English, was launched from pad 333 at its precisely scheduled time despite 
Russian requests to have the launch delayed. NASA, citing a number of minor technical 
considerations, refused the Russian request and the launch went off as originally 
scheduled and was witnessed by NASA administrator Dan Goldin. Considering that the 
[International Space Station] program was already a year behind schedule, another minor 
delay would not, despite NASA protestations to contrary, have led to a significant 
problem. Only when you consider the symbolic significance of the moment does this 
steadfast insistence make sense.” 

Who is orchestrating the launches of space missions in both the United States and 
Russia with an eye toward occult astrological alignments? And who did President 
Johnson mean by the “masters of infinity”? 

They may well be those global National Socialists and their minions who seek 
control of the entire world. As revealed recently by Nicholas “Nick” Rockefeller, a 
participant in the World Economic Forum, member of the Council on Foreign Relations 
and the International Institute for Strategic Studies, to Hollywood producer Aaron Russo, 
“The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the 
bankers and the elite people control the world.” 

On August 10, 1944, Hitler’s deputy, Martin Bormann, working with Hermann 
Schmitz, chairman of I. G. Farben and Hermann Abts, chairman of Deutsche Bank, called 
top German business leaders and Nazi Party officials to the Hotel Maison Rouge in 
Strasbourg. According to captured transcripts of the meeting its purpose was to see that 
“the economy of the Third Reich was projected onto a postwar profit-seeking track.” This 
corporate “track” came to be known as Aktion Adlerflug or Operation Eagle Flight. It was 
nothing less than the perpetuation of National Socialism through the massive flight of 
money, gold, stocks, bonds, patents, copyrights and even technical specialists from 
Germany.- Bormann, aided by the black-clad SS, the central Deutsche Bank, the steel 
empire of Fritz Thyssen and the powerful I.G. Farben combine, created 750 foreign front 
corporations—S58 in Portugal, 112 in Spain, 233 in Sweden, 214 in Switzerland, 35 in 
Turkey and 98 in Argentina. I.G. Farben owned an additional 700 companies around the 

Bormann used every known device to disguise ownership and patterns of 
operations - use of nominees, option agreements, pool agreements, endorsements in 
blank, escrow deposits, pledges, collateral loans, rights of first refusal, management 
contracts, service contracts, patent agreements, cartels, and withholding procedures. 

In 1941, 171 American corporations had more than $420 million invested in 
German companies. After war was declared, Bormann merely had operatives in neutral 
countries such a Switzerland and Argentina buy American stocks using foreign exchange 
funds in the Buenos Aires branch of Deutsche Bank and Swiss banks. Large demand 


deposits were also placed with major banks in New York City to include National City 
Bank (now Citibank), Chase (now JP Morgan Chase), Manufacturers and Hanover (now 
part of JP Morgan Chase), Morgan Guaranty, and Irving Trust (now part of the Bank of 
New York). 

“The great German combines were the spearheads of economic penetration in the 
other American republics [South and Central American nations],” stated U.S. Treasury 
official Orvis Schmidt. “In the field of drugs and pharmaceuticals the Bayer, Merck, and 
Schering companies enjoyed a virtual monopoly. I.G. Farben subsidiaries had a firm hold 
on the dye and chemical market. Shipping companies and, in some areas, German 
airlines, were well entrenched.” According to The Guinness Book of World Records, the 
"greatest unsolved bank robbery” in world history was the disappearance of the entire 
German treasury at the end of the war. The foundation for a multinational German 
business empire was in place. 

An Allied investigator, Department of Justice attorney James Stewart Martin, was 
sent to U.S. Military Command in London to investigate post-war collaboration between 
the Nazis and American businessmen. “We had not been stopped in Germany by German 
business. We had been stopped in Germany by American business. The forces that 
stopped us had operated from the United States but had not operated in the open. 

... whatever it was that had stopped us was not ‘the government.’ But it clearly had 
command of channels through which the government normally operates. The relative 
powerlessness of governments in the growing economic power is of course not 
new...national governments have stood on the sidelines while bigger operators arranged 
the world’s affairs,” reported Martin. 

Using escape routes that came to be known as Ratlines, German Nazis with the 
loot of Europe spread out over the world. Many came to the United States under several 
programs such as Project Paperclip. By 1955, more than a thousand German scientists 
had been granted citizenship in the U.S. and given prominent positions in the American 
scientific community. Many had been longtime members of the Nazi party and the 
Gestapo, had conducted experiments on humans at concentration camps, used slave labor, 
and committed other war crimes. CNN reporter Linda Hunt, author of the 1991 book 
Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 
1945-1990 wrote that she had examined more than 130 reports on Project Paperclip 
subjects—and every one "had been changed to eliminate the security threat classification. 

“The Paperclip office operated out of the Intelligence Division’s headquarters in 
Heidelberg, under Deputy Director Colonel Robert Schow, who would become assistant 
director of the CIA in 1949 and assistant chief of staff for intelligence in 1956,” author 
Hunt reported. She added that officers of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) 
who managed Project Paperclip soon began receiving security reports from Schow’s 
office pertaining to the Nazis recruited into the program. All reports had been changed 
from ‘“‘ardent Nazi” to “not an ardent Nazi.” 

Despite government claims that Paperclip was ended in 1947, according to Hunt, 
this project was “the biggest, longest-running operation involving Nazis in our country’s 
history.” By the 1990s, when details of Paperclip finally reached the public’s ears, the 
infusion of Nazis into America’s military-industrial complex was complete. 

Decorated Nazi Wernher von Braun, the father of the National Aeronautics and 
Space Administration (NASA), is one of the more recognizable names of the Paperclip 


scientists. Others included Major General Walter Dornberger, a close associate of Von 
Braun; Werner Heisenberg, physicist and Nobel laureate who founded quantum 
mechanics; gaseous uranium centrifuge expert Dr. Paul Harteck; Nazi atom bomb 
physicist and military project leader Kurt Diebner; uranium enrichment expert Erich 
Bagge; 1944 Nobel Prize winner Otto Hahn, called the “father of nuclear chemistry”; 
scientists Carl Fredrich von Weizsacker, Karl Wirtz and Horst Korsching; and physicist 
Walter Gerlach. 

Heisenberg and Gerlach are of special interest as Heisenberg was one of the 
founders of quantum mechanics and Gerlach’s specialty was gravitational physics 
lending support to the idea that the Nazis were pursuing esoteric concepts to enrich 

In 1952, the popular Allied Supreme Commander, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, 
was elected president. He was persuaded to name John Foster Dulles as his secretary of 
state and his brother, Allen Dulles, as CIA director. The Dulles brothers were merely the 
Republican replacements for their client and business partner, Democrat Averell 
Harriman. It should be noted that the Dulles brothers were both attorneys for and 
business partners with Harriman, who, in tum, was both mentor and fellow Skull & 
Bones member to both Bush, Sr. and his son, George W. 

It should also be noted that Allen Dulles, as OSS station chief in Bern, 
Switzerland, sat at the nexus of U.S. intelligence as well as Soviet Intelligence, such as 
the infamous Rote Kapelle or Red Orchestra spy network. It was during his stint as 
assistant to the U.S. Ambassador that Dulles used SS Brigidier General Walter 
Schellenberg to communicate with his immediate superior, Reichfuehrer Heinrich 

Dulles constantly sent intelligence reports to Washington, building a complicated 
empire of information and disinformation that reached from Bern to Berlin and back 

Dulles moved from Bern to become OSS station chief in Berlin at the end of the 
war. In 1947, when the OSS was rolled into the newly-created CIA, Dulles’ translator 
was an Army Intelligence officer named Henry Kissinger, who would go on to become 
secretary of state under President Richard Nixon to help further the aims of his pro-Nazi 

Project Paperclip quickly came under the control of an “old Boy” network 
encompassing members of the Eastern Establishment and Council on Foreign Relations. 
After its inception, Paperclip was run by the Intelligence Division of the U.S. Army’s 
European Command, directed by Robert Walsh operating out of Berlin. “The Paperclip 
office operated out of the Intelligence Division’s headquarters in Heidelberg, under 
Deputy Director Colonel Robert Schow, who would become assistant director of the CIA 
in 1949 and assistant chief of staff for intelligence in 1956. 

After assuming the directorship of the newly-created CIA, Allen Dulles, that man 
who had brokered the deals allowing Hitler’s rise to power as attorney for the Shroeder 
bank, assumed control over Project Paperclip and increased the flow of National 
Socialists into the United States. 

Former Nazi spymaster Generalmajor Reinhard Gehlen, who had been named by 
Hitler to head the Fremde Heere Ost or Foreign Armies East, met with the CIA director 
Dulles and offered his extensive spy network to the CIA in exchange for non-prosecution 


of their Nazi pasts, Dulles had the scientists’ dossiers re-written to eliminate 
incriminating evidence of their work for the Nazis. This Nazi network, known as the 
Gehlen Organization, became America’s eyes and ears in the early days of the Cold War. 

Under Gehlen’s proposal to offer up his intelligence network, it was stressed that 
it would operate independently and as an equal, offering the Americans only the 
information they requested or he decided to share, but never in any way conflicting with 
the interests of his Fatherland. In other words, everything the United States learned about 
Soviet aims and capabilities at the end of World War II, came from an anti-communist 
underground filtered through a Nazi organization. Small wonder there was an immediate 
Cold War, which may well have been the globalist’s plan since their 1917 creation of 
communism in Russia and their attempt to form a League of Nations. 

Another forgotten connection between US authorities and the Nazis was the 
International Criminal Police Organization known as Interpol. 

Interpol was created as the International Criminal Police Commission in 1924, the 
same year J. Edgar Hoover became director of the FBI. It was headquartered in Vienna, 
Austria. It was established to assist in international police cooperation. In 1938, following 
the Anschluss or unification of Germany and Austria, the organization came under Nazi 
control and until the end of World War II functioned as an intelligence and enforcement 
arm of the Gestapo. During those years, Interpol was headed by some of the most 
notorious Nazi war criminals, such as SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Reinhard Heydrich, who 
chaired the infamous Wannsee Conference where the Holocaust was planned; Arthur 
Nebe, the criminal police chief who also commanded Einsatzkommandos or Killer 
Squads that liquidated “undesirables” and Emst Kaltenbrunner, who succeeded the slain 
Heydrich and was hanged at Nuremberg for war crimes. Working with Heydrich at 
Interpol was a young SS officer named Paul Dickopf. After the war, Dickopf served as 
president of Interpol from 1968 to 1972. 

At the recommendation of FBI Director Hoover, who always seemed more 
concerned with communists than Nazis, the United States formally joined Interpol just 
two weeks after the 1938 Nazi Anschluss of Austria. Hoover kept up a friendly 
correspondence with Nazi Interpol leaders until a few days after Pearl Harbor when 
apparently he felt such connections might tarnish his image. 

In 1946, Hoover side-stepped the U.S. State Department by attending a meeting in 
Brussels to formally reconstitute Interpol, where he was elected vice president. Many 
researchers claim Hoover gained blackmail leverage over many prominent American 
business and political leaders by acquiring the Nazi/Interpol intelligence files at the end 
of World War II. To this day, Interpol officials have declined to seek out Nazi war 
criminals, claiming such action is beyond its jurisdiction. 

Otto Skorzeny, the Nazi commando who may have recovered Solomon’s Treasure 
for the Nazis in early 1944, made his way to post-war Egypt where he created an 
Egyptian “Gestapo” staffed almost completely with former SS officers. This operation 
encompassed the Nazi-oriented Muslim Brotherhood, a progenitor of today’s al Qaeda 
terrorist organization. Hassan al-Banna a Wahabi sect leader formed the Muslim 
Brotherhood, which was taken over by Nazis before WW II. After the war, the 
Brotherhood was passed by British Intelligence to old OSS which soon became CIA 
under Allen Dulles. In 1954, the Brotherhood was banned in Egypt and so moved to 


Saudi Arabia. The CIA used them during the 1980s in Afghanistan when the 
Brotherhood’s name was changed to al Qaeda. One member was Osama bin Laden. 

But the post-war Nazi intrusion was not limited to the military and intelligence 
communities. The globalist supporters of National Socialism had long worked to gain 
control over the fields of medicine, pharmaceuticals and psychology. 

By the time of his death in 1937, John D. Rockefeller and his only son, John D. 
Rockefeller Jr., had not only built up an amazing oil empire but had established such 
institutions as the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (established 1901), the 
General Education Board (1903), the University of Chicago (1889), the Rockefeller 
Foundation (1913) and the Lincoln School (1917), where the Rockefeller siblings began 
their education, and Rockefeller University in New York City. These Rockefeller-funded 
institutions ensured their early entry into the fields of medicine, pharmaceuticals and 

The Rockefellers were also interested in the eugenics movement, a program of 
scientifically-applied genetic selection to maintain and improve their ideal human 
characteristics, which included birth and population control. In 1910, the Eugenics 
Records Office was established and endowed with grants from Mrs. Edward H. Harriman 
and John D. Rockefeller. Along with the previously documented business alliances 
between Standard Oil and |. G. Farben, Standard Oil Vice President Frank Howard also 
served as chairman of the research committee at Sloan Kettering Institute, today known 
as the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the New York City-based cancer center 
built in 1939 on land donated by John D. Rockefeller Jr. and financed by the Rockefeller 
family. The American College of Surgeons maintained a monopolistic contro] of U.S. 
hospitals through its Hospital Survey Committee, with members Winthrop Aldrich and 
David McAlpine Pyle representing the Rockefellers. 

Major colleges and universities across the U.S., as well as many small institutions 
in every state, received aid from the Rockefeller founded General Education Board 

Globalist-supported researchers advanced the German Nazis’ plan to drug entire 
populations with sodium fluoride, previously used only as a rat poison. The Nazi SS 
placed fluoride in the drinking water of the concentration camps to keep the inmates 
docile and unresisting. Today, two-thirds of America’s water supply is fluoridated, 
ostensibly to prevent cavities in children between the ages of seven and 12. 

In the 1970s, American drug companies developed the antidepressant Prozac 
(flouxetine) followed by Zoloft (sertraline), Effexor (venlafaxine) and Paxil (paroxetine). 

Dr. Helmut Remschmidt, who led the study of hyperactivity in children, studied 
under Dr. Hermann Stutte, who received his doctorate from Robert Sommer, director of 
the Deutscher Verband fur psychische Hygiene or the German Association for Mental 
Hygiene. Dr. Remschmidt, long after the war, still pointed to “a genetic answer” to 
hyperactivity and was a leading proponent of the use of drugs such as Prozac (Fluoxetine) 
which is 94% fluoride. 

Remschmidt was a disciple and protégé of Nazis and their racist theories have 
been passed down from teacher to student to subsequent generations of child and 
adolescent psychiatrists. The number of child psychologists in U.S. schools grew from a 
mere 500 in 1940 to more than 22,000 in 1990. 

The influx of Nazi-developed psychiatrists after World War II, particularly in the 
military and intelligence fields, has produced a blossoming of psychological disorders. 


The American Psychiatric Association in its 1952 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for 
Mental Disorders (DSM) defined only 112 mental disorders. By the publication of DSM- 
IV in 1994, the number had grown to 374. The number of child psychologists in U.S. 
schools grew from a mere 500 in 1940 to more than 22,000 by 1990. A person once seen 
as shy today is said to be suffering from “social anxiety disorder.” 

Likewise indefensible are the drugs used to treat these questionable mental 
afflictions. Ritalin, for example, is now taken by more than a million American 
youngsters. A 1986 edition of The International Journal of the Addictions listed 105 
adverse reactions to Ritalin, including suicidal tendencies. And Americans wonder why 
there has been a rash of school shootings and teen suicides in recent years. 

Virtually every one of the horrendous school shootings (a few of the shooters 
have their medical records sealed from the public) involve the use of mind-altering drugs, 
a fact passed over by the mass media, which counts on drug advertising for a major 
portion of its revenues. Direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising grew from $791 
million in 1996 to more than $3.8 billion by 2004. 

One willing accomplice of the globalist/Nazi nexus was an obscure Republican 
politician from California. According to author Webster Tarpley, future President 
Richard M. Nixon became Allen Dulles’ mouthpiece in Congress. Tarpley added, “Both 
he and Senator Joseph McCarthy received volumes of classified information to support 
the charge that the Truman administration was filled with ‘pinkos.” When McCarthy went 
too far in his Communist investigations, it was Nixon who worked with his next-door 
neighbor, CIA Director Walter Bedell Smith [who took James Forrestal’s seat on MJ-12], 
to steer the investigations away from the intelligence community [and the Nazis].” 

Nixon, who joined the Council on Foreign Relations in 1961 but resigned in 1965 
after his membership became a campaign issue, got an initial boost to his political career 
in the later 1940s by befriending a Nazi named Nicolae Malaxa, a Romanian who had 
been a former business partner with Nazi Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goering. It was 
Nixon’s influence, along with the Dulles brothers, who freed Malaxa’s money frozen in 
Chase National Bank during the war. Nixon’s share was $2 million which was used to 
advance his political career. “The Treasury Department official who had frozen this 
money was the same man whose legal firm won Malaxa’s case to retrieve it,” noted 
former U.S. Attorney and Nazi hunter John Loftus, adding, “Such interrelationships were 
very common between émigré Fascists and the right-wing of the American 

President Lyndon Johnson was surrounded by a coterie of advisers, collectively 
known as his “Wise Men.” All were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. These 
included Nazi supporters such as John J. McCloy, Averell Harriman, and George F. 
Kennan. “By the early 1960s the Council on Foreign Relations, Morgan and Rockefeller 
interests and the intelligence community were so extensively interbred as to be virtually a 
single entity,” noted Professor Donald Gibson. 

Nixon, who succeeded Johnson, in 1972 appointed G. H. W. Bush chairman of 
Republican National Committee and initiated “ethnic committees” filled with pro-Nazis. 
Nixon staffers watched Nazi propaganda films in the White House and G. Gordon Liddy 
named his “plumbers,” who burgled the Democratic National Committee offices in the 
Watergate Hotel, the Organization Directed to Eliminate Subversion of the Secrets of the 
Administration, in honor of the Nazi ODESSA rat line used “by acquaintance of mine.” 


In March 1980, less than two months after succeeding Nixon in office, President 
Ronald Reagan was shot. His accused assassin, John Hinckly, was son of Bush oil 
association and Bush’s son Neil was scheduled to have dinner with Hinckly’s brother that 
very night. For many months, while many Americans prayed for Reagan’s recovery, the 
son of Nazi financier Prescott Bush ran the nation. 

Vice President Bush took control during Reagan’s convalescence and initiated the 
Iran-Contra scandal, seen widely as an attempt to start a war in Central America. Bush’s 
name, including his little-known nickname of “Poppy,” was found in the personal 
notebook of oil geologist George DeMohrenschildt, the last-known close friend of 
accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. 

Reagan, who had attacked Trilaterals, manipulated into accepting George Bush as 
vice president. Following his 1980 election, Reagan’s 59-member transition team was 
composed of 28 Council on Foreign Relations members, 10 members of the elite 
Bilderberg group and at least 10 members of The Trilateral Commission. He even 
appointed prominent CFR members to three of the nation’s most sensitive offices— 
Secretary of State Alexander Haig, Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger and 
Secretary of the Treasury Donald Regan. Additionally, he named Bush’s campaign 
manager James A. Baker III, who then served a chairman of the Reagan-Bush campaign 
committee, as his chief of staff. Baker is a fourth-generation member of a family long 
connected to Rockefeller oil interests. 

Aspertame - Donald Rumsfeld, CEO of Searle, was on President Reagan's 
transition team and the day after Reagan took office, appointed an FDA Commissioner 
who approved aspartame, an artificial sweetener that is the object of growing 
controversy. The new FDA Commissioner, Arthur Hull Hayes, over-ruled the 
government’s Board of Inquiry and then went to work for the PR agency of the 
manufacturer, Burson-Marstellar, rumored at $1000.00 a day, and has refused to talk to 
the press ever since. 

One indication that Reagan may have been under the influence of fascists came in 
May, 1985, when he laid a wreath at a soldier’s cemetery in Bittburg, Germany, where 
many Nazi SS officers were buried. It was also the former site of Bergen-Belsen 
concentration camp. Although a hue and cry went up from veterans organizations and 
Jewish groups prior to his visit, Reagan followed through with his plan to honor war 

Former Nixon White House counsel John W. Dean in his book Broken 
Government wrote: “It has been new on Capitol Hill since about 1997, about three years 
after the GOP gained control of the House; it has been new to the White House since 
2001, with the arrival of George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney, although its roots first 
emerged during the Nixon presidency and began blossoming in the Reagan and Bush 
Senior years.” He was referring to neo-conservatism, a more modern name for National 

Constitutional conservatives have been flummoxed by voting for self-proclaimed 
“conservatives” only to find such leaders advancing Socialist programs such as the 
controversial No-Child-Left-Behind Act of 2001. This act drew immediate criticism from 
educators, state authorities and libertarians alike. They questioned the act’s sweeping 
proposals, which range from forcing teachers to conform to federally-mandated 
curriculum to inflicting monetary punishments on schoo! districts that did not live up to 


federal expectation, even to taking state control or turning them over to private 
management companies. They also questioned the $410 million apportioned for the 
education of migratory children, most of whom come from the families of illegal aliens. 
Standardized testing has proven a handicap to children who speak English as a second 

Modern National Socialists, like their German antecedents, have used religion to 
cover a multitude of anti-libertarian laws and policies. 

Just a few of the better-known organizations and foundations linked by 
membership or funding to the plutocracy that once supported the Nazis include the 
Agency of International Development, American Civil Liberties Union, American 
Council of Race Relations, American Press Institute, Anti-Defamation League, Arab 
Bureau, Aspen Institute, Association of Humanistic Psychology, Battelle Memorial 
Institute, Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Center for 
Constitutional Rights, Center for Cuban Studies, Center for Democratic Institutions, 
Christian Socialist League, Communist League, Environmental Fund, Fabian Society, 
Ford Foundation, Foundation for National Progress, German Marshall Fund, Hudson 
Institute, Institute for Pacific Relations, Institute on Drugs, Crime and Justice, 
International Institute for Strategic Studies, Mellon Institute, Metaphysical Society, 
Milner Group, Mont Pelerin Society, National Association for the Advancement of 
Colored People, National Council of Churches, New World Foundation, Rand Institute, 
Stanford Research Institute, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, Union of Concerned 
Scientists, International Red Cross and the YMCA. 

Today’s electronic media would be the envy of Nazi Propaganda Minister Paul 
Joseph Goebbels as a mere six multinational corporations control virtually everything the 
American population sees and hears. 

These media giants—Time Warner Inc., The Walt Disney Company, Viacom, 
Vivendi Universal, News Corporation and Bertelsmann AG—control print publishing, 
radio and television and also hold sway over magazines, motion pictures, cable networks, 
satellite radio and TV, book clubs, theme parks, phone companies, Internet servers and 
even billboards. 

Bertelsmann, for example, is the world’s largest publisher in the English 
language. It is a multinational media corporation based in Gutersloh, Germany, that 
employs more than 88,000 employees in 63 countries. Bertlesmann controls BMG Music 
Publishing, the world's third largest music publisher; in 2002, it bought the Internet 
music-sharing firm Napster; 14 music labels including Arista Records, BMG, RCA 
Records, RCA Victor Group and Windham Hill; 10 Television networks, seven radio 
stations, five productions houses; five newspapers, 21 magazines including Family 
Circle, Parents, Geo and Stern. Bertelsmann’s real power comes from their ownership of 
publishing houses which include Random House, Ballantine Books, Del Rey, Fawcett, 
Bantam, Delacorte Press, Dell, Delta, Spectra, The Dial Press, Bell Tower, Clarkson 
Potter, Crown Publishers, Harmony Books, Broadway Books, Doubleday, Doubleday 
Religious Publishing, Main Street Books, Harlem Moon, Alfred A. Knopf, Anchor, 
Everyman’s Library, Pantheon Books, Vintage, The Modern Library, Random House 
Children’s Books, Fodor’s Travel Publications, Living Language, RH Puzzles and 
Games, RH Reference Publishing and Princeton Review, just to name a few. It also owns 
YES Solutions, a large provider of creative, media and operational services. A 


partnership between Bertelsmann and Time Warner in 2002 produced Bookspan, the 
parent organization of Doubleday Entertainment which directs the world’s largest book 
clubs, including Arvato, Book-of-the-Month Club, Black Expressions, Children’s Book- 
of-the-Month Club, Behavioral Science Book Club, Computer Books Direct, Architects 
and Designers Book Service, Country Homes & Gardens, Crafter’s Choice, Discovery 
Channel Book Club, Doubleday Book Club, History Book Club, Intermediate & Middle 
Grades Book Club, The Literary Guild, The Military Book Club, Mystery Guild, Primary 
Teachers’ Book Club, Scientific American Book Club, Science Fiction Book Club and 
various foreign book clubs. In April, 2007, Directgroup Bertelsmann acquired a 50 
percent share of the Bookspan partnership. 

Not publicly listed, Bertie, as Bertelsmann is sometimes called, is 76.9 percent 
owned by the Bertelsmann Foundation created by the German Bertelsmann and Mohn 
families. The remaining 23.1 percent ownership resides with the Mohns. 

Heinrich Mohn, chief of Bertelsmann house from 1921 onward, was a member of 
a patrons group sponsoring the Nazi SS. During wartime, Bertelsmann had close ties to 
Goebbels’ Propaganda Ministry and published 19 million books, making it the largest 
publisher for the German Army, reported the Independent Historical Commission for 
Investigating the History of the Bertelsmann House during the Third Reich (IHC), a 
group created in Britain in the late 1990s. 

The reach and power of such corporations, most with a Nazi background as has 
been noted, today dominate virtually every sphere of life. 

Paolo Lionni, in his 1993 book The Leipzig Connection, wrote: “It would be false 
to say [John D. Rockefeller] was the mastermind of international intrigue and deception. 
But it wouldn't be false to say the Rockefeller money has been used in various ways to 
forward social and global control through economics, foundations, the United Nations, 
universities, banking, industry, medicine, and of course, education, psychology and 

“It is not incorrect to say that a major segment of today's modern institutions 
exist, not because of honest study and concern for the truth in the respective fields, but 
because Rockefeller's money was available at their inception to fund incredible PR 
campaigns, establish "professional" publications and societies, steam roller over any 
competition (regardless of their legitimacy or value), and continue selling the ideas until 
accepted and institutionalized within the basic fabric of society. 

“*’..That's a tremendous amount of control and involvement for one group! What 
if the theories and practices they funded and continue to fund are fundamentally flawed 
and don't lead to the best possible situations in the various fields mentioned? Well, the 
views in most of those areas are fundamentally flawed and they don’t lead to the best 
solutions in ‘mental health’, education, medicine, sanity and happiness. But, most likely, 
despite all "humanitarian" posturing, they were never intended to.” 

Is it possible that the wealthy globalist families and companies that first created 
communist Socialism in Russia then National Socialism in Germany have today created a 
new empire in the United States—a Fourth Reich? 

The signs are ominous. Since 2000, the nation’s commander and chief has been 
the grandson of a man prosecuted by the U.S. Government in 1942 for being a financial 
front man for Hitler and his Nazis. The governor of the most populous state in the Union, 
Arnold Schwarzenneger, is the son of a Austrian Nazi Brown Shirt leader and, until 


recently was close friends to Kurt Wahlheim, who was deposed as president of Austria 
after his Nazi background became known. Even Pope Benedict XVI, as young Joseph 
Ratzinger in Poland, was a member of the Hitler Youth. 

Using German advances in the study of the human mind, behavior, and 
propaganda, global Socialists, squeezing in from both the political left and right, today 
are attempting to subdue the American population through a maze of government 
policies, drugs, a dumbed-down education system, and a controlled corporate mass 
media. Political and corporate leadership continually swap roles creating a merger of the 
state and industry — the very definition of fascism. Mergers and leveraged take-overs 
have concentrated corporate power into fewer and fewer hands, many of those directly 
connected through banking and corporate ties to pre-war support for the Nazis. 

Law enforcement personnel increasingly no longer wear the blue uniforms of 
police sworn “to serve and protect,” but black body armor with the German-style military 
helmets, initially dubbed the “Fritz” by the soldiers. 

Even the fields of religion, education, and entertainment are being used to 
transform whole generations of formerly free Americans into cowed and subservient 
members of an increasingly National Socialist or Nazi system. 

# # # # 


UFOs: The Good News & Bad News 

By Dr. John B. Alexander 

Copyright 2008 Dr. John B. Alexander 


Presented By Fo coe 
John B, Alexander, Ph.D. boat 

Las Vegas, NV 
9 November 2008 





+ By definition, UFOs must exist 

* That does not state what they are 

+ The evidence supporting physical reality of 
UFOs & overwhelming 

+ Those who claim there is no evidence really 
mean they have never examined it 

+ My personal interest started in 1947 

- I've had only one minor sighting 
EET Ise. 

Whatever is going on 
_ Itts sexribly complex 
sada ‘ PT Na 



Wat rantiser ene 


“His ‘Interest in alien abductions and paranormal 
phenomena, about which most scientists are deeply 

skeptical, raise questions about his judgment... 

John Horgan - Selendfle Amwrican, July 1994 
 ———  —— 

“He would make a splendid character in a science 
fiction novel But he probably shouldn't be spending 

taxpayer money without adult supervision.” 
Suven Aftergood - £udlean Of Alamic Sclendses, Oct. 1994 


There is Good News and Bad News 
The Good N 

The Government Js telling the truth about UFOs 

(That does not include @ 


There is Good News and Bad News THE CONDON REPORT 

The Good News: 

sd TEE Searles ArrseT 
{OM Wikacete Bt 
TERIA aren 

The Government is telling the truth about UFOs ¢ } corre 
A Pe 
The Bad News: o $athe. 


The Government is telling the truth about UFOs 

; : : " ne ' UHID ER EOWAEE t COTDSY 

The New Hare Times 

* Condon was right - No UFO threat has emerged 
* Condon didn't even participate in study 
* Condon wrote Conclusions € Recommendations 
* Conclusions are inconsistent with body of the report 
* Scientific Community assumes the study was thorough 
* Condon Report remains wre scientific point of reference 
* The Condon Report met USAF objectives 
+ No more resources required 

+ “An action passed is an action handled” 





yg ~ 

WOLD LEE Sid \ Fin. 

UFOs are simply sot important to most people 


(That is different fram whether or not they believe in UFOs) 




In the USG there is NO “Department of Good Ideas” 


* UFOs? ET 
+ Cattle Mutilations ? UFOs 
* If Strange Things Fly - Then 
USG has UFO Technology 

+ Having UFO Reports does not 
Confirm Official Interest 

* Withholding Reports does not 
mean Official Interest 






“The Misidentification of Causal Relationships” 


- Technologies cause bad behavior 

- Guns kill people (No, people kill people) 

- Use of OC is equivalent of Zyclon B by Nazis 
- Treaties protect people 

- Non-Lethal Weapons generate conflict 











pee ae 















flo San Pauto Sac Jase cos Cam 

y Averatt 

Duration 3 Hours + 

Confirmation Views, GCR ACR 

F-5E Surrounded 

dt Minister Made Public Report 










+ Malrutrom PK fo Maree 167 (arty Mererez) 
* Tee Lowect Sin Eagerterce Nemattanerns Fabere 
* Oscar Sat, A TOK Ma OT Lane 
+ Lebo Sate, 14 af fo 1M OT Lawe 
+ SAC Hemtqesrten ia Neer Cheon 
+ Severiy Comaecds Kepurt Ueatestifed Otyret: Near Sls 

+ Security Garant arr Pinghiewed 

* Fateasive Tevts Failed to Reveal eases Gor Faere 

* Rewer Syvters Dt Not Ce Dew 
+ Normal MIEBE = Tee Minukes per Syaptres per Vern 

+» Wereetaes ere Adement and Conseient (hoet Wiel Ocrerred 

PHOENIN LIGHTS - 13 March 1997 

+N well patie wed evnat carried by ealvenal myeeey om dare 
* Started om Heatomes Nevada. crment Phowsat, sora at Tervet 

+ Meluiple vadeutayes ef sighhege 

+ Frscett Arizcca vedeotaae shams lace CFM Beth log mat teary 
+ Maay creditis ores teres 

= LS AP cepeeet ateot Grepisng Mares doce ft Lact 

+ Witzers rrpects Grivieg ander the erat for twa munares af 9 ME 

« tetependeat repent few cme NIDS S48 centers af biter time 



Dr. Walter LaBerge 
Former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense 

“You're not suppose to know that. 

That's what you learn when you die!” 
(Ln reponse to my UFO briefing to BAST-STAR) 



+ We (NIDS) knew Corso years b 

+ I checked his story in depth and 

+ Corso was assigned when & where he claims 
+ Corso was very tight with Lt Gen Trudeau 

+ None of the technology claims are real 
+ Integrated Circuitry 

+ Lasers 
+ Night Vision 
+ [sent a seven page letter detailing d 

One week before he died we met and he told me he needed 
To write another book to correct the earlier mistakes 






a Toe 


A trillion dollars missing without 
Cong essional or Presidential 

~Baieve every word of Corso.” 

Many military planes destroyed 
On encounters with UFOs 








* Direct contact + Mailbox drop 
* Identity vetted See = Anonymous sources 

* Powerful newspaper : * Relative unknowns 

* Young national reporters ‘ * Limited/no experience 
* Massive resources ’ » Limited resources 

* President responsible + “They” responsible 

* Hard evidence * Conspiracy theories 

* Jail 







Self Cash or 
Serve Credit 

vee ARM? 

~  LEG® 



(, Olese] #2 05395) sail =/ i & 

aii me Basa mm 










President Eiserhower Ler 
Meets The Aliens Al Lob - . = ba } . 
_—— OL LNVM I 
ges Eee! ’ 


7 4 ‘4_ oat 

Oe i lee eee 





“Oh, I saw them three times!" 

Nance KMTWTC fon DAcovEAY (Abie 


* FAA 







* Privately make the decision to hold hearings 

* Don’t be in a hurry to set the dates 

+ Increase your knowledge of the topic 

* Broaden the support base within Congress 

* Allow for development of supporting materials 

+ Assist in dissemination of Information to Congressmen 
and staffers on a dose-hold basis 

* Delay formal announcement of any decision 


My Question to him: 
Can you take a 20 point hit in the polls? 

ite . — 


MAY 4%, 2001 

CSETI: Ambassador to the Universe training 
CE-S: “Mutual, bilateral communication” 
a ia a he 

— a 

And you expect Congress to buy into this? 

= — in 


* The evidence for the existence of UF Os is undeniable (multi-sensor, 
credible witnesses, physical evidence) 

* This is a political mined 

* There we vast differences between most scientists and the general public 
* The Govermment’s record for truthfulness on this topic is not guod 

* There are excelent scientists and high quality witnesses available 

+ There are many “nuts” and incompetent researchers in the Meld 

* The worst thing that coald huppen is a “whitewash” 

Congress must be seen as 
-Responding to constituents 
- Suflflciently thorough 
- Unbiased 






James Sensenbrenner (A-WI1) 
Then-Chairman House Committee on 
Science, Space,& Technology 


= Greetings. Permit me to introduce myseif. I am Dr. Richard 
Boylan, appointed by Star Nations as Councilor of/for Earth with 
respect to Star Nations High Council. I will be speaking now for 

both Star Nations, and for die Human species of Eurth.” 
13 April 2008 


In July 2004 Mensa held their national meeting 

In Las Vegas. There we two UFO presentations 
CON: CSICOPS (Now CSI) — Robert Sheaffer 

Sheaffer sat directly in front of me 
And this is how I opened 

CSL Never let facts ) 



were ee mee 

oo ttn NN 
AAU Wes 













> Personal and Institutional Interest 
+ Believing In UFOs and really caring about them 
* Beliefs and behaviors 




Moving UFOsto a front-bumer ~~ 

Se coal 


Issue will be aCHALLENGE __* 

~~ aiepeseiae 



if =. = ’ AMERICAN IDOL 4 




UFOs & the National Secruity State, Volume II 1973-1991 

Richard M. Dolan 
© 2008 by Richard M. Dolan 


Overview of the Book 

. Global Suangeness, 1973 to 1975 
. Intruder Alert, 1975 to 1976 
3: Great Expectatons, 1976-1977 
4: The Empire Strikes Back, 1979-1980 
: Cloak and Dagger, 1981-1983 
: Calm Before the Storm, 1984-1986 
: Ufology Explodes, 1987-1988 
: Into Dreamland and Beyond, 1989-1990 
: False Dawn, 1990-1991 



a UFO Sightings 

=» Emphasis when possible on military encounters 
=» Govemment response to UFOs 

= Evolution of research 

m Military technology (open and secret) 

= Broad geopolitical and technological changes 

= The ongoing attempts to end UFO secrecy 

Book Features 

= Government documents/archival sources 

m Research joumals, publications, and books 

= Personal interviews /correspondence 

m= About 500 pages 

m= Pictures 


1: Global Strangeness, 1973-1975 

A Retum of the UFOs m 1975: An Extraordinary Year 
The State of Ufology m 1975: UFOs and the Spanish Mihtary 

UFO Crash in Wales Again 
The French Minister of Defense UFOs Over Montana ICBMs 

The Wave in Spain Enter the Tangles 

ET in the Himalayas? May 3, 1975: A Forgotten Day 
All Quiet in the West More Military Encounters 
The Ronald Reagan UFO Sighting 1975: The State of Technology 
Political Crisis and Freedom of UFO Research in 1975 
Information Remote Viewing the Aliens 
Nixon, Gleason, and Alien Bodies Politics 

Behind the Scenes UFOs Elsewhere in the World 

Global Strangeness 

= Extensive activity in Europe, especially Spain 
= Major statement by French Minister of Defense 

= Political intrigue and crisis 

a A weeklong sighting of tnangles 
= Outbreak of Strangeness in the U.S. 



2. Intruder Alert, 1975-1976 

Helicopters and Muulations in the 
Amencan West 

A New Pattem in Abductions 

The FBI Backs Away From 

Going Crazy in the West 
NORAD’s Top Alert 

Up a Notch: Lonng Air Force Base 
The Wurtsmith AFB Encounter 
From Bad to Worse 

Malmstrom Air Force Base, 

Some Unconfinned Encounters 

Fire in the Sky - The Travis Walton 

Summung, Up 1975 

1976: The State of UFO Research 
1976 Politics 

UFOs in the US.: 1976 

Somebody Else Is On the Moon - 
and Other Interestng Leaks 

UFOs Summer 1976 

ET over the Canary Islands? 
Incident Over Tehran 
Elsewhere in the World 

Intruder Alert 

m Perhaps unparalleled activity in U.S. 

= Animal mutilations 

m Air space violations 

m= New abduction cases 
m= Unmarked helicopters 

mw [ran 

= Government silence on UFOs and mutes 

3: Great Expectations, 1976-1978 

Jimmy Carter and the Trilateral 

Freedom of Information 

Daniel Sheehan and the Vault 
White House UFO Project 

Things Go South 

Suingfield’s Leaks 

NASA’s Troubles, and The Grenada 

Movies and the Media 

Government Policies Elsewhere 
1977: A Year of Aerial Encounters 
UFOs that Kall 

The Return and Departure of Mr. Azelrod 
A Global Aenal Crescendo 

Citizens Against UFO Secrecy 

The Crash Retrieval Syndrome 
Moving Toward a Breakout? 

U.S. Sightngs 

The Fort Di: - McGuire AFB Inadent 
Spnng Sightngs 

The Pell Island Explosicn 

U.S. Military UFO Sightings in 1978 
UFOs in the World, 1975 

South America 

Britain and the Continent 

Middle East 

The Soviet Union’s UFC Programs 
China and Australana 

Great Expectations 

= Jimmy Carter and NASA 

Leonard Stringfield’s leaks 

mw The Grenada initiative 

w Aenal UFO encounters 

Shooting at Fort Dix? 

1978 Global pandemic of UFOs 

Freedom of Information Act 


4: The Empire Strikes Back, 1979-1980 

The 1979 Drop Off 

Growing Paranoia 

The House of Lords Debates UFOs 
Mutlation Controversy 

1979; Mid-Year UFOs 

Fighting Amenica’s Goliath: the NSA 
Closing with a Bang and Invasion 
1980: A Year of Inmgue 

Spung Sightings 

Stangfield and The Photos 

More Tnangles 

The Rosnel! Inadent and the Spooks 
“A Mystenous Silence” 
Bennewitz — Doty — Moore 
Major Cases at the End of 1980 
The Cash-Landrum Inadent 

Encounter in Rendlesham Forest 

Close Aviation Encounters Conclusion 

A Strange Harvest 

The Empire Strikes Back 

m “David vs. Goliath”: CAUS vs. the NSA 
=m The Roswell Story 
= The Manzano Story 

= Paul Bennewitz, Richard Doty, and William 

m Cash-Landrum 

= Rendlesham 


5: Cloak and Dagger, 1981-1983 

Trans en Provence 

The Reagan Administration 

FOIA Fight - Bennewitz 

World Sightngs early 1981 through May 
Setbacks in the Fight Against Secrecy 
Abduction Debate 

Sightings. June through December 1981 
Colman VonKewezky and Barry 

Bennewitz and Doty 

1982: Pennsylvania UFOs 


Amenica: First Among Equals 
Big Brother: Grows Up 
Sightings in late 1982 

Star Wars, the Somets, and ET- 
Runaway Government 

The Hudson Valier Objects 
Researchers and the Spocks 
Ufology in Retreat? 

Philip Klass: One Man Disinfo Band 

The Cold War Escalates 

Flying by Stealth 

Two Important Stories Break 

World Sightings, early 
The Lid Stays On 
The Smuth-Sarbacher Connection: 

Cloak and Dagger 

m Trans en Provence case 
= Abduction debate 
= Hudson Valley UFOs 

= Ufology in retreat 



6: Calm Before the Storm, 1984-1986 

State of Ufology: 1984 

MUFON and the National Enguirer 
Governmental Policies 


Triangles and Balls of Light 

The Barbados Incident 

Giant UFOs Over the Hudson Valley 
The Hudson Valley UFO Conference 
Dangerous Soviet UFOs 

Media Damage Control 

Towards a New Era 


Leaks and Lore 

Conservative Ufology 

1985: A Quiet Year 

Reagan’s (First) Ahen Invasion Speech 
Pennsylvania Triangles 

The Challenger and Elhson Onizuka 
Dalnegorsk: The Soviet Roswell? 
The World 

Research: The Old and the New 
May 1986 - Pennsylvania and Brazil 
UnFunded Opportumtes 

Pelitcs and Scandal in late 1986 
Amazing Encounter Over Alaska 
The Young Internet 

Tracking Fastwalkers at Cheyenne 


Calm Before the Storm 

= Hessdalen 

=m The Hudson Valley 
a Interesting Leaks vs. Conservative Ufology 
= Dalnegorsk, Brazil, and Alaska 

= Un Funded Opportunities 

m Paranet 

7: Ufology Explodes, 1987-1988 

Overview . 
Redefining Ufology a 
The Abduction Revolution . 
A So-Called UFO Working Group? 2 
Cracks in the Secret World 2 
Leaking MJ-12 2 
The MJ-12 Affair Breaks 2 
Dr. Eric Walker " 
1987: A Quiet Year of UFOs . 
Gulf Breeze e 
The Lear Letters . 
1987: The Year in Review a 
The Knowles Family Encounter . 
The U.S. Coast Guard Encounters a 


Gulf Breeze: 1988 

Gulf Breeze - Crincisms 
Presidents Talking UFOs 
The End of APRO 
Strangeness in the Antelope Valley 
Enter Bill Cooper 

UFO Cover-Up? Live! 

Into the Dark Side 
Revealing Stealth Secrets 
The Norton/Lockheed ARV 
Bob Lazar and S-4 

Sightings in the World, 1928 

Ufology Explodes 

= Abduction Revolution 
a MjJ-12 breaks out 
w Dr. Enc Walker 

m The John Lear Statement 
= U.S. Coast Guard Encounter 
ws Gulf Breeze 

mw William Cooper 

a The Alien Reproduction Vehicle 



8: Into Dreamland and Beyond, 1989-1990 

The Bush White House 
Paranoia and Its Discontents 
The Eastem Empire Cracks 
The Bob Lazar Story 
MUFON Implodes 

UFO Sightings in the U.S. and 
World, Summer 1989 

The Strange Soviet Summer of 

Meet Bob Lazar 
Outbreak of Triangles 
Abducton in Manhattan 

Panama: Dress Rehearsal for a 
New Wodld Order 

Things Fall Apart 

Going to Area 51 

Gulf Breeze Revisted 

Gorbachev - Damage Control 
UFO Research Wars of 1990 
The Belgian Tnangles of 1990 
Soviet UFOs — Again 

Amencan Technology Ascendant 
Invesugaung Area 51 and Antelope 

Crop Circle Explosion 

Into Dreamland and Beyond 

= Growing schizsm in UFO research 

= The Bob Lazar story 

= MUFON’s cusis and Bill Moore’s confession 
= Strange times in the Soviet Union 

= Belgian Tnangles 

a Investigating Area 51 and Antelope Valley 

= Crop Circles 

9: False Dawn, 1990-1991 

The Abortive Disclosure 

UFOs in Early 1991 

Flocking to Area 51 

The Soviet Coup and Aftermath 
Faking Crop Circles 

UFOs in Space: STS-48 
Sightings over Europe 

The End of the Cold War 
Creating The New World Order 


Invasion of Kuwait 
Greifswald Lights 

Soviet cosmonauts, pilots, 
and ministers 

Antelope Valley 
The Media Pushes the 

m Warin the Gulf 

m The Miltary Abduction 

False Dawn 

a A possibly abortive UFO Disclosure 

m Aviation Weekly nearly spills some beans 

= The Gulf War and Media Control 

= Military Abductions? 

m= UFOs in space 

= The New World Order and the end of nations 




An era of major transition 

Ceaseless UFO encounters by militaries worldwide 

New perceptions by researchers toward the phenomenon 
A “re-politicization” of Ufology 

Constant exposure of UFO secrets 

Equally constant counter-initiatives by intelligence agencies 

A global transformation driven by technology and politics